Meet the keynote speakers
Dr Jane Bryan
Dr Jane Bryan is a Reader at Warwick Law School. Jane has a research interest in gender and in the power of dialogue to bring about change.
Jane is the Academic Lead of Warwick University's Community Values Education Programme which delivers active bystander education to all incoming undergraduate and postgraduate students.
She has recently led the creation of a resource to support staff to be active bystanders in the teaching space.
Prof Louise Crowley
Louise Crowley is a Professor in Family Law at the School of Law, UCC. In 2016 Louise developed the Bystander Intervention initiative at UCC which seeks to enhance awareness of the dangers of the normalisation of sexual misconduct and to empower students to actively challenge this behaviour. The programme is available to all staff and students at UCC and is being rolled out to Third Level institutions across the sector. Louise was a member of the Expert Group that produced the National Framework to End Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions, published in April 2019. Louise is currently working with second level schools across Cork and with the Youth Sector in Ireland to develop age appropriate bystander training programmes for a younger audience. More about the UCC bystander programme.