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Reg. 9 Constitutions of Boards of Examiners

***Amendments to Regulation 9 were last approved by the University Council at the meeting held on 11 July 2018. The version detailed below took effect from 1 October 2018.***

Regulations Governing the Constitution of Boards of Examiners

9.1 Regulations Governing the Constitution of Boards of Examiners for First Degrees

(1) Boards of Examiners will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Boards of the Faculties in the Summer term.

(2) The First Year Boards of Examiners will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Boards in the Summer Term.

(a) The Boards of Examiners for first-year undergraduate degree courses shall consist of:

(i) Two members appointed by and from the members of the teaching staff of each department within the Faculty;

(ii) Up to four other members appointed on the nomination of the Faculty Education Committee.

(b) The Chair shall be the Chair of the Faculty Education Committee (or nominee).

(c) The Secretary shall be the Registrar or their appointed deputy.

(d) The quorum shall be at least one member from each of the Departments within the Faculty.

(3) For the Foundation Year of the BSc (with Foundation Year), the second year of a three-year degree course and for the second and third years of a four-year degree course, Boards of Examiners shall consist of such members as may be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of Department responsible for the degree(s) to be examined by the Board. The external examiner(s) may be a member of the Board of Examiners if they wish.


(i) In the case of single degree courses the Chair of the Board of Examiners will be appointed by the Senate and will normally be the Head of the Department responsible for the degree(s) to be examined by the Board or such other person as they may recommend to the Senate.

(ii) In the case of joint degree courses the Chair of the Board of Examiners will be appointed by the Senate and will normally be the Head of one of the departments responsible for the joint degree to be examined by the Board or such other person as they may recommend to the Senate.

(iii) The Chair of the Board of Examiners may appoint a Deputy Chair.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(4) Boards of Examiners for all final-year degree courses shall consist of the external examiner(s) and of such members as may be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of Department responsible for the degree(s) to be examined by the Board.


(i) In the case of single degree courses the Chair of the Board of Examiners will be appointed by the Senate and will normally be the Head of the Department responsible for the degree(s) to be examined by the Board or such other person as they may recommend to the Senate.

(ii) In the case of joint degree courses the Chair of the Board of Examiners will be appointed by the Senate and will normally be the Head of one of the departments responsible for the joint degree to be examined by the Board or such other person as they may recommend to the Senate.

(iii) The Chair of the Board of Examiners may appoint a Deputy Chair.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

9.2 Regulations governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the Full-time 2+2 and Part-time

Degree of BA

(1) The Board of Examiners will be appointed annually by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Boards of the Faculties and the Board of Lifelong Learning in the Autumn term.

(2) The Board of Examiners for level one of the part-time degree of BA shall consist of the Chair, who shall be the Academic Director of Studies of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, or their authorised deputy, and eight members of academic staff, comprising three members from each of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and two members from the Centre for Lifelong Learning and three from participating colleges.

(a) The Chair shall be the Academic Director of Studies of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, or their authorised deputy.

(b) The Secretary shall be the Registrar or their appointed deputy.

(c) The quorum shall be two-thirds of the full membership.

(3) The responsibility for appointing Boards of Examiners for the first period of level one studies of full-time 2+2 degrees will rest with the participating Colleges.

(4) The Boards of Examiners for the second period of level one study for full-time 2+2 degree courses will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning and will have University and partnership body representation. The external examiner for each degree course may be a member of the Board of Examiners for that degree course if they wish.

(a) The Chair of each second year Board of Examiners for the second period of level one study shall be a member of the University academic staff appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning.

(b) The Secretary shall normally be the Administrative Officer for Lifelong Learning or their nominated deputy.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(5) The Boards of Examiners for level two candidates on full-time 2+2 degrees with completed level two courses amounting to less than 240 CATS credits or the equivalent load for Pass degree candidates will be appointed annually by the on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning and will have University and partnership body representation. The external examiner for each degree course may be a member of the Board of Examiners if they wish.

(a) The Chair of each such level two Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning.

(b) The Secretary shall normally be the Administrative Officer for Lifelong Learning or their nominated deputy.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(6) The Boards of Examiners for intermediate years of the Honours level of the full-time 2+2 and part-time degree of BA shall consist of such members as may be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning. The external examiner(s) may be a member of the Board of Examiners if they wish.

(a) The Chair shall be the Academic Director of Studies of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, or their authorised deputy.

(b) The Secretary shall normally be the Administrative Officer for Lifelong Learning or their nominated deputy.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(7) The Board of Examiners for the final year of the Honours level of the full-time 2+2 and part-time degree of BA shall consist of the External Examiner(s) and of such members as may be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning.

(a) The Chair shall be the Academic Director of Studies of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, or their authorised deputy.

(b) The Secretary shall normally be the Administrative Officer for Lifelong Learning or their nominated deputy.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.


1. It is intended that for the intermediate years of the Honours level there will be two Boards, one dealing with the degrees within the Faculty of Arts, consisting of three representatives of that Faculty and one representative of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, plus the Chair, Secretary and external examiner, and one dealing with the degrees within the Faculty of Social Sciences, consisting of three representatives of that Faculty and one representative of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, plus the Chair, Secretary and external examiner (the Chair and Secretary shall be common to both Boards). The Secretary shall normally be the Administrative Officer for Lifelong Learning or their nominated deputy. The quorum for each Board shall therefore be six members (if the External Examiner is a member of the Board) or five members (if the External Examiner is not a member of the Board).

2. It is intended that the final year Board of Examiners shall consist of the six faculty representatives on the intermediate years Boards, plus the two representatives from the Centre for Lifelong Learning, the Chair, Secretary and External Examiner(s). The quorum shall therefore be three-quarters of the membership.

3. Members of staff from partner colleges who taught full-time 2+2 candidates at level one who are being considered by an Honours level Board of Examiners would be eligible to attend the Board of Examiners but would not have voting rights.

4. The Centre for Education Studies shall be considered the department responsible for the full-time 2+2 and part-time degree programme in Early Childhood Studies.

9.3 Regulations governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the Full-time and Part-time 2+2 Degrees of BSc and BA

(1) The responsibility for appointing Boards of Examiners for the first period of Level One study will rest with the participating Colleges.

(2) The Boards of Examiners for the second period of Level One study for 2+2 degree courses will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies and will have University and partnership body representation. The external examiner for each degree course may be a member of the Board of Examiners for that degree course if they wish.

(a) The Chair of each second year Board of Examiners for the second period of Level One study shall be a member of the University academic staff appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(3) The Boards of Examiners for Level Two candidates on 2+2 degrees with completed Level Two courses amounting to less than 240 CATS credits or the equivalent load for Pass degree candidates will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies, their membership being confined to academic staff of the University. The external examiner for each degree course may be a member of the Board of Examiners for that degree course if they wish.

(a) The Chair of each such Level Two Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(4) The Boards of Examiners for Level Two candidates on 2+2 degree courses with completed courses amounting to 240 CATS credits or more or the equivalent Pass load will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies, their membership being confined to academic staff of the University together with external examiners.

(a) The Chair of each such Level Two Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Flexible and Continuing Studies.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

9.4 Regulations governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the degrees of MB ChB

(1) The Boards of Examiners for the MB ChB degree programme shall be appointed annually by the Senate in the Autumn term on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

(2) The Phase I Board of Examiners shall comprise the following members of Warwick Medical School staff:

The Pro Dean (Education) (Chair)

The Head of the MBChB

The Chair of the MBChB Assessment Group

The External Examiners (at least one to be present at each Board held)

The Phase I Academic Lead

The Phase II Academic Lead

Two Academic members of staff with relevant subject expertise drawn from the Divisions but without a major role in teaching on the MBChB programme

In attendance: The Chair of the Academic Progress Group

Secretary: The MBChB Examinations Officer

(3) The Examination Board is deemed to be quorate when three quarters of the membership is present and must include the Pro Dean of Education (or designate) and at least one external examiner. The Secretary and the Chair of the Academic Progress Group are non-voting members.

(4) The Membership of the Phase II and Phase III Board of Examiners shall comprise the following members of Warwick Medical School:

The Pro Dean of Education (Chair)

The Head of the MBChB

The Chair of the MBChB Assessment Group

The External Examiners (at least one to be present at each Board held)

The Phase II Academic Lead

The Phase III Academic Lead

Two clinical members of academic staff with relevant expertise drawn from the Divisions but without a major role in teaching on the MBChB programme

A NHS representative (not a member of WMS substantive staff)

In attendance: The Chair of the Academic Progress Group

Secretary: The MBChB Examinations Officer

(5) The Examination Board is deemed to be quorate when three quarters of the membership is present which must include the Pro Dean of Education (or designate) and at least one external examiner. The Secretary and the Chair of the Academic Progress Group are non-voting members.

(6) Up to four members of academic or NHS staff (from partner NHS Trusts) are able to attend the Phase I, II or III Board of Examiners as observers to enable staff to gain experience of the workings of Boards of Examiners as part of their professional development. Observers will not contribute to the deliberations of the Board and are not allowed to vote.

9.6 Regulations governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the Foundation Degree (FdA)

(1) The Board of Examiners for Level One will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning and will have University and Associate College representation in those cases where the Foundation Degree is taught in a partner institution. The external examiner for each degree course may be a member of the Board of Examiners for that degree course if they wish.

(a) The Chair of each Level One Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

(2) The Boards of Examiners for Level Two candidates will be appointed annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning and will have University and Associate College representation in those cases where the Foundation Degree is taught in a partner institution.

(a) The Chair of each Level Two Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of Lifelong Learning.

(b) The Secretary will normally be an academic member of staff appointed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners.

(c) The quorum shall be three-quarters of the full membership.

9.7 Regulations governing the Constitution and Appointment of Boards of Examiners for the Certificate in Higher Education (CertHE) and Diploma in Higher Education (DipHE)

(1) Boards of Examiners for the Certificate in Higher Education and the Diploma in Higher Education shall consist of the external examiner(s) and of such members as may be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Education Committee.

(a) The Chair of the Board of Examiners will be appointed by the Senate and will normally be Chair of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee or such other person as they may recommend to the Senate.

(i) One member appointed by and from the members of the teaching staff of each department recommending a student for consideration by the Board;

(ii) One member appointed on the nomination of each of the Faculty Education Committees.

(c) The Chair of the Board of Examiners may appoint a Deputy Chair.

(d) The Secretary shall be the Registrar or their appointed deputy.

(e) The quorum shall be at least one member from each of the departments recommending a student for consideration by the Board.