The below courses are eligible for tuition fee payments to be made in 4 instalments of 25%.
This applies only to July 2023 intake onwards. This option is specific to the below courses only.
Due dates are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th month of the course. For payment dates based on month of entry, please see table below
Course Name |
Business Administration (Global Online) (MBA) – Warwick |
N1Q2/N1S4 |
Business Administration (Global Online) (MBA) - London |
N1Q9/N1S5 |
Business Administration (Executive) (MBA) - Warwick |
N1Q3/N1S1 |
Business Administration (Executive) (MBA) - London (day) |
N1Q4/N1S2 |
Business Administration (Executive) (MBA) - London (evening) |
N1Q5/N1S3 |
Accelerator (MBA) - London |
N1P2 |
Payment dates based on month of course entry
Course Start Month
1st instalment due |
2nd instalment due |
3rd instalment due |
4th instalment due |
January |
1st January |
1st April |
1st July |
1st October |
February |
1st February |
1st May |
1st August |
1st November |
March |
1st March |
1st June |
1st September |
1st December |
April |
1st April |
1st July |
1st October |
1st January |
May |
1st May |
1st August |
1st November |
1st February |
June |
1st June |
1st September |
1st December |
1st March |
July |
1st July |
1st October |
1st January |
1st April |
August |
1st August |
1st November |
1st February |
1st May |
September |
1st September |
1st December |
1st March |
1st June |
October |
1st October |
1st January |
1st April |
1st July |
November |
1st November |
1st February |
1st May |
1st August |
December |
1st December
1st March |
1st June |
1st September |