Expert Comment
The Death and Mourning for David Bowie
Following the recent death of David Bowie Deborah Lynn Steinberg, Professor of Gender, Media and Cultural Studies, takes a personal look at public mourning.
By adding a 'dislike' button Facebook is further 'digitalizing taste'
Dr David Wright, Director of Graduate Studies in the Center for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick comments on the addition of Facebook's dislike button.
We should welcome John Whittingdales appointment as Culture Secretary - Professor Jonothan Neelands
Professor Jonothan Neelands from Warwick Business School and a Director of Study for the recent Warwick Commission report Enriching Britain; culture, creativity and growth Final Report said: “We should welcome John Whittingdale’s appointment as Culture Secretary. I am certain it will be of great benefit to DCMS to have such an experienced minister in this role.
For many the killing of Michael Brown is a grim throwback to the era of lynching, where white people were rarely held accountable for their actions Dr Tim Lockley
Dr Tim Lockley is an American Historian. Reacting to the news of developments in the US overnight, he said: "The unrest in Ferguson has to be understood in a historic context of racial tension."
Severus Alexander and Amaseia
Dr Clare Rowan, Research Fellow in Numismatics, presents Warwick Department of Classics and Ancient History's Coin of the Month: Severus Alexander showing the city of Amaseia.