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Virtual Mead - memories and reflections on campus artworks

Meet a Warwick alumnus, anywhere in the world, and you're conversation will inevitably turn to the essential characteristics of this place, the things that everyone who has worked or studied here knows and (in one way or another) loves: the bar formerly known as the Airport, Sunday morning hang-over recovery on the banks of Tocil Lake....
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 12:10 | Tags: University Affairs, Art

Artist Wins Commission After Exhibition at Warwick

Following the highly successful exhibition of Steve McQueen's film installations Caribs' Leap / Western Deep at the Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, the Art Commissions Committee of the Imperial War Museum has awarded a research commission to Steve McQueen in response to the war in Iraq.

Thu 22 Jul 2004, 15:27 | Tags: Art

Your starter for ten...

If you've ever been in front of the cameras while Bamber Gascoigne or Jeremy Paxman said "Fingers on the buzzer", you'll know the adrenaline rush that taking part in University Challenge creates. If you've just watched the show with any frequency, you'll find it easy to imagine. Will I impress by remembering what the initials L.B.&S.C.R. stand for? Or the nicknames of early mediaeval kings? Or will the TV lights fuse my synapses, as has happened to many an English student who put a major author in the wrong century, or scientist who stumbled over an elementary chemical equation.
Thu 22 Jul 2004, 15:06 | Tags: University Affairs, Art

What is Art?

Someone once remarked that the question 'what is art?' was as useful as the question 'where is God?' It depends from where you start and what you believe. A few centuries ago, painters in Britain at least were viewed more as decorators than artists as we understand the term today. They might paint a coat of arms on a carriage one day and make a ceiling painting the next. Artists would work together, the apprentices grinding colours, less experienced artists painting in the backgrounds and the outline of figures or filling in draperies while the master (and it generally was) of the studio tied the whole thing together, sometimes just by painting the portrait faces on top of the bodies.
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 14:42 | Tags: Art, Non Academic Staff, Academic Staff

From Screen to School: Lord Puttnam Tells his own Epic Tale

Ten years in advertising, followed by 30 years as an independent (and Oscar-winning) film producer of classics such as Chariots of Fire and The Killing Fields, is not what one might consider a traditional route into education. On Thursday 14 February, Lord Puttnam visited the University to tell the tale of his journey from screen to school and what motivated him to make the change. The lecture formed part of the longstanding Speakers' Corner series, run jointly by Warwick, Coventry University and the Cathedral.
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 14:00 | Tags: Education, Art, Film, Non Academic Staff, Academic Staff

The Gift

Writers, businesses and individuals alike have donated their time and efforts in producing a book entitled The Gift, which will be given for free to every member of NHS staff in Birmingham. The University hosted several workshops in which writers could contribute their work and ideas to the anthology. The book has been written by over 90 writers, including NHS staff, and takes the form of a collection of poetry and short stories. Ranging from light-hearted poetry to solemn, reflective pieces, it includes writers such as Andrew Motion, Charles Tomlinson and Doris Lessing.
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 10:38 | Tags: Art, English

Language - computation to conversation

Language surrounds us. Everyone picks up a language when they are too young to be aware that they are learning a language. You don’t have to go to school to learn your first language. It happens so easily that it is easy to take for granted. Easy as dropping off an apple tree. How hard is that? Well, understanding how things drop off apple trees has made for interesting science.

Tue 20 Jul 2004, 09:38 | Tags: Sociology, Education, Psychology, Culture, Art, German, French, English

Local Art

Corridor walls in the Institute of Education are looking brighter this term. In Summer 2002, the Institute commissioned artwork from children in partner schools to hang in corridors and public spaces across the Institute.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 14:22 | Tags: Education, University Affairs, Campus Life, Art

HRC Success

The Humanities Research Centre (HRC) has had its most successful year to date in terms of overall attendance at its different public events. The Centre continued to sponsor a number of Faculty based interdisciplinary research seminars and supported a variety of conferences and symposia from 'Ancient Warfare' to 'J.M.Coetzee', which attracted an international array of speakers and participants.

Mon 19 Jul 2004, 11:11 | Tags: University Affairs, Culture, Theatre, Art, English, History, Academic Staff

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