Communicating the Introduction to Active Bystander workshop
In addition to scheduling the workshop into the timetables of incoming students, it is important to actively promote the workshop to ensure the best level of attendance and so that students know what to expect. Attendance at workshops is highest when students perceive there to be a strong buy-in from their departments.
In the first term of the 2022/23 academic year, with your support, we reached about 2500 students with the Introduction to Active Bystander workshop. 95% of those who completed a feedback survey said they would recommend it to a friend or peer.
Communicating the workshop may be a part of your role (e.g. as the DSEP/Departmental Administrator/Student Experience Coordinator) or you might need to share this information with another colleague to action.
Thank-you in advance for your support.
Suggested timeline
Each department will work differently, but if your workshop is scheduled for Welcome Week, please start your promotions as early as possible/in line with your other welcome communications.
If your workshop is scheduled outside of Welcome Week, please start your promotion of the workshop at least 2 weeks prior to the workshop date.
Please re-promote at regular intervals if possible.
Communication channels
It is imperative that the workshop is scheduled into students' timetables, and that they receive a dedicated email about the workshop. Follow-up reminders boost engagement with the workshop, such as via a departmental student newsletter.
We have included suggested wording by channel below, but please feel free to tailor messages to fit the needs of your department.
Title (if required): Introduction to Active Bystander workshop - department name
We can all contribute to a positive campus experience by developing the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be active bystanders and safely challenge unacceptable behaviours. Created with other students, this short online workshop explores what it means to uphold our shared Warwick values through practical examples and techniques. Last year, 95% of students who left feedback about the workshop said they would recommend it to a friend or peer. You will be off-camera and participating in some interactive activities with your peers. You are highly encouraged to attend this workshop (led by the Dean of Students' Office), therefore the department has scheduled it in your timetable. Having recently joined the university, this is the perfect opportunity for you to help shape the environment. Explore Warwick's 'Be an Active Bystander' initiative in more detail by visiting
If the workshop is being held in-person:
Title (if required): In-person 'Introduction to Active Bystander workshop' - department name
We can all contribute to a positive campus experience by developing the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be active bystanders and safely challenge unacceptable behaviours. Created in partnership with other students, this in-person workshop explores what it means to uphold our shared Warwick values through practical examples and techniques. Last year, 95% of students who left feedback about the workshop said they would recommend it to a friend or peer. You are highly encouraged to attend this workshop (led by the Dean of Students' Office), therefore the department has scheduled it in your timetable. Having recently joined the university, this is the perfect opportunity for you to help shape the environment. Explore Warwick's 'Be an Active Bystander' initiative in more detail by visiting
Images for use in communications
You are welcome to use these digital assets within your communications.