Longlist - individual nominations
Congratulations to all individual nominees! View the team nominations
All names, departments and details are listed as they were submitted by nominators. If you spot any mistakes, please email the team at uni.awards@warwick.ac.uk and we'll make amendments to this page.
Brilliant Newcomer
- Natasha Bedford, Warwick Sport
- Ainsley Briscoe, Conference Park & Events
- Luis Candelaria, Economics
- Sioned Cash, Warwick Accommodation
- Jerome Charmet, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Thomas Clarke, Estates
- Geraldine Connelly, Teaching Quality
- Joe Devlin, Human Resources
- Sarah Doughty, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
- Nick Edwards, History
- Jose Escribano Paez, History
- Rich Fain, Finance Office
- Robin Flint, Economics
- Ramkumar Govindaswamy, Economics
- Chloe Grainger, Engagement Group - Regular Giving
- Emily Hargreaves, Philosophy
- Karen Hartfield, Academic Office
- George Hill, Academic Office
- John Horsler, Health and Safety
- Robert Huckstepp, Life Sciences
- Helen Jones, Warwick Medical School
- Dr Ahmed Khan, Registrar's Group
- Karen Lockyer, Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Dr Tom Long, Politics and International Studies
- Nathalie Maillard, Warwick Business School
- Nicola McGowan, Warwick Medical School
- Donna McIntyre, Chemistry
- James McKeever, Estates
- Rebecca McKeown, Warwick Medical School
- Katie Michael, Warwick Print
- Angela Nakra, Library - Customer Services
- Karine Njoh, Academic Office - Student Records Management
- Anna Preston, Wellbeing Support Services
- Ellie Shields, Academic Office - Graduate School
- Professor Emma Smith, Centre for Education Studies
- Jordan Smith, IT Services
- Matt Sokola, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Alison Taylor, Learning and Development Centre
- Kathryn Thompson, Engineering
- Laura Waller, Library
- Melanie Ward, Conference Park & Events
- Jade Woodrow, Warwick Print
Community Contribution
- Professor Margaret Archer, Sociology
- Nick Barker, Chemistry
- Rosemary Cragg, Warwick Medical School - Dean's Office
- Pieralberto Guarniero, Statistics
- Richard Harrison, Engagement Group - CRM
- Helen Hewitt, Library
- Mark Hinton, Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Diane Sargeant, Estates
- Rachael Stephenson, Children's Services
Global Contribution
- Kogila Balakrishnan, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Esther de Perlaky, Student Careers and Skills
- Emma Langley, Centre for Lifelong Learning
Inspirational Leadership
- Keith Ansell-Pearson, Philosophy
- Professor Theo Arvanitis, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Katie Barlow, Student Recruitment, Outreach and Admissions Service (SROAS)
- Rohit Bhagat, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Ann Caine, Warwick Medical School
- Joel Cardinal, Estates
- Professor Aileen Clarke, Warwick Medical School
- Craig Colledge, Warwick Print
- Joanna Collingwood, Engineering
- Prof Gill Cooke, Engineering
- Daniel Dauber, Centre for Applied Linguistics
- Maria Do Mar Pereira, Sociology
- Professor Janet Dunn, Warwick Medical School - Clinical Trials Unit
- Alison Elton, Human Resources
- Claire Farnell, Warwick Arts Centre
- Corey Fincher, Psychology
- Jaine Fleetwood, Engagement Group - Development Office
- Joanne Garde-Hansen, Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies
- Roger Gemmell, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Gail Gibson, Warwick Business School
- Nikki Glover, Life Sciences
- Amy Hamson, Engineering
- Professor Cathia Jenainati, School for Cross Faculty Studies
- Jayne Lawrence, Centre for Teacher Education
- Chris Luck, International Student Office
- Andrew McAinsh, Warwick Medical School - Division of Biomedical Sciences
- Claire McCann, Engagement Group - Marketing Communications
- Jude McNabb, Warwick Business School
- Faye Murray, Warwick Business School
- Narinder Nanuwa, Estates
- Dr Deborah Outhwaite, Centre for Teacher Education (CTE)
- Kate Owen, Warwick Medical School
- Lesley Roberts, Warwick Medical School
- Ann Rous, Finance
- Faye Smith, Engagement Group - Regular Giving
- Jennifer Spalding, History
- Colin Sparrow, Mathematics
- Paul Taylor McCartney, Centre for Teacher Education
- Professor Paul Thornalley, Warwick Medical School
- Professor Nick Vaughan-Williams, Politics and International Studies
- Jonathan Vickery, Theatre Studies
Outstanding Contribution
- Simon Bailey, Life Sciences
- Emily Biggs, Psychology
- Lisa Bostock, Politics and International Studies
- Benjamin Cleaver, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Jennie Corden, Library
- Sam Cruickshank, Centre for Teacher Education
- Dr Alexia Hapeshi, Warwick Medical School
- Tracy Horton, Academic Office
- Tim Hunter, Warwick Medical School
- Mark Jones, IT Services
- Kayleigh Lampard, Student Recruitment, Outreach and Admissions Services (SROAS)
- Chris Luck, International Student Office
- Andrew Martin, Warwick Business School - Information Systems & Management
- Jeanette Morgan, Life Sciences
- Faye Murray, Warwick Business School
- Faye Neivens, Warwick Business School
- Giuseppe Pisanelli, Warwick Retail/ Cafe Library
- Emily Reid, Student Careers and Skills
- Neil Reynolds, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Alan Rivett, Warwick Arts Centre
- Jody Roche, Psychology
- Prof David Roper, Life Sciences
- Sarah Shalgosky, Warwick Arts Centre
- Mike Shipman, Chemistry
- Jamie Smallman, Warwick Conference Park and Events
- Peter Smith, Estates
- Stuart Stanley, Estates
- Dr Annunziata Videtta, Wellbeing Support Services
- Hossam Zeitoun, Warwick Business School
Public Engagement Contribution
- Dr Katherine Astbury, Modern Languages
- Dr Emmanuela Bakola, Classics
- Nick Barker, Chemistry
- Felicity Boardman, Warwick Medical School
- Ally Caldecote, Physics
- Dr Fabio Camilletti, Modern Languages
- Dr Anastasia Chamberlen, Sociology
- Professor Nicholas Chater, Warwick Business School
- Nicholas Dale, Life Sciences
- Professor Rebecca Earle, History
- Corinne Hanlon, Life Sciences
- Dr Anna Harpin, Theatre Studies
- Dr James Hodkinson, Modern Languages
- Dr Yvette Hutchinson, Theatre Studies
- Prof Christopher James, Engineering
- Dr Hannah Jones, Sociology
- Prof Sotaro Kita, Psychology
- Kevin Moffat, Life Sciences
- Dr Meleisa Ono-George, History
- Dr Deborah Outhwaite, Centre for Teacher Education
- Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Modern Languages
- Dr Michael Scott, Classics
- Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins, Global Sustainable Development
- Dr Vicki Squire, Politics and International Studies
- Flo Swann, History
- Helena Tuomainen, Warwick Medical School
- Dr Kimberley Wade, Psychology
- Dr Richard Wallace-Thompson, Film and Television
- Dr Helen Wheatley, Film and Television
Research Contribution
- Felicity Boardman, Warwick Medical School
- Dr Barry Dixon, Research and Impact Services
- Matthew Gibson, Chemistry
- David Haddleton, Chemistry
- Dr Matthew Jenner, Chemistry
- Roman Kozhan, Warwick Business School - Finance Group
- Dr Daniel Lester, Polymer Characterisation RTP
- Adrian Lloyd, Life Sciences
- Dr Karl Schoonover, Film and Television
- Professor Paul Thornalley, Warwick Medical School
- Pat Unwin, Chemistry
- Dr Helena White, Research and Impact Services
Service Excellence
- Stephen Allen, Estates
- Samita Bawa, Human Resources
- Sally Bromage, Estates
- Michelle Chilvers, Finance
- Jo Clarkson, Engagement Group - Market Research and Insight
- Jane Cooney, Politics and International Studies
- Donna D'Arcy, Warwick Business School
- Jack Davis, Warwick Retail
- Valya Dimitrova, International Student Office
- Alastair Dixon, Estates
- Barbara Drew, Engagement Group - University Events
- Colin Ellis, Economics
- Rich Fain, Finance Office
- James Farnhill, IT Services (Project Management)
- Julie Flanagan, HR Shared Services
- Ana Garcia, HR
- Monica Garcia Romero, Careers Office
- Sally Glassborow, Warwick Medical School
- Louise Gower, Warwick Accommodation (Student Reception)
- Alex Gray, Academic Office
- Vicky Groom, HR Shared Services
- Dr Sarah Holcroft, Research & Impact Services
- Ifan Johnston, Statistics
- Rosalind Johnstone, Physics
- Catherine Johnstone, Psychology
- Matthew Jones, IT Services
- David Josey, Registrar's Group - Delivery Assurance
- Michael Keenan, Estates
- Joanne Latimer, Academic Office
- Rhona Macdonald, Warwick Business School Doctoral Programme
- Nathalie Maillard, Warwick Business School
- Ninna Makrinov, Student Careers and Skills
- Elle Moses, HR Shared Services
- Hassan Nizami, Law
- John Palmer, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Nicki Pegg, Warwick Business School
- Alison Phillips, Engagement Group - Public Engagement
- Susanna Pinkney, School for Cross Faculty Studies
- Samantha Plumb, Warwick Medical School
- Heather Robson, Maths (Complexity)
- Ann Rous, Finance Office
- Professor Jeremy Smith, Economics
- Lin Sullivan, Warwick Business School
- Sharon Sword, Warwick Medical School
- Cheryl Tallett, Estates
- Dianne Walsh, Chemistry
- Linda Wilson, Psychology
- Jo-Ann Withers, Warwick Print
Student Experience
- Dr Tina Barnes, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Chris Bradford, Library
- Dave Cooper, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Kate Courage, Library
- Mohammed Dayoub, Modern Languages and Cultures
- Jennifer Eggert, Politics and International Studies
- Juanita Elias, Politics and International Studies
- Roger Fagge, History
- Liz Farmer, Psychology
- Dr. Michael Hammond, Centre for Education Studies
- Sally Hewitt, Centre for Teacher Education
- Simon Leigh, Engineering
- Dr Tom Long, Politics and International Studies
- Elliot Ludvig, Psychology
- Christos Mias, Engineering
- Dr Deborah Outhwaite, Centre for Teacher Education
- Jackie Pinks, Computer Science
- Anna Preston, Wellbeing Support Services
- Aditya Sarkar, History
- Alex Stremme, Warwick Business School
- Luke Tibbits, Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Bingsong Wang, Economics
- Charlotte White, Economics
- Leanne Williams, Life Sciences
- Vaclav Zdarek, Economics
Unsung Hero
- Sarah Ashworth, Wellbeing Support Services
- Matthew Bates, Academic Office
- Samita Bawa, Human Resources - Warwick Medical School
- Deborah Biggerstaff, Warwick Medical School
- Corine Bowell, Finance - Warwick Ventures
- Sally Bromage, Estates
- Gail Brooks, Estates
- Jane Bryan, Law
- Yvonne Budden, Library
- Lisa Burton, Warwick Business School
- Tegan Callender, Estates
- Debbie Castle, Children's Services
- Cathy Cattel, Warwick Accommodation
- Martin Chandler, Warwick Business School
- Terry Cheng, Economics
- Mark Christensen, Centre for Teacher Education
- Paula Clarke-Bennett, Centre for Education Studies
- Jo Clarkson, Engagement Group - Market Research and Insight
- Ben Cleaver, IT Services
- Dr Dawn Collins, Warwick Medical School
- Debbie Constable, Academic Office - Student Finance and Funding
- Donna D'Arcy, Warwick Business School
- Colin Ellis, Economics
- Julie Flanagan, Human Resources
- Beth Freeman, Estates
- Paul Goode, Life Sciences and WMS
- Louise Gower, Warwick Accommodation (Student Reception)
- Alison Greenhalgh, Centre for Applied Linguistics
- Phil Griffiths, Academic Registrar's Office
- Rachel Grimes, Engineering
- Jenny Hall, Engagement Group - Marketing Services
- Michelle Hampton, Warwick Manufacturing Group
- Richard Harrison, Engagement Group - CRM
- Susan Hart, Estates
- Andy Harvey, Library
- Sara Hattersley, Learning and Development Centre
- Lucy Hatton, Warwick Foundation Studies
- Mareike Herrmann, Physics
- Sheilagh Holmes, History
- Rob Huckstepp, Life Sciences
- Tim Hunter, Warwick Medical School
- Marion Imber and Sylvia Howell, Modern Languages
- Jack Ingaglia, HR Payroll
- Ray Irving, Warwick Business School
- Emily Jamieson, Warwick Business School
- Dr Mark Johnson, Warwick Business School - Operations Management Group
- Jeanette Jones, Academic Office - Student Finance
- Dr Cath Jones, Politics and International Studies
- Sukhbinder Kaur, Chemistry
- Janet Keene, Finance
- Russ Kitson, Chemistry
- Professor Ben Knight, Warwick Business School
- Rachel Leonard, Human Resources
- Fiona Linton, Mathematics
- Mel Lloyd-Smith, Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre
- Maria Lumley, Library
- Rhona Macdonald, Warwick Business School
- Tina Macskimming, Economics
- Clare Malyon, Conference Park & Events
- Dorothea Mangels, Chemistry
- Andras Mathe, Mathematics
- Claire McDonald, Warwick Medical School
- Helen McGowan, Warwick Medical School
- Dean McIlwraith, Student Careers and Skills
- Val Melling, History
- Prof Kevin Moffat, Life Sciences
- Elaine Moore, Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Prof Sarah Moss, English and Comparative Lit/Warwick Writing Programme
- Chockalingam Muthiah, Warwick Medical School
- Claire New, Warwick Medical School
- Jayne Patience, Graduate Records Officer
- Safina Perveen, Centre for Teacher Education
- Samantha Plumb, Warwick Medical School
- Jane Poole, Occupational Health
- Caroline Proctor, Law
- Mary Punch, Library
- Dr Judith Purkis, Warwick Medical School
- Benjamin Redding, History
- Emily Reid, Student Careers and Skills
- Heather Robson, Mathematics (Complexity Science)
- Andy Rothwell, Estates
- Matthew Scott, Residential Life
- Adrian Seymour, Engineering
- Sarah Shalgosky, Warwick Arts Centre
- Ann Simper, Economics
- Jennifer Smith, Library
- Sharon Sword, Warwick Medical School
- Kelly Taylor, Economics
- Kevin Thomas, Warwick Conference Park and Events
- James Tripp, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
- Nicky Turrell, Finance - Procurement and Insurance
- Sivamohan Valluvan, Sociology
- Dr Rebecca Vipond, Institute of Advanced Study
- Jayne Watkin, Occupational Health
- John Watson, Estates
- Tom Wong, Library