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Sherbourne (2024)

£199 per week


En suite bathroom

Lakeside Village

Living at Sherbourne

Located in Lakeside Village, Sherbourne is surrounded by green open spaces that residents can explore at their leisure along established footpaths. Close to the Sports and Wellness Hub and a range of other sports facilities, Sherbourne is our largest en suite residence positioned just a short walk from the world-renowned Warwick Business School

Explore Sherbourne in our virtual tour

Immerse yourself in a 360 tour inside our Sherbourne residence. Use the pins to navigate your way through the accommodation, clicking to spin around and explore each room as you go.

Why Sherbourne?

No application fee, deposit payment or guarantor required

Wi-Fi, utility bills and contents insurance included in your rent

Save time and travel costs with Warwick's campus facilities right on your doorstep

You'll only deal with the University of Warwick - we own and manage all campus residences

Spacious kitchen and dining areas ideal for socialising with your flatmates

Be part of the Warwick community - form friendships and live alongside other Warwick students


I lived on the top floor overlooking fields and the Sports and Wellness Hub – the view was particularly beautiful at night when the sunset. My room was bright with a skylight and huge window making it more enjoyable to live and study.

Samantha, PPE


This is a nice place for you to eat, chat with your flatmates and even rest after a long day. You can even study here and get the perfect view of ducks and geese waddling around Sherbourne.

Qurratuain, Economics

Which students live in Sherbourne?


Contract let length
Contract start date
Price per week
Price per year
46 weeks Saturday 10 August 2024 £199.00 £9,154.00

First year undergraduates

Contract let length
Contract start date
Price per week
Price per year
40 weeks

Saturday 21 September 2024

£199.00 £7,960.00

Returning undergraduates

Contract let length
Contract start date
Price per week
Price per year
40 weeks

Saturday 21 September 2024

£199.00 £7,960.00

  First year and returning postgraduates

Contract let length
Contract start date
Price per week
Price per year
50 weeks Saturday 21 September 2024 £199.00 £9,950.00

Campus Living

Living on campus throughout your studies is the best way to experience Warwick. You’ll find it easier to meet new people and form friendships whilst never being more than a short walk from your lectures or the amazing facilities campus has to offer.

There are endless opportunities to encounter new social experiences that complement your academic development with the chance to participate in everything from societies and sports clubs to live events.

The Warwick Community

Enjoy independent living alongside other Warwick students but in the comfort of a safe, supportive community. Our Residential Community Team live amongst students in our accommodation offering support as well as free social events throughout the year. You’ll also have a Residence Hub where a friendly member of the team will be available to help with any queries you may have about living in your residence such as cleaning or maintenance.

Then there’s the Community Safety Team, available day and night to provide pastoral care and protect the safety of everyone living and studying within the Warwick community.