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New book explores how people build good relationships across cultural boundaries

In a new book launched this week, Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey of the University of Warwick Centre for Applied Linguistics and her co-author Professor Dániel Z. Kádár of the Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics (NYTI) explore how people relate across cultural boundaries, a topic which is increasingly important in our interconnected world.

Retool AI to forecast and limit wars

Artificial Intelligence could be used to predict outburst of violence and probe their causes saving lives and billions of dollars across the world according to a panel of experts, including Dr Weisi Guo of the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick

Tue 23 Oct 2018, 13:33 | Tags: AI, Computer Science, Terrorism, borders

New research project will crowdsource philosophical thinking about current affairs

Each month, the Philosophy in a Time of Crisis website will host a dialogue on one of the key problems and challenges faced by Europe, inviting short contributions and interviews from leading philosophers, artists, writers and intellectuals. Contributions from the Warwick student community and the public at large are also welcome.