Knowledge Exchange
We’re passionate about searching for answers to the world’s most complex questions and want to share the knowledge we gain to contribute to creating a fairer, better world for all. Working collaboratively with our business, policy and community partners is at the heart of our purpose.
What is Knowledge Exchange?
Knowledge exchange brings together academic staff, users of research and wider groups and communities to exchange ideas, evidence and expertise.It is defined by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as a two-way exchange between researchers and research users, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills. It refers to processes through which ideas and insights are shared, and external perspectives and experiences are brought into academia.
Knowledge Exchange in Action
See examples of our work, from innovative collaborations with industry to community engagement and local growth and regeneration.
Our KEF 2023 Results
The KEF results place The University of Warwick in the top 20% for business and public and community engagement.
The University also performs strongly in IP and commercialisation and research partnerships, placing in quintile 4, high engagement, for both areas.
Get Involved
From work with local artists to ground-breaking developments in manufacturing, sharing knowledge and bridging the gap between academic and industry is at the heart of our University. Find out more about opportunities to get involved and work with us using the links below.
Opportunities for business
With decades of experience working with global organisations, Warwick helps business innovate and increase their competitive edge. Find out about our knowledge partnerships, research networks internship and graduate recruitment opportunities and more.
Working with arts and creative industries
We’ve established collaborations with local organisations, working together to learn new ways of exploring arts and culture. Our projects unite creatives, researchers, businesses, charities and other partners to collectively share knowledge.
Regional engagement
Warwick has an important part to play in the local region, providing economic, social and cultural support. The Warwick Institute of Engagement allows us to maximise the exchange of knowledge between the university and society, helping to drive innovation.
Knowledge exchange for alumni
Our alumni network is almost 300,000 strong and ever-growing. We have a wide range of opportunities available for our alumni to help us break down barriers, discover new opportunities and help support people reach their potential.
Knowledge exchange for academics
Our academics' research is at the heart of our quest for answers to the world’s complex questions. We offer a range of support for researchers, helping to launch new projects, facilitating knowledge exchange and connecting with new partners.
Our KEF 2023 results
Read the press release to learn more about our results in the 2023 Knowledge Exchange Framework.