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Expert Comment

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Expert reaction to study looking at sugary drinks intake and measures of IVF success

Prof. Geraldine Hartshorne, Head of Clinical Faculty, Warwick Medical School, comments on a study which indicates that IVF is less successful if a woman drinks full sugar soft drinks.

Science behind condom-detecting fingerprint test explained: Dr Maria van Agthoven

Dr Maria van Agthoven is a researcher in the University of Warwick's Department of Chemistry - she explains the science behind a new fingerprint test which can detect the brand of hair gel used by a suspect or whether they have handled a condom.

US has done everything North Korea wants: Dr Catherine Jones

Dr Catherine Jones, expert in East Asian politics from the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, comments on the increasingly hostile relationship between the USA and North Korea

Macron won’t let protests interfere with economic change: Dr David Lees

Dr David Lees, expert in French culture and politics from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comments on the protests in France against President Macron's labour law reforms.

Vote for Catalan independence: "A question of an illegal vote confronted by political intransigence"

Spanish police have detained 14 Catalan officials involved in organising an independence vote declared illegal by Spain’s government.

Thousands protested in the streets as a response to the government’s actions. Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, Professor of Hispanic Studies comments on why tensions in Catalonia are boiling over now

Thu 21 Sept 2017, 15:32 | Tags: Academic Staff, Europe, Expert comment, Hispanic Studies, History, protests

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