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Money Makes People Right-Wing and Inegalitarian

Why are you right-wing, left-wing, or in the middle? You probably believe that you made a genuine, calm, and ethical choice. But what were the deep causal forces upon those political preferences?

Thu 06 Feb 2014, 08:01 | Tags: Economics and Finance Environment Politics 1 - Research

Phones to heat building in £495,000 idea by Midlands SME & University of Warwick

Phones and tablet computers are to be part of a new highly personalised heating and energy economy system thanks to an idea by Midlands company JSJS Designs Ltd, WMG and the Estates Office at the University of Warwick which has just won £495,000 in support from the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board.

Tue 01 Oct 2013, 16:19 | Tags: Business Members, Engineering, Environment, Sciences, WMG

Scientists on a quest to develop a British baked bean

Scientists at the University of Warwick are using the latest DNA mapping techniques to allow British farmers to grow one of the UK’s favourite foods.

Tue 03 Sept 2013, 15:02 | Tags: Environment, Horticulture and Agriculture, Sciences

Warwick engineering students help provide renewable energy in Uganda

University of Warwick engineering students and staff are putting their renewables expertise to practical use to bring hydroelectric power to rural communities in Uganda.

University of Warwick students battle to become Britain’s greenest drivers

Students drive across England, Scotland and Wales to compete in Formula Student Diesel Eco Driving Challenge powered by Bosch on 19 – 21 June

Thu 20 Jun 2013, 14:28 | Tags: Engineering, Environment

£5.25m project aims to reduce heating and cooling emissions

The University of Warwick is leading a £5.25m project to develop energy-efficient heating and cooling technologies that will reduce UK energy needs.

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