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University of Warwick Psychologist Elected to British Academy

A University of Warwick professor, Gordon D. A. Brown, has been elected to the British Academy, the UK’s national academy for humanities and social sciences. The election was announced today, Thursday 18 July.

Professor Brown has been recognised for his research on human memory and for his work at the intersection between psychology and economics. His work has a particular focus on decision-making, income inequality, and the relationship between economic factors and well-being.

Professor Brown said: “I am honoured to join respected colleagues from The University of Warwick in receiving recognition from the British Academy.

“Over the past three decades at Warwick, I have had the privilege of collaborating with exceptionally talented researchers, as well as being part of the development of its internationally recognised interdisciplinary research in Behavioural Science.”

Professor Gordon Brown

Founded in 1902, the British Academy is a Fellowship consisting of over 1700 leading minds from the UK and overseas. Previous Fellows have included Sir Winston Churchill and classicist, Professor Dame Mary Beard.

The Academy also funds both national and international research, as well as providing a forum for debate and public engagement.

In 2024, a total of 52 UK Fellows, 30 International Fellows and four Honorary Fellows have been elected to the British Academy Fellowship and a full list of all new Fellows can be found here.

Welcoming the Fellows, President of the British Academy Professor Julia Black said:

“We are delighted to welcome this year’s cohort of Fellows, and I offer my warmest congratulations to each and every one.

“From the Academy’s earliest days, our Fellows are the lifeblood of the organisation, representing the very best of our disciplines – and we could not do all that we do without their expertise, time and energy.

“I very much look forward to working closely with our new Fellows – the breadth and depth of their expertise adds so much to the Academy.”


Thu 18 Jul 2024, 12:11 | Tags: British Academy, psychology, Social Science