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Direct Debit

What is Direct Debit?

A direct debit instruction authorises the University to take money directly from your UK bank account on the dates shown below. The University will notify you by e-mail of the amount to be taken 10 working days in advance of the collection being made.

Banks do not charge for direct debit transactions. A direct debit can only be set up from a UK bank (current accounts only, not a deposit account or a savings account). The account can belong to you or your parents. For details about the next instalment, please see our Direct Debit Frequently Asked Questions.

Instalment dates for 2020-21

Instalment Date Payment Method Tuition Fees Accommodation Fees
29 October 2020 Direct Debit1 50% of fees2 Term 1 Rent2
28 January 2021 Direct Debit 25% of fees Term 2 Rent
29 April 2021 Direct Debit 25% of fees Term 3 Rent
08 July 20213 Direct Debit N/A Summer Vacation Rent

1 If you are not able to set up a direct debit instruction by the deadline date for Term 2 (10 January 2021), you should make payments for any fees due by 25 January 2021 online through the finance pages of the Student Records system. However, you must then ensure that you have set up a direct debit by 11 April 2021 ready for the remaining instalments of your fees.

2 Any payments received by 25 January 2021 for tuition or accommodation fees, including any course deposits or accommodation deposits you have paid, will be deducted from the amount you pay for the first instalment of your fees and accommodation as appropriate.

3 This only applies to students occupying accommodation during the summer vacation.

Banks do not charge for direct debit transactions. A direct debit can only be set up from a UK bank (current accounts only, not a deposit account or a savings account). The account can belong to you or your parents.

Students with an existing instruction from previous years do not need to set up a new instruction for the current year. Your direct debit will remain valid for the period of your study and shall only be used if you have tuition and/or accommodation fees due. If you have had a year out, the University will contact your bank, where necessary, to ensure that your direct debit is still valid. You can check your current direct debit details by logging in to the student finance section of the Student Records system.

Setting up a direct debit instruction for 2020-21

A direct debit instruction can be set up online by logging into the student finance section of the Student Records system.

New students will need to enrol online (at and wait 30 minutes for your University account and password to be created before logging into the Student Records system to set up your direct debit instruction. The final stage of the enrolment process is the set up of your user code and password. You will need both of these to log in to the student finance section of the Student Records system.

Students with an existing instruction from previous years do not need to set up a new instruction for the current year. Your direct debit will remain valid for the period of your study and shall only be used if you have tuition and/or accommodation fees due. If you have had a year out, the University will contact your bank, where necessary, to ensure that your direct debit is still valid. You can check your current direct debit details by logging in to the student finance section of the Student Records system

If your parents are setting up a direct debit from their bank account on your behalf, you should select this option through the online direct debit process. An email will then be sent to the email address that you specify on this request. This will provide a temporary username and password which allows access to the direct debit set up screens.

If you have not paid by direct debit to the University of Warwick previously, and you opt to pay both tuition fees and accommodation fees by direct debit, two instructions will be registered with your bank/building society, and the two amounts will be taken from your account on the dates shown above.

Once your direct debit has been set up, an e-mail confirmation will automatically be sent to your University of Warwick e-mail address and any other e-mail address you specify through the setup process. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation within 5 days, please e-mail directdebit at warwick dot ac dot uk or telephone 024 765 28103 or 024 765 28472 as there may be a problem with your details.

You have until 10 January 2021 to set up your direct debit instruction with the University, so that it is operational for the 28 January 2021 instalment.

A direct debit is not the same as a debit card. The University will only take direct debit payments on the dates shown in the table above. If you wish to make a payment at any other time, you will not be able to do so by direct debit, but will have to make alternative arrangements. Please contact a member of the Credit Control Team within Student Finance.

The online facility to set up a direct debit will close shortly before each of the direct debit instalment dates and re-open shortly afterwards. Details of when the direct debit opens and closes will be posted on the finance pages of the Student Records system.

Students with an existing instruction from previous years do not need to set up a new instruction for the current year. Your direct debit will remain valid for the period of your study and shall only be used if you have tuition and/or accommodation fees due. If you have had a year out, the University will contact your bank, where necessary, to ensure that your direct debit is still valid. You can check your current direct debit details by logging in to the student finance section of the Student Records system.

Failed direct debit payments

You may be charged by your bank for a failed direct debit. Notification of the failed direct debit will be sent by email to your Warwick email address. You need to make alternative arrangements to settle the amount owing immediately upon receipt of this notification. If you are having difficulties making your payment, please contact the credit control team at

Charges that cannot be collected by Direct Debit

The following charges cannot be collected by Direct Debit and should be paid using the alternative methods listed on the Methods of Payment page:

  • Exam re-sit fees
  • Nursery fees
  • Warden fines
  • Library fines
  • Orientation fees
  • Face-to-face Warwick Business School module fees
  • Postgraduate upgrade fees
  • Student Funding Hardship Loans
  • Other miscellaneous charges.