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The University of Warwick welcomes the House of Commons Business and Trade Committee

On Wednesday 4 December The University of Warwick hosted the House of Commons Business and Trade Committee regional roadshow, an invite only event. The Committee’s role is to shine a light on issues in business and trade policy.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visits University of Warwick for Horizon policy announcement

The Prime Minister today visited the University of Warwick where he announced the UK would re-join the EU’s flagship research scheme, Horizon.

The University of Warwick is holding a welcome event, for Ukrainian academics staying with University staff hosts

The University of Warwick will host a ​unique networking event bringing together visiting Ukrainian academics, students, and their families who are, being hosted by University staff, local families, and local Homes for Ukraine Hosts.

Warwick stands with Ukraine: Vice Chancellor's statement

The University of Warwick has announced that it will review all its links to Russian State institutions — with a view to terminating contracts where possible — in a bold statement of support for Ukraine from the Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Stuart Croft.

UK and Australia sign trade deal – Monash Warwick Alliance set to benefit

The UK has signed an historic trade agreement with Australia, which includes unprecedented opportunities for academic researchers to work between the two countries — which will boost the already successful Alliance between the Universities of Warwick and Monash.

The University of Babeș-Bolyai in Romania joins EUTOPIA

The EUTOPIA European University alliance is proud to announce that the enlargement process launched in September will be completed in Barcelona on 23rd of November, as the University of Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) joins.

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