Books by University Authors
Emma Mason (ed.): 'The Collected Poems' by Elizabeth Jennings
Dr Emma Mason, Reader in English at the University of Warwick's Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, presents a new and definitive edition of the poetry of one of the best-loved and most enduringly popular modern poets: Elizabeth Jennings.
A Venetian Miscellany
A collection of essays which celebrate Warwick's long connection with the city of Venice - not least its occupation of the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, which has become the University's permanent Italian base.
Drinking Matters - Public Houses and Social Exchange in Early Modern Central Europe
Drinking Matters offers the first comparative survey of early modern public houses. A combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis weaves written, visual and material evidence into a reconstruction of their unique contribution to European culture. Extrapolating from the heterogeneous case studies of Bern and Bavaria, the argument stresses the bewildering versatility of drinking establishments. Public houses emerge as communication spaces in a state of continuous renegotiation. As facilitators of infinite forms of human exchange, they supported rulers as easily as rebels. 'Innovative' principles like consumer choice did not need to be invented by the modern restaurant, they characterized the trade from its medieval origins. Local cultural life depended on inns just as much as the early modern communication revolution. Within a communal infrastructure featuring town halls, market squares and parish churches, public houses became the principal social sites in preindustrial Europe. After about 1800, processes of fragmentation and diversification ended their golden age.
No Longer Poetry: new Romanian Poetry
No Longer Poetry is
a groundbreaking new anthology of Romanian poetry that presents each poet’s
work in the original Romanian and translated into English by the collection’s
editors. Since the fall of communism in
1989 Romanian poetry has underdone dramatic changes as writers struggled to
reorient themselves and their work in a country where poetry was perceived as a
product of the old world. This anthology contains the work of eleven poets from
the core of the first post-Communism generation, and showcases their powerful
new voices that affirm a very different kind of literary conscience to that of
their predecessors.
Art: Key Contemporary Thinkers
The last few decades have witnessed an explosion in ideas and theories on art. Art itself has never been more popular, but much recent thinking remains inaccessible and difficult to use. This book assesses the work of leading thinkers (including artists) who are having a major impact on making, criticizing and interpreting art.