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Drop-in Sessions

We will be hosting drop-in sessions for both feedback on our Technical Specialist Promotional Pathway and also our Technician Commitment. These will be a mix of online and in person sessions.

For our Technical Specialist Promotional Pathway feedback:

  • 7th August 2 - 3 pm - Physics Concourse opposite PLT
  • 13th August 9.30 - 10.30 am - Teams -join via this link
  • 22nd August 1 - 2 pm - School of Life Sciences Atrium

For our wider Technician Commitment feedback or to discuss any challenges you face:

  • 16th October 2.30 - 4 pm - Physics Concourse opposite PLT

  • 12th November 10.30 -12 - Teams - join via this link

  • 28th November 12-1.30 pm - School of Life Sciences Atrium