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Report on the future of children's health and wellbeing - expert comment

A new report by the WHO, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) and the Lancet Commission looks at the future of the health and wellbeing of today's children. Warwick Medical School's Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown has praised this as a positive step, but argues that it could have gone further in recognising challenges to children's mental health.

Prostate overtakes breast as 'most common cancer' - Expert comment

Professor Lawrence Young, Director of the Warwick Cancer Research Centre, University of Warwick, comments on the figures released today that show prostate cancer was the most common cancer diagnosis in 2018.

Mon 27 Jan 2020, 16:24 | Tags: WMS, Health, cancer, Expert comment, Health and Medicine, Public Health

WHO report that one in four children in England aren't getting enough sleep - Dr Michelle Miller comments

As a new report from the World Health Organisation shows that one in four 11 to 15-year-olds in England has too little sleep, Dr Michelle Miller of Warwick Medical School, discusses the what her own research into sleep in young people has revealed.

Thu 23 Jan 2020, 13:31 | Tags: WMS, Research, Health and Medicine, medicine, Warwick Medical School

‘Sleepwalking into male-orientated medicine’: University of Warwick academic speaks on medical feminism

A Warwick Medical School academic has highlighted how the medical profession’s historical focus on men has left a legacy of male-orientated medicine today in a talk for TEDxNHS.

Dr James Gill: Minimum pricing for alcohol 'is clearly part of the answer' in tackling alcohol abuse

Minimum pricing for alcohol in Scotland appears to have had the effect of reducing alcohol consumption, according to a new study. Dr James Gill from Warwick Medical School and a locum GP argues that this is strong evidence that targeting alcohol purchasing will have a public health benefit.

Thu 26 Sep 2019, 10:30 | Tags: WMS, Research, Health and Medicine, medicine, Warwick Medical School

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