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Unemployment substantially increases domestic violence, new study finds

New research by an international team including Professor Sonia Bhalotra of Warwick Economics and CAGE finds a strong link between job loss and domestic violence. Men who lose their jobs are more likely to inflict domestic violence, while women who lose their jobs are more likely to become victims. The increases are upwards of 30%. The study discusses carefully designed unemployment benefits as a new approach to policy measures intended to protect women and girls.

Tue 05 Oct 2021, 11:12 | Tags: CAGE, Economics, Brazil, Faculty of Social Science, Latin America

Warwick international relations researcher awarded major grant to study Latin America’s contributions to the development of global norms and institutions

The ways in which Latin American states shaped, and were themselves in turn shaped by, the development of the complex of international norms, institutions, and practices that help structure world politics will be better understood thanks to a new research grant won by Dr Tom Long of the University of Warwick’s Department of Politics and International studies, and Dr Carsten-Andreas Schulz, an assistant professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chile.

Wed 05 May 2021, 09:42 | Tags: Grants, research, Faculty of Social Science, Latin America, PAIS