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Our Misson, Vision, Objectives and Values

We take PRIDE in looking after you

PROFESSIONALISM - shines through in everything we do

RESPECT - for everyone, all of the time

INTEGRITY - being honest, forthright and brave, and doing the right things for the right reasons

DIVERSITY - understanding the difference in people and cultures

ENVIRONMENT - working to improve our environment to make it safe for our community

Our Mission

To provide an exceptional service that protects our whole community, making them feel safer, more confident and resilient, allowing them to flourish and succeed, able to enjoy everything the University has to offer.


Our officers are professional, courteous, well-trained and well-equipped, with a strong sense of purpose and an exceptional team ethic. We collaborate fully with the Campus community, which enables us to anticipate security challenges and manage risks quickly.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide the safest, most secure and most welcoming University community environment for students, staff and visitors today, tomorrow and into the future.  

We will achieve this through continuous improvement in what we do and how we do it. We will recruit top-quality staff and we will develop them to reach their true potential.


Listening to what the University community wants from its Community Safety team is vital to our success. We will work in close collaboration with key partners to continually develop our service by ensuring wellbeing is at the centre of everything we deliver. We will be adaptable and responsive to change: we will strive to be the best at what we do.

Our Objectives

COMMUNITY – To support the development of a resilient and safe Campus where we combat crime and recognise the opportunities for crime to prevent it from happening, and where we challenge inappropriate behaviours harmful to our community

SAFETY – To keep people and their property safe by providing an outstanding level of service through fast responses, professional knowledge, skill and experience

SECURITY - To protect land, buildings and physical assets belonging to the University, through a comprehensive, layered approach to security, so that it can continue to operate properly and deliver its services

CUSTOMER SERVICE - To deliver an exceptional service to our customers each and every time. We will seek feedback and constantly improve to achieve our aim

COLLABORATION – To work diligently with our key partners to ensure service expectations across the University are always exceeded.