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Outstanding Grades

Two projects completed by staff from Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (CRER) Resources Centre have been graded outstanding by evaluators on behalf of the ESRC.

Tue 20 Jul 2004, 12:25 | Tags: Research, Sociology, University Services, University Affairs

Language - computation to conversation

Language surrounds us. Everyone picks up a language when they are too young to be aware that they are learning a language. You don’t have to go to school to learn your first language. It happens so easily that it is easy to take for granted. Easy as dropping off an apple tree. How hard is that? Well, understanding how things drop off apple trees has made for interesting science.

Tue 20 Jul 2004, 09:38 | Tags: Sociology, Education, Psychology, Culture, Art, German, French, English

The Issue: What more can Warwick do for the disabled?

By 2004, all businesses and service providers must improve access for those with disabilities or face legal action under the latest section of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act. Here, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Susan Bassnett asks what more can we do for the disabled?
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 09:22 | Tags: Sociology, University Services, University Affairs

The Issue: What shall we tell the Students?

Finally it's official: "On talking to university admission tutors around the country, it's clear that skills on entry are much lower than they were" - Jeremy Paxman (Start the Week, Radio 4, 11/3/02). If such an authority admits it then, despite all the official denials and claims of maintained or improving standards, it must be true.
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 08:48 | Tags: Sociology, Education

Well, are you happy with your job?...

...was the question posed by Professor Andrew Oswald, of the Department of Economics, at the first Warwick Speakeasy on Tuesday 4 December.

Tue 13 Jul 2004, 11:52 | Tags: Sociology, Economics, University Affairs

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