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Emeritus Professor Ian Tuersley on the missing Titanic submarine

Efforts at this stage are focused on trying to locate the vessel by listening for noises generated by the trapped crew, detected using sonar buoys – with a number of these having been deployed by rescue aircraft. If the noises can be picked up by more buoys it will help to narrow the search area considerably but the operation has been realistically compared to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Wed 21 Jun 2023, 16:37 | Tags: WMG, Marine

David Greenwood, Director of Industrial Engagement at WMG comments on the Britishvolt takeover by Recharge

“This is great news for the UK, allowing us to capitalise on the value realised under the previous ownership. High value jobs will be protected and created in the UK as a result of this purchase - not just in the company, but in its upstream and downstream supply chains...

Mon 27 Feb 2023, 11:57 | Tags: WMG, Transport, batteries

Government announcement on energy bill support for businesses

Mark Swift, Director of SME Engagement, WMG, University of Warwick, comments on the UK government announcement on Monday (9 Jan) to scale back energy subsidies for businesses for the next financial year to 5.5 billion pounds.

Tue 10 Jan 2023, 08:16 | Tags: WMG, business, energy

Government unveils plan to rollout self-driving vehicles on UK roads

Dr Siddartha Khastgir, Head of Verification & Validation (V&V) of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) at WMG, University of Warwick, says, "Research at WMG on the safety of self-driving vehicles has shown that having a strong regulatory approach can act as an enabler for the self-driving vehicle ecosystem, while also preventing unsafe technology being deployed which is key, as it provides guidance in design and performance benchmarks."

Mon 22 Aug 2022, 16:26 | Tags: technology, WMG, Transport

COP26 Cities, Regions and Built Environment: expert comment

Today's theme at the COP26 conference in Glasgow is 'Cities, Regions and Built Environment'. Read comment and opinions from our University of Warwick experts, and find out how their work contributes to reaching global climate goals.

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 10:50 | Tags: Climate change, University of Warwick, industry, WMG, climate, COP26, Transport

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