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Governance Services and Key Contacts

Our team is now working on campus and from home on a hybrid basis. Please use email as a first point of contact and for general queries

Katharine Gray

Head of Governance Services
Ext. 74342

Penny Hewitt

Admin Assistant (Council Committees and Governance)
Ext. 75918

For general governance queries not covered by the services below please contact:

Meet the Team 

Governance service Description Key contact
Committee Room Bookings

Senate House Council Chamber bookings only.

Please see Strategic Planning & Analytics Office Space Management for booking meeting rooms in a number of locations across campus including University House, Argent Court and Senate House.

Admin Assistant (Council Committees and Governance)
committeeroombookings at warwick dot ac dot uk
Committee Timetable Sets out details of meetings of the formal University committees and is updated yearly in advance for each academic year. committeetimetable at warwick dot ac dot uk
Committees For further information about a formal University Committee, including the details of the Secretariat for a particular Committee. Governance at warwick dot ac dot uk
University Calendar The University Calendar includes the University’s Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations for staff and students, together with information on the University's history, Officers and formal Committees of the Council and the Senate. Governance at warwick dot ac dot uk
Committee Secretariat Training Including advice and guidance on the role of the Committee Secretary, e.g. agenda setting, minute and report writing, how to handle confidential information and committee structure, and business flow.
Governance at warwick dot ac dot uk
University Council All matters related to the Council are looked after by the Council Secretariat team within the Governance team. Head of Governance Services/Assistant Registrar (Governance)
universitycouncil at warwick dot ac dot uk
University Senate

All matters related to the Senate are looked after by the Senate Secretariat team, jointly by the Governance team and the Educational Policy and Quality team.

Assistant Registrar (Governance) senate at warwick dot ac dot uk
University Executive Board The Governance team provides Secretariat services for matters related to UEB. ueb at warwick dot ac dot uk
Nominations Committee All matters related to Nominations Committee are looked
after by the Head of Governance.

Head of Governance Services nominationscommittee at warwick dot ac dot uk

Finance Committees All matters related to the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the Financial Plan Committee, and the Investment Sub-Committee are looked after by the Governance team.

Assistant Registrar (Governance) FGPC at warwick dot ac dot uk FPC at warwick dot ac dot uk investsubcommittee at warwick dot ac dot uk

University Estate and Environment Committee All matters related to UEEC are looked
after by the Governance team.

uec at warwick dot ac dot uk

People Committee Secretariat matters related to PC are looked
after by the Governance team.

PeopleCommittee at warwick dot ac dot uk

Policy Oversight Group All matters related to POG are looked
after by the Governance team.

policyoversightgroup at warwick dot ac dot uk

Office for Students Annual Accountability Return Annual Accountability Return, which primarily relates to the submission that is made by each University on 1 December each year.

Head of Governance Services Governance at warwick dot ac dot uk

Governance Website If you are having problems viewing a page or cannot find something. Governance at warwick dot ac dot uk