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Books by University Authors

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Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry stands alongside physical and organic chemistry as one of three central pillars of an undergraduate chemistry course. Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry fourth edition reaffirms the position of this text at the heart of any student's chemistry education, offering more stimulation, more insights, and more support to help students grasp the fundamentals of this subject than ever before.
Tue 20 Jun 2006, 15:08 | Tags: Sciences

The Mathematical Works of Bernard Bolzano

The much-awaited, first English translations of several of the key mathematical works of Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848). Bernard Bolzano was a remarkable thinker and reformer far ahead of his time in many areas, including philosophy, theology, ethics, politics, logic, and mathematics. A Scholarly but accessible text aimed at a broad readership including historians and philosophers of science, mathematics and logic.
Tue 18 Jan 2005, 11:43 | Tags: Sciences

X-Ray Compton Scattering

With the development of potent x-ray sources at many synchrotron laboratories worldwide, Compton scattering has become a standard tool for studying electron densities in materials. This book provides condensed matter and materials physicists with an authoritative, up-to-date, and very accessible account of the Compton scattering method, leading to a fundamental understanding of the electronic and magnetic properties of solid materials, both elements and compounds.
Fri 03 Dec 2004, 09:17 | Tags: Sciences

Illuminating Eco: On the boundaries of interpretation

Illuminating Eco covers the range of British scholarship on the prolific literary and theoretical work of Umberto Eco.

With essays by scholars such as Michael Caesar and David Robey, the volume provides an overview of current research being carried out by a new generation of academics. In addition it provides an opportunity to view the interaction between Eco's fiction and his theoretical texts and suggests future avenues of research.
Wed 01 Sept 2004, 08:57 | Tags: Arts, Sciences

Child Public Health

This is the first book of its kind which focuses on a public health approach to the health and sicknesses of children and young people, who make up about a quarter of the population.
Tue 31 Aug 2004, 15:48 | Tags: Sciences

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