Europe: News and Commentary
MSN France: 30% des malades non détectés par les tests actuels
Dr James Gill, honorary professor at Warwick Medical School, says around 30% of negative results for COVID-19 tests could be false. (April 2020). Also in El Pais
L'Obs: Comment bien dormir quand on est confiné
Dr Nicole Tang, Department of Psychology, comments on the importance of getting good sleep during lockdown, and gives expert advice on how to do it. (March 2020)
National Geographic FR: Cette immense planète orbite autour d'une minuscule étoile
« Nous n'imaginions pas que des planètes aussi imposantes puissent exister aux côtés d'étoiles si petites » - Daniel Bayliss, professeur à l'université de Warwick. (mars 2020). Voir aussi: Fredzone
Euronews FR: Coronavirus
Dr Mike Tildesley explains why the mortality rate of COVID-19 varies across different European countries. Also in Euronews Espagnol. (March 2020)
ERT Greece: Warwick chemists produce hand sanitiser for local NHS in fight against COVID-19
Arkadios Marathianos, a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry, and originally from Crete, is part of a team producing sanitiser for the NHS and charitable organisations in the English Midlands. (His interview from 00:59:05) - March 2020
‘Macron network’ to establish €10m post-doc programme
The EUTOPIA community has been awarded Horizon 2020 funding to set up a post-doc programme for early career researchers on data and artificial intelligence, health and disease, and energy and sustainability - reported in World University News (February 2020)
European university alliance to launch €10.2M postdoctoral fellowship
Science Business magazine reports on EUTOPIA's new €10.2 million postdoctoral programme for early-career researchers who are working on data and artificial intelligence, health and disease, and energy and sustainability. (February 2020)
University Business: ‘Warwick is, and has been since its foundation, a European university’ - Prof Stuart Croft
"Universities should indeed be internationally connected centres of knowledge that encourage the movement of people and ideas to improve wider society — and that is precisely the focus of our EUTOPIA partnership."
Professor Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Warwick, writes in University Business about the EUTOPIA community of European campuses, which commenced its ERASMUS+ 'European Universities' project this month. (December 2019).
DELO: Evropska univerza prihodnosti
Slovenia's biggest national newspaper, Delo, reports on the start of the official start of the ERASMUS+ 'European Universities' pilot for the EUTOPIA network, and the meeting of the partner universities in Ljubljana. (December 2019).
STA: Work starting on "university of the future"
Slovenian press agency STA reports that the EUTOPIA project by six European universities to develop a new model of internationally connected, inclusive, student-led higher education officially kicked off in Ljubljana on Monday. (December 2019)