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VirionHealth Raises Series A Funding from Abingworth

University of Warwick spin-out company, VirionHealth - a new biotechnology company developing novel therapeutics for respiratory viral infections, has raised £13m in Series A funding from Abingworth.

Warwick and i-graduate launch service to enhance HE global integration

A new partnership between the University of Warwick and i-graduate is set to enable higher education institutions to meet the needs of global employers, thanks to a new diagnostic tool for enhancing student integration - Global Education Profiler (GE-P).

Warwick spin-out develops new ‘stick and mix’ additives for plastics

University of Warwick spin-out, Interface Polymers Ltd, is pioneering a new way of making plastic alloys and composite materials using its patented range of polymer additives: Polarfins.

Wed 25 May 2016, 13:34 | Tags: Sciences, Chemistry, University of Warwick, Warwick Ventures

Faster detection of hidden objects by Warwick terahertz sensor

A new type of sensor, that is much faster than competing technologies used to detect and identify hidden objects, has been developed by scientists at the University of Warwick.

Mon 06 Jul 2015, 15:32 | Tags: Physics, Sciences, Warwick Ventures

First real-time natural light 2D Hand Gesture Recognition technology unveiled

Mobile phones could soon be turned into hand gesture recognition devices following a technological breakthrough. Software developed by researchers at the University of Warwick would allow the 2D cameras in everyday consumer electronic products, such as mobile phones and tablet computers, to become hand gesture recognition (HGR) devices in uncontrolled environments with both natural and artificial light.

Mon 31 Mar 2014, 11:13 | Tags: Warwick Ventures, Computer Science, Technology

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