Spectroscopy News
Congratulations Gabriel Erni Cassola on the publication of his paper "Lost, but Found with Nile Red: A Novel Method for Detecting and Quantifying Small Microplastics (1 mm to 20 μm) in Environmental Samples" in Environmental Science and Technology. doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.7b04512
New 514 nm Laser Installed
We are pleased to announce the installation of a new 514 nm laser on the Renishaw InVia Spectrometer Bert. If you have any quires about the operation of the laser, please contact spectroscopy@warwick.ac.uk
Remote Desktop
We are pleased to announce it is now possible to access the Raman fitting and analysis software remotely. For further information and access please contact spectroscopy@warwick.ac.uk
Congratulations to Dr. Ben Green on the publication of his paper, Neutral Silicon-Vacancy Center in Diamond: Spin Polarization and Lifetimes in physical review letters. doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.096402