Constitutions of University Centres and Institutes
Please note that this page is in the process of being updated for the 2017/18 academic year.
Institute for Employment Research
Director: Professor R. Lindley
Aims of the Institute
- The fields in which the Institute shall aim to promote advanced study and research will include the following:
- the macroeconomic, industrial and spatial aspects of employment determination and their policy implications;
- the relationship between the labour market and the rest of the economy;
- labour market behaviour and policy;
- links between the labour market and such factors as population change, educational developments and household behaviour, and the policy issues relating to them;
- international comparative research in relevant areas.
- The Institute shall seek:
- to establish close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres of the University who are working in related fields;
- to contribute to the teaching programme of the University;
- to attract visitors and students to the University;
- to co-operate with staff at other institutions in the UK and abroad;
- to organise conferences, workshops, etc. in order to stimulate study and research.
- The Institute shall disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible and shall maintain close links with those in government, industry, education and other bodies concerned with problems of policy and analysis which fall within the Institute's fields of study and research.
- The fields in which the Institute shall aim to promote advanced study and research will include the following:
The members of the Institute shall be its academic staff, associate fellows, visiting fellows and other persons approved by the Executive Committee of the Institute's Advisory Board. -
The Director of the Institute
The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Advisory Committee on the Appointment of Chairs of Departments. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Board for the planning and direction of the work of the Institute. -
Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Institute consisting of:
- the Chair;
- the Director of the Institute;
- all principal research fellows of the Institute or, in the event of there being none, one senior research fellow appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Director;
- one member appointed by and from the academic staff of the Institute;
- three members to be appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
- the Chair of the Department of Economics, ex officio;
- up to five members external to the University, to be appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
- up to three co-opted members.
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be:
- to advise on matters of strategic planning and development and other issues of major importance to the Institute;
- to consider and advise the Senate on the Annual Report from the Director on the work of the Institute;
- to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences about the academic plans of the Institute and the needs arising from those plans.
- The Advisory Board will normally meet at least once a year with a quorum of five.
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Institute consisting of:
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Advisory Board, consisting of:
- the Director, as Chair;
- the member of the Advisory Board appointed by and from the academic staff of the Institute;
- three members appointed by and from the Advisory Board.
- The terms of reference of the Executive Committee shall be:
- to advise on the progress of research projects, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Institute;
- to recommend academic appointments in accordance with the procedures approved by the Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary, normally at least twice a year, and shall have a quorum of three.
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Advisory Board, consisting of:
Non-Academic Appointments
Non-academic appointments shall be made by the Director and reported to the Executive Committee.
Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy
The Centre is part of the Legal Research Institute at the University of Warwick established since 1978.
Director: Professor J. McEldowney
Aims of the Centre
- To provide a centre for the research activities related to international economic law, business and commercial law, corporate governance and financial regulation.
- To further advance the Warwick Law School’s contextual and interdisciplinary approach to law, governance and regulation that situates questions of substantive law, policy and regulation within a broader social, economic and political environment.
- To coordinate, facilitate and publicise the research and policy-related activities of colleagues working in areas of the centre’s activities.
- To promote directly and indirectly the production of scholarly works on or about the centre’s research activities.
- To provide opportunities for visiting scholars.
- To provide an institutional platform to organise and promote workshops, conferences, seminars, lectures and impact-related activities; host and raise funding for fellowships and research projects, workshops and fellowships from internal and external funding sources; and to establish and locate book series and journals.
- To establish a working paper series linked with the Warwick Law School Working Paper series hosted on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
- To bridge the gap between the study and practice of law and the academic and practising branches of the legal profession.
- Membership of the centre is open to any member of the Law School, including staff and postgraduate students with a specific interest in any of the Centre’s activities.
- The funding of the Centre will be provided through funds defrayed from the Legal Research institute’s annual research budget.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the recommendation of the Head of the Law School.
- The Director shall be appointed for a term of normally three years, the appointment being renewable.
- The Director shall consult with the Director of the Legal Research Institute and the Head of the Law School over the Centre’s strategy and shall be responsible for its implementation.
Legal Research Institute
Director: Professor R. Probert MA, LLM
Aims of the Institute
The aims and objects of the Legal Research Institute shall be:
- To provide a centre for the research activities of the School of Law;
- To promote directly and indirectly the production of scholarly works on or about law;
- To promote research conferences, symposia and summer schools;
- To assist the training and further education of graduate students;
- To provide facilities for visiting scholars;
- To co-operate with outside bodies in the advancement of learning and the practical application of legal scholarship;
- To bridge the gap between the study and the practice of law and the academic and practising branches of the legal profession.
- The Legal Research Institute shall form an integral part of the School of Law.
- It shall consist of all full-time members of the staff of the School of Law, any staff, appointed to the Institute, and any visitors for the time being attached to the Institute.
Centre for Magnetic Resonance
Director: Professor S. Brown
- The Centre highlights the breadth of research in the development and application of magnetic resonance techniques that is taking place at the University of Warwick. In particular, the focus of the Centre is built around the Magnetic Resonance (MR) laboratory in Millburn House, which houses state-of-the-art infrastructure for solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques, as well as their combination in the dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) experiment.
- The Centre encourages cooperation between MR spectroscopists on the development of new techniques and methodologies so as to increase the sensitivity, resolution and information content (concerning structure and dynamics with atomic resolution) that can be extracted from MR experiments.
- The Centre showcases the wide range of applications of modern MR experiments, working with collaborators both within and outside the University, in academia and in industry.
2. Make-up and Membership
- The Warwick Centre for Magnetic Resonance (W-CMR) is a Category III centre (University Departmental Research Centre).
- The core academic members of the Centre are the full-time academic staff researching into the development and application of Magnetic Resonance techniques, who have offices in Millburn House. Other academic staff who develop and apply Magnetic Resonance techniques, for example in collaboration with the core members, are welcome to join as associate members.
3. Director
- Following the recommendation of the Head of Department of Physics in consultation with the core academic members of the Centre, the Director of the Centre is appointed by the Faculty of Science.
- The term of appointment is three years, and can be renewed.
- The Director of the Centre reports, in the first instance, to the Head of Department of Physics, providing other information to other University bodies, in particular the University Research Committee as requested.
4. Management Committee
The Management Committee of the Centre is made up of the core academic members.
- As per the advice for category III centres in the University’s Guidelines on University Research Centres, the Centre does not have an Advisory Board.
5. Financial Responsibility
- As a Category III Centre located within a parent Department, the Head of Department of Physics retains a formal responsibility for the financial operation of the Centre in line with the University’s Financial Regulations, in consultation with the Director of the Centre.
Mathematics Research Centre (MRC)
Director: Professor M. Reid, BA, PhD, FRS
Aims of the MRC
The aims of the MRC are to promote research in mathematics, to attract visitors to the Centre and to create conditions for fruitful scientific interaction between these visitors, the members of the Department of Mathematics, and the wider mathematical community in Britain and overseas. -
Function of the MRC
The MRC is an integral part of the Department of Mathematics. Its functions are: to plan, co-ordinate and organise a programme of research symposia, workshops and other visit-based research activities in the mathematical sciences; to help provide the funds, resources and administrative facilities which these activities require; and to look after the needs of the visitors during their stay in Warwick. -
Officers of the MRC
The officers of the MRC are the Director and the Deputy Director who are elected by the Department of Mathematics for a period of five years; each appointment is renewable. The Director has overall responsibility for the affairs of the MRC, and the Deputy Director shall assist the Director in running the MRC and deputise for the Director in his absence. -
MRC Steering Committee
The members of the Steering Committee are as follows:- The Director of the MRC in the Chair.
- The Deputy Director of the MRC.
- The Chair of the Department of Mathematics.
- Three members of the Department of Mathematics, one elected each year for a period of three years.
One member of the University not in the Department of Mathematics, appointed by the Department of Mathematics for a period of three years. - Three or members external advisors, one appointed each year by the Senate on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics for a period of three years.
- A representative of the London Mathematical Society, nominated by the EPSRC and appointed by the Steering Committee for a period of three years.
- To advise the Director on all aspects of MRC affairs, and to approve the MRC programme.
- To receive from the Director an annual report on the activities of the MRC, and to evaluate their success.
- To receive from the Director an annual financial statement covering all funds administered by the MRC, to advise the Director on the allocation of these funds, and to consider plans for future funding.
- To receive the Minutes and the annual Budget of the Houses Subcommittee, and to approve its recommendations.
- To co-ordinate the activities of the MRC with those of similar institutions in Britain and elsewhere.
- To advise the Director on the long term development of the centre and to consider its scientific programme in the broad context of developments in the mathematical sciences, and the needs of the scientific community.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in December in the first week after the end of the University term unless, on receipt of future programmes, annual report, financial statement and papers from the Houses Sub-committee, the members agree that a meeting is not required. However such a meeting must be held at least once every four years. Other meetings may be called by the Director when necessary. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. The minutes of the Steering Committee meetings shall be circulated to members of the Department of Mathematics.
Houses Sub-Committee
- This is a sub-committee of the MRC Steering Committee. Its members are as follows:
- The Director of the MRC in the Chair.
- The Deputy Director of the MRC.
- The Business Manager of the MRC.
- A representative of the Estates Office.
- A representative of the Finance Office.
- The Registrar’s nominee.
- The sub-committee is responsible for the management of the MRC houses and flats. Its terms of reference are as follows:
- To receive from the Director the annual budget for the MRC houses and flats, and to recommend the sum which should be made available from its surplus for the scientific activities of the MRC.
- To oversee and advise on the repairs and renewals programme for the MRC houses and flats.
- To recommend the current rents for the MRC houses and flats.
- The Houses Sub-Committee shall meet annually in September and shall report to the MRC Steering Committee. Its recommendations must be approved by the MRC Steering Committee; approval may be given by action from the Chair, or by a meeting of the Steering Committee.
- This is a sub-committee of the MRC Steering Committee. Its members are as follows:
Administration of the MRC
- The Director shall be responsible for all aspects of the administration of the MRC, and for the planning and the direction of its work.
- The Director will control the use of all MRC funds within the terms laid down by the Steering Committee.
- The Director shall submit an annual report, including financial statements for all funds administered by the MRC, to the MRC Steering Committee. The annual report will be circulated to all members of the Department of Mathematics, as will the minutes of the meetings of the Steering Committee.
- All proposals for scientific activities and all plans for future developments must have the approval of the Department of Mathematics. This may be given by action from the Chair or by a full departmental meeting.
Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells (MOAC) Doctoral Training Centre
Director: Professor A. Rodger
To be confirmed
Centre for Operational Policing Research
The Centre is a collaboration between the Law department, the Psychology Department and the Warwick Business School.
Director: Professor J. Hodgson and Professor N. Stewart
Aims of the Centre
To provide a centre for the research activities related to evidence-based practice in policing, in particular relating to behavioural science, processes and operations, and criminal justice.
To further advance Warwick’s interdisciplinary approach to research on policing and to demonstrate the track record of interdisciplinary work necessary for bids for external funding.
To provide a single outward facing Warwick identity for liaising with the Police College and individual forces.
To host annual workshops involving Warwick academics and senior representatives of the sector to explore future research needs.
To provide a pathway to research impact within England’s police forces and to record such impact.
To coordinate, facilitate and publicise the research and policy-related activities of colleagues working in areas of the centre’s activities.
- Membership of the Centre is open to any research-active members of the University working in the area of policing and criminal justice, including PhD students.
- The centre is not intended as an independent financial entity within the University. Aims can be achieved by allowing members’ departments to host grants and appointments.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Boards of the Faculty of Science and Social Sciences on the recommendation of members of the Centre, with agreement of the proposed Director’s Head of Department (ie Law, Psychology or the Operations Management Group in WBS).
- The Director shall be appointed for a term of normally three years, the appointment being renewable.
- The Director shall consult with the members of the centre on the Centre’s strategy and shall be responsible for its implementation.
Centre for Research in Economic Theory and Applications (CRETA)
Director: Professor H. Polemachakis
Aims and activities
The goal of CRETA is to encourage research in economic theory and its applications. For this, the aims of CRETA shall be:
- To foster and co-ordinate collaborative research in economic theory, in its applications, and in multidisciplinary projects with areas such as applied mathematics, biology, philosophy and political science;
- To create new, and to strengthen existing links with other research centres and universities with related interests
- To attract funding for individual and collaborative research projects
- To foster the dissemination of research results through visits, seminars, conferences, and through the publication of a Discussion Paper series
- Members of CRETA are appointed by the Executive Committee, and faculty of the Department of Economics or other Departments of the University of Warwick with research interests in economic theory and its applications.
- Permanent faculty of other academic institutions can be appointed as Associate Fellows by decision of the Executive Committee.
- Research students and post-doctoral fellows can be appointed as Research Fellows by decision of the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
Everyday management of CRETA is responsibility of Executive Committee. In particular, the Executive Committee shall:
- Coordinate funding initiatives to be undertaken by CRETA;
- Appoint staff to the centre;
- Review the progress of research projects undertaken by the centre;
- Monitor the allocation of the funds of CRETA.
Director and Deputy Director of the Centre
- The Executive Committee is chaired by the Director of CRETA, who is responsible for the planning, execution and coordination of the activities of the centre. The Director shall be the official representative of CRETA with respect to the academic authorities.
- The Deputy Director shall assist the Director in running CRETA, and shall deputise for the Director in his/her absence.
- The Director and Deputy Director shall be appointed by the Department of Economics, upon recommendation of the members of the centre, for a renewable period of three years.
Advisory Board
An Advisory Board shall advise CRETA about the long term perspectives of the centre. This Board shall be constituted by academics whose work has had significant impact on the areas of research which are of interest to CRETA. Members of the Board shall be nominated by the Executive Committee, for a renewable period of three years. Membership shall consist of:
- A Chair, who shall be external to the university;
- The Director of CRETA, ex officio
- Two members internal to the University of Warwick, but external to its Department of Economics;
- One member of the Department of Economics.
Not all members of this Board can be current members of CRETA, so as to ensure that the board can give an external assessment of the activities, performance and perspectives of CRETA.
Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts
Director: Dr E. John
- To serve as a focus for research into philosophy, literature and the arts through the following activities:
- organising seminars, workshops and conferences to stimulate study and research;
- fostering working relationships amongst academic staff across the University who carry out research and teach in relevant fields;
- programming events that support the graduate and undergraduate teaching goals of the University;
- inviting scholars from other institutions to visit Warwick and encouraging development of collaborative networks across the UK and around the world.
- The Centre shall disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible.
- To serve as a focus for research into philosophy, literature and the arts through the following activities:
The members of the Centre shall consist of:- academic staff of the University who are involved in projects forming part of the programme of the Centre;
- other academic staff of the University who have research interests that contribute to the aims of the Centre and who request affiliation from the Director;
- such Visiting Fellows and Associate Fellows as the University may from time to time appoint upon the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
The Director and Programme Director
- The Director shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences,
- There shall be a Programme Director to be appointed annually by the Management Committee,
- The Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- the Director of the Centre (as Chair);
- the Programme Director;
- six members of the Centre, appointed annually by and from the membership of the Centre, including
- the Head of the Department of Philosophy (ex officio)
- a convenor of the Philosophy and Literature BA degree (or a representative nominated by that convenor, from either the Philosophy or English Department)
- the convenor of the Philosophy and Literature MA degree (or a representative nominated by that convenor)
- a representative from the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies
- a representative from the Department of French
- a representative from the Department of German
- up to six others recruited from the membership of the Centre, seeking to draw on members from a broad range of fields (e.g., Film and Television Studies, History of Art, Italian, Classics, Hispanic Studies, Sociology, Theatre and Performance Studies, and Cultural Policy Studies).
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of the funds of the Centre and all other matters relevant to the Centre.
- The Management Committee shall meet as necessary.
- The primary responsibility under the Senate for the Centre shall be that of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Annual reports and other items from the Centre shall be referred to the Board of the Faculty of Arts for information.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM)
Director: Professor M. Girolami
To be confirmed
Centre for Rights, Equality and Diversity
Director: Professor P. Radcliffe
- To conduct high quality research into the exclusionary processes which deny citizens equal treatment and fundamental human rights (in particular racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism)
- To explore the tensions and conflicts within and between ethnic and faith communities and to access the efficacy of various models of governance designed to address them.
- To build a network of researchers and organisations with a view to stimulating comparative research on these core themes.
- To build upon existing links with UK public authorities and the voluntary/community sector to promote effective, substantively grounded research.
- To establish close working relationships with academic staff across the Faculty in order to develop multi-disciplinary research.
- To attract (home and overseas) research students and Visiting Research Fellows to the Centre to enhance its work programme.
- To contribute to the teaching programme of the University.
- To disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible and maintain close links with those in government, public authorities and the voluntary/community sector with a view to raising the policy profile of matters integral to the Centre's agenda.
The membership shall include:- Those amongst the teaching, research and administrative staff of the University who are directly involved in delivering the work programme of the Centre.
- Other academic staff who share research interests with (a) and who wish to be involved in helping to promote the interests of the Centre and/or may wish to undertake collaborative projects with Centre staff.
- Such visiting fellows and associative fellows as the University may from time to time appoint under the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director of the Centre shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences
- The Director shall be advised by a Management Committee, the role of which is to assist in planning and directing the work agenda/programme of the Centre.
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- The Director of the Centre.
- Members of staff directly involved in the delivery of the work programme of the Centre.
- A maximum of six further members, nominated by the Director in consultation with the Centre staff and drawn from the Faculty of Social Sciences or, where appropriate, from another Faculty of the University. This upper limit may be waived in the interests of widening University representation.
- The Management Committee shall meet as required, but subject to a minimum of two meetings per academic session.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of: