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Flame of Friendship 2024 Final Countdown: Under 20 schools to go before Grand Finale celebration

Flame of Friendship Torch Relay Start - 2nd February 2024The Flame of Friendship Torch Relay, a University of Warwick project in collaboration with 63 Coventry schools, has less than 20 stops to go before the Grand Finale event on 8th July.

The torch relay kicked off with a spectacular launch ceremony at Coventry Cathedral on 2nd February, featuring a procession led by Team GB Water Polo player Amelie Perkins, who carried the torch to its first destination, Southfields Primary School.

Since its launch the torch has visited 49 schools including John Gulson Primary, Sidney Stringer, Aldermoor Farm, and Wyken Croft.

The custom-made torch will now make its way through the final 14 schools before the Grand Finale at the University on the 8th July, where over 1000 Coventry students and teachers will line the road on campus and join a procession following the torch.

The parade will make its way along the final leg of the journey to finish at Butterworth Hall at Warwick Arts Centre, pausing in the Piazza where members of the Royal Opera House will lead the students in an Olympic themed dance.

The event will be live-streamed to all the 63 schools who took part in the project for them to enjoy if they’re unable to attend the parade in person and a copy of the parade and ceremony will be available as a permanent keep-sake.

Kerry Baker, Associate Director at the Warwick Institute of Engagement said, “It has been inspiring to see so many children get involved in this project and see the torch pass from school-to-school. We look forward to celebrating this remarkable journey on the 8th July with all the schools.”

Led by Rebecca Bollands, Deputy Head at Earlsdon Primary School, and supported by the Warwick Institute of Engagement on behalf of the University of Warwick, the Flame of Friendship Torch Relay aims to foster unity and collaboration among Coventry schools in the spirit of the upcoming Olympic Games.

For more information and to view the route of the torch visit our website.


Notes to Editors
If you’re interested in joining one of the final relay legs between the schools or getting involved in the finale event on the 8th July please get in touch.
Footage from the event will also be available for use from 1600 08/07/2024
Available for interviews: Kerry Baker, Associate Director of the Warwick Institute of Engagement

Media Contact
University of Warwick Press Office contact:
Kat Beauchamp, Communications Officer
Phone: 07880175408