Terms and Conditions
Anyone who works at, or has retired from, the University of Warwick (including research assistant) is eligible to become a member, and PhD or Masters's students are most welcome to play in any of our meetings on a guest basis.
New Members:
- Have their own set of clubs
- Have suitable golf attire (no jeans)
- Have golf shoes
- Have a basic understanding of rules/etiquette
- Be able to fill in a Stableford scorecard
- Have played before on a full course
- Have an idea of their handicap (if not a club player)
To join please click here
There is no annual subscription. Members pay on an event-by-event basis.
Society accounts are required to be settled on the day. Please pay in cash or via bank transfer to the Society Secretary.
Please email the Society Secretary ASAP. Failure to do so may result in being charged the full amount. This is dependent on the club's cancellation policy.
No show:
If a member confirms participation in an event and does not show up with prior notification they will be charged the full amount. Payable to the Society Secretary.
Conduct of Members:
The Society insists its members adhere to High Standards of Conduct and Trusting Player Integrity. Further reading. Link opens in a new window
Rules of play:
The standards of etiquette and rules of golf as determined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St AndrewsLink opens in a new window shall hold good, together with such local rules and by-laws applicable to the course played and any conditions applied by the Society committee.
The Secretary will keep records of society handicaps. If a member has a club handicap, the lower of the two will be used for society competitions. It is the responsibility of the member to inform the Secretary of any changes.