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Reg. 8 contd. Regulations for First Degrees

***Amendments to Regulation 8 were last approved by the Chair of Senate by Chair's action, on 15 July 2020, with changes taking immediate effect.***

8.6 Regulations for the Degree of BEd

No longer applicable

8.7 Regulations for the Degree of BEd (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

No longer applicable

8.8 Regulations for the Degree of BPhil(Ed) (Part-time)

No longer applicable

8.9 Regulations for the full-time 2+2 Degrees (BSc and BA) offered in collaboration with local colleges

(1) All candidates for the full-time 2+2 degree of BA or BSc will be admitted to an Honours course. The degree may, however, be conferred either as a degree with Honours or as a Pass degree. Candidates who successfully complete Level One but who choose not to progress to Level Two will be eligible for the award of a Certificate.

(2) Candidates for a full-time 2+2 degree must have followed an approved course of study in the University and a local College, extending normally over four academic years.

(3) (a) In the Summer term of the first year Boards of Examiners appointed by the College will consider the progress of candidates in the first period of Level One study together with candidates’ work in the first period of Level One study, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the second period of Level One study; or

(ii) be required to take further tests in the Summer vacation; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study; or

(iv) where candidates withdraw from their course of study and have met the requirements of an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

Candidates in category (iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests in the Summer vacation together with candidates’ work during the first period of Level One study and in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the second period of Level One study; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where the candidates have met the requirements of an approved course of study, they may be recommended to the Senate for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(c) Exceptionally, a Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the first period of Level One tests to take further tests in a final attempt the following year, without residence at the College; when considering the results of these further examinations the Board of Examiners may take either of the decisions open to it under paragraph (b) above.

(4) (a) In the Summer term of the second period of Level One study, Boards of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates during the second period of Level One study, together with candidates’ work in the second period of Level One study, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to Level Two study; or

(ii) be required to take further tests in the Summer vacation; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study, and where the candidates have met the requirements of an approved course of study, they may be recommended to the Senate for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

Candidates in category (ii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests held in the Summer vacation together with candidates’ work in the second period of Level One study and in previous tests, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to Level Two study; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where the candidates have met the requirements of an approved course of study, they may be recommended to the Senate for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(c) Exceptionally, a Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the second period of Level One study tests to take further tests in a final attempt the following year, without residence at the College; when considering the results of these further examinations the Board of Examiners may take either of the decisions open to it under paragraph (b) above.

(5) (a) Where the examination of modules contributing to the final degree classification takes place before the final year of the degree programme, Boards of Examiners will consider in the Summer term of that year (or where that is not possible, during the Summer vacation) the results of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with work done during the year, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the next year of an Honours programme; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests to be specified by the examiners in a final attempt the following summer, without residence at the University; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study; or

(iv) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

(b) Candidates under 5(a)(iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests as directed by the Board of Examiners, as under paragraph 5(a)(ii) above.

(c) When considering a candidate resitting examinations under the requirements of 5(a)(ii) above, but not on the final year of the degree programme, Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests held in accordance with that paragraph together with the candidate's work during the year and in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed, or take further tests as a final attempt the following year, as under paragraphs 5(a)(ii) above, except that candidates shall not be permitted to resit examinations that have already been resat; or:

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study. Such candidates will be eligible for the award of a Certificate; or

(iii) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

(6) The final year examination or such part of it not previously taken will be held in the fourth year. The examination will consist of such tests as may be approved by the Senate. The Senate shall award the degree in accordance with the decisions made by Boards of Examiners. The Senate may refer any decision of a Board of Examiners back to that Board for further consideration.

(7) In determining the category and class of degree to be awarded, Boards of Examiners may take into account the quality of candidates' work throughout the degree course.

(a) The degree with Honours will be awarded in three classes, the second being in two divisions.

(b) A Pass degree is unclassified.

(8) (a) To be eligible for an Honours classification, a candidate must have followed the final year of an Honours degree programme and, except as provided in paragraphs (4)(c) and (5)(c) above or by special permission of the Senate, have completed the requirements for the degree in not more than four academic years from the date of admission to the first year of the course.

(b) Boards of Examiners may decide that a candidate in the final Honours examination should be awarded a Pass degree.

(c) Applicable to students who commenced their course at the University on or after 1 August 2008: Candidates who have resat examinations contributing to the final degree classification under paragraphs 5(a)(ii) above, may be considered for the award of an Honours degree or a Pass degree. Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a Pass degree.

(d) Candidates who are not awarded a degree at the conclusion of the final year may take further tests as may be approved by the Senate in a final attempt the following Summer, without residence at the University, to qualify for a Pass degree, except that candidates shall not be permitted to resit examinations that have already been resat.

(e) Boards of Examiners may recommend the award of a qualification other than that for which the student is registered, if the student has met the requirements for the award of an approved course of study.

(9) Boards of Examiners may award Aegrotat passes or degrees under the conditions laid down in the Regulations Governing the Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination.

(10) Permission for students to transfer from one 2+2 degree course to another may be given only by the Academic Registrar on the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for Lifelong Learning and submitted for approval to the Academic Registrar. Transfer will not normally be permitted to take place between the beginning of the third week of the Spring term and the end of the Summer term. The Director of the Centre for Lifelong Learning may recommend that a student transfer degree course during this period where that transfer is to take place at the start of the next academic session.

8.10 Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

(MBChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci)*

(1) Candidates for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) must have followed an approved course of full time study in the University extending normally over not fewer than four academic years. Students who are required to repeat a year or who temporarily withdraw from the course will normally be expected to complete the course within no more than six years from the date of first registration.

(2) To qualify for admission to the degree course a candidate must:

(a) Comply with the Regulations regarding admission to the University

(b) Be deemed fit to study medicine and practise as a doctor following successful completion of the course by the completion of a Health and Conduct Survey, and where relevant, satisfactory review by the Health, Welfare and Professionalism Group and Fitness to Practise Committee.

(3) The course is divided into three phases as follows:

(a) Phase I is normally completed by the end of the first year, Phase II is normally completed by the end of the second year, Phase III (consisting year 3 and 4) is normally completed by the end of the fourth year.

(b) Where a student is required to repeat any year with residence, they are normally required to repeat all of the core curriculum, satisfy the engagement criteria (as set out in the student handbook), and satisfactorily complete any associated assessments that take place during that year. Students will only be permitted a third attempt at any year under exceptional circumstances.

(4) Phase I (Year 1)

(a) In order to progress from Phase I to Phase II of the course candidates must satisfy the Phase I Board of Examiners that they have;

(i) Completed all of the core curriculum, and satisfied the engagement criteria for Phase I.

(ii) Achieved pass marks in all summative assessments for Phase I. Summative assessments will normally have both written and clinical elements but Phase 1 clinical examinations may be waived or determined to be formative in response to exceptional circumstances (for example national healthcare emergencies). Such a determination will be advised to students at the earliest opportunity.

(b) In their first meeting, the Phase I Board of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates on the basis of the engagement criteria and summative assessments. There will be no compensation between the engagement criteria, and the written/clinical element of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that candidates be:

(i) Permitted to proceed to Phase II of their course; or

(ii) Required to take further assessments that relate to the element in which they were deemed to; be unsatisfactory, and/or complete any remediation action related to their engagement with the course as specified by the Board of Examiners; or

(iii) Required to repeat Phase I, where the Board deem that the candidate cannot fulfil outstanding engagement criteria.

(iv) Withdraw from the course, where the Board deem that the candidate cannot fulfil outstanding engagement criteria.

(c) In their second meeting, the Phase I Board of Examiners will consider any evidence of remediation of fulfilment of engagement criteria and/or results of further written/clinical assessments. There will be no compensation between the engagement criteria and the written/clinical element of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that candidates be:

(i) Permitted to proceed to the second phase of their course; or

(ii) Required to repeat the Phase I of the course with residence, sit the written and clinical elements of the end of Phase I examinations and satisfy the engagement criteria for Phase I (these students will only be permitted a third sit of the Phase I under exceptional circumstances); or

(iii) Required to withdraw from their course of study.

(5) Phase II (Year 2)

(a) In order to progress from Phase II to Phase III of the course, candidates must satisfy the Phase II Board of Examiners that they have;

(i) Completed all of the core curriculum including required student selected components and satisfied the engagement criteria for Phase II.

(ii) Achieved pass marks in all summative assessments for Phase II. Summative assessments will have both written and clinical elements.

(b) In their first meeting, the Phase II Board of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates on the basis of the engagement criteria and summative written and clinical assessments. There will be no compensation between the engagement criteria, and the written and /clinical elements of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that candidates be:

(i) Permitted to proceed to Phase III of their course; or

(ii) Required to take further assessments that relate to the element in which they were deemed to be unsatisfactory, and/or complete any remediation action related to their engagement with the course as specified by the Board of Examiners; or

(iii) Required to repeat Phase II, where the Board deem that the candidate cannot fulfil outstanding engagement criteria.

(iv) Withdraw from the course, where the Board deem that the candidate cannot fulfil outstanding engagement criteria.

(c) In their second meeting, the Phase II Board of Examiners will consider any evidence of remediation of fulfilment of engagement criteria and/or the results of written/clinical second sit assessments, there will be no compensation between the engagement criteria, and the written/clinical element of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that candidates be:

(i) Permitted to continue with Phase III of the course; or

(ii) Required to repeat at least the Core Clinical Education block of their course with residence, sit the written and clinical elements of the end of Phase II examinations, and satisfy the engagement criteria for Phase II. (Students will only be permitted a third sit of Phase II under exceptional circumstances).

(iii) Required to repeat Phase II with residence (in full). (Students will only be permitted a third sit of Phase II under exceptional circumstances); or

(iv) Required to withdraw from their course of study.

(6) Phase III (Years 3 and 4)

(a) In order to pass Phase III of the course candidates must satisfy the Phase III Board of Examiners that they have;

(i) In the third year completed all of the core curriculum and satisfied the evidence of engagement criteria for year 3.

(ii) In the fourth year, completed all of the core curriculum and satisfied the engagement criteria for year 4.

(a) In order to pass Phase III of the course candidates must satisfy the Phase III Board of Examiners that they have;

(i) In the third year completed all of the core curriculum and satisfied the evidence of engagement criteria for year 3.

(ii) In the fourth year:

a) Completed all of the core curriculum and satisfied the engagement criteria for year 4.

b) Achieved pass marks in all summative assessments for Phase III. Summative assessments will have both written and clinical elements.

(6.1) Phase III – Year 3

(a) In the third year, candidates who fail to satisfy the Phase III Board of Examiners that they have satisfied the Year 3 engagement criteria, and/or satisfactorily completed SSC2, will normally be required to fulfil a number of conditions before being permitted to progress to the next year. Where the Board deem that it is not likely for a candidate to be able to fulfil these conditions, it may require candidates to:

(i) Repeat year 3 to include Advanced Cases 2, Specialist Clinical Placements (and associated formative assessments), and satisfy the year 3 engagement criteria;

(ii) Repeat year 3 to include SSC2, Advanced Cases 2, Specialist Clinical Placements (and associated formative assessments), and satisfy the year 3 engagement criteria;

(iii) Proceed to year 4 with a requirement to complete SSC2 and/or any unfulfilled engagement criteria;

(iv) Withdraw from their course of study.

(6.2) Phase III – Year 4

(a) In the fourth year, candidates who fail to satisfy the Phase III Board of Examiners that they have satisfied the year 4 engagement criteria, will normally be required to fulfil a number of conditions before being permitted to graduate. Where the Board deem that it is not likely for a candidate to be able to fulfil these conditions, it may require candidates to:

(i) Repeat year 4 (in accordance with 6.2 (c) (iii) or (iv) below); or

(ii) Withdraw from their course of study (in accordance with (6.2) (c) (v) below).

(b) In their first meeting of the fourth year, the Phase III Board of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates during the third and fourth years on the basis of the engagement criteria, prescribing skills examination and any written and/or clinical assessments as may be approved by the Senate. There will be no compensation between the engagement criteria, the prescribing element, and the written/clinical elements of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that a candidate be:

(i) Permitted to proceed to elective study block; or

(ii) Permitted to proceed to elective study block with a requirement to satisfy any outstanding engagement criteria in accordance with the deadline set by the Board of Examiners.

(iii) Required to take further assessments that relate to the element in which they have been deemed to be unsatisfactory, thereby being required to attend a directed study block , and/or complete any remediation action related to their engagement with the course as specified by the Board of Examiners; or

(iv) Required to repeat at least three specialist clinical placements and Advanced Clinical Cases, sit all summative elements of the Final Professional Examination, successfully complete all engagement criteria, student elected study (these students will only be permitted a third sit of the final year under exceptional circumstances); or

(v) Required to repeat Phase III including Advanced Cases 2, eight Specialist Clinical Placements (and associated formative assessments), Advanced Clinical Cases, sit all summative elements of the Final Professional Examination, successfully complete elective study block and Assistantship, and satisfy the year 3 and year 4 engagement criteria (these students will only be permitted a third sit of the final year under exceptional circumstances); or

(vi) Required to withdraw from their course of study and considered for the award of the BMedSci degree.

(c) In their second meeting of the fourth year, the Phase III Board of Examiners will consider any evidence of remediation of fulfilment of engagement criteria, the results of any further summative assessments. There will be no compensation between the engagement criteria, and the written/clinical elements of any assessments. The Board of Examiners may resolve that a candidate be:

(i) Permitted to proceed to their Assistantship; or

(ii) Permitted to proceed to their Assistantship, with a requirement to satisfy any outstanding engagement criteria in accordance with the deadline set by the Board of Examiners; or

(iii) Required to repeat at least three specialist clinical placements and one block of Advanced Clinical Cases, the prescribing element,, written and clinical elements of the Final Professional Examination, successfully complete a student selected component Assistantship, and satisfy the engagement criteria for year 4 (these students will only be permitted a third sit of the final year under exceptional circumstances); or

(iv) Required to repeat Phase 3 to include Advanced Cases 2, eight Specialist Clinical Placements (and associated formative assessments), Advanced Clinical Cases, sit the prescribing, written, and clinical elements of the Final Professional Examination, successfully complete a student elected component and Assistantship, and satisfy the year 3 and year 4 engagement criteria (these students will only be permitted a third sit of the final year under exceptional circumstances); or

(v) Required to withdraw from their course of study and considered for the award of the BMedSci degree.

(d) In their third meeting, the Phase III Board of Examiners will consider any evidence of remediation of fulfilment of engagement criteria, satisfactory completion of an approved elective study block, and evidence of satisfactory completion of an assistantship. The Board of Examiners may resolve that candidates be:

(i) Recommended for the award of the MB ChB degree; or

(ii) Recommended for the award of MB ChB “with honours” (all eligible candidates);

(iii) Required to withdraw from their course of study and considered for the award of the BMedSci degree.

(iv) Required to repeat programme elements under both of the repeat options listed under 6.2.c (iii) and (iv) above.

(e) In order to be awarded the degrees of MB ChB candidates must be deemed fit to practise in accordance with current GMC guidance.

(f) In order to receive the degrees of MB ChB candidates who have successfully completed the requirements of the course will be required to affirm the Declaration of Geneva at the degree ceremony or on another occasion as decided by the Dean of the Warwick Medical School.

(7) Bachelor of Medical Science – BMedSci

(a) BMedSci may be awarded to students that have satisfied the Phase III Board of Examiners that they have satisfactorily completed Year 1 Phase I, Year 2 Phase II, and Year 3 Phase III but have not satisfactorily completed Year 4 Phase III.

(b) Candidates who are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Medical Science are normally excluded from re-admission to the course for the degrees of MB ChB.

8.11 Regulations for the part-time Foundation Degree (FdA)

(1) The Foundation Degree is an unclassified award conferred on candidates successfully completing periods of Level One and Level Two study. Candidates who successfully complete Level One but who choose not to progress to Level Two will be eligible for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(2) Candidates for the part-time Foundation Degree must have followed an approved course of study in the University and/or at an Associate College of the University, extending normally over not fewer than three and not more than six academic years.

(3) Level One Candidates

(a) In the summer term, Level One Boards of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates with 120 level one credits of fewer, completed on the basis of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates' work in that year.

(b) Candidates with fewer than 120 credits will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to further study at level one; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests, as specified by the Board of Examiners, in the Summer vacation; or

(iii) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

(c) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests held in the Summer vacation together with candidates' work in the first and in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to further study at Level One; or

(ii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study, and where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of a Certificate of Higher Education; or

(iii) exceptionally, be permitted to take further tests, as specified by the Board of Examiners, in a final attempt the following year.

(d) Candidates in (c)(ii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the following year as specified by the Board of Examiners.

(e) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of tests taken under (c)(iii) or (d) above, together with candidates' work in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to further study at Level One; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(f) Candidates with 120 level one credits will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to level two study; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests, as specified by the Board of Examiners, in the Summer vacation; or

(iii) be recomended to withdraw from their course of study.

(g) Candidates in (f)(iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation as specified by the Board of Examiners.

(h) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of tests held in the Summer vacation together with candidates' work in the first and in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to level two study; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of a Certificate of Higher Education; or

(iii) exceptionally, be permitted to take further tests, as specified by the Board of examiners, in a final attempt the following year.

(i) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of tests taken under (h)(iii) above, together with candidates' work in previous tests and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to level two study; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(4) Level Two Candidates

(a) At level two, Boards of Examiners will each year consider the progress of candidates during that year on the basis of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together will candidates' work in that year and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to further courses at level two; or

(ii) be permitted to proceed to further courses at level two notwithstanding a fail mark in a particular course; or

(iii) be required to take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of tests held in the Summer vacation together with candidates' work in the first test and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to further courses at level two; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study, and where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of a Certificate of Higher Education.

(5) Candidates who are not awarded a Foundation Degree at the conclusion of their final year may take further tests as directed by the Board of Examiners in a final attempt during the Summer vacation, except that candidates shall not be permitted to resit examinations which have already been resat. Final awards may be made by Boards of Examiners in June/July, September or December.

(6) Board of Examiners may recommend the award of Aegrotat passes or degrees under the conditions laid down in the Regulations Governing the Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination.

8.12 Regulations Governing Appeals Relating to Decisions of Final-year Undergraduate Board of Examiners

No longer applicable following the implementation of Regulation 42 on 2 October 2017

8.13 Regulations for the Part-time Degree of BEng in Applied Engineering and BEng Engineering

(1) (a) All candidates for the degree of BEng in Applied Engineering/Engineering will be admitted to an honours programme.

(b) The degree of BEng may be awarded either as a degree with Honours or as a Pass degree.

(c) Candidates for the part-time degree of BEng in Applied Engineering/Engineering must have followed an approved programme of study in the University extending normally over not fewer than four academic years.

(d) On the recommendation of the Faculty Education Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine and of the Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine, the Senate may permit a suitably qualified candidate to be a part-time candidate for the degree of BEng in Applied Engineering/Engineering, which may be completed in less than four years.

FIRST YEAR (90 credits at FHEQ Level 4)

(2) (a) In the summer, the Board of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates during the first year on the basis of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work in the first year, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the second year of an Honours programme; or

(ii) be given the opportunity to be reassessed in all failed modules on one occasion at the next available opportunity normally in September ; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their programme of study.

Candidates in category (iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) The Board of Examiners will consider the results of the assessments held in the reassessment period in September together with candidates’ work in the first year and in previous assessments, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the second year of an Honours programme; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their programme of study.

(c) Exceptionally, a Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the first year tests to take further tests in a final attempt the following year, without residence at the University; when considering the results of these further examinations the Board of Examiners may take either of the decisions open to it under paragraph (b) above.

SECOND YEAR (90 credits at FHEQ Level 5)

(3) (a) In the summer, the Board of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates during the second year on the basis of such assessments as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work in the first and second years, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the third year of the BEng Honours programme; or

(ii) be required to take further assessments in the Summer vacation. Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a Pass degree; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their programme of study; or

(iv) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

Candidates in category (iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) The Board of Examiners will consider the results of the assessments held in the Summer vacation together with candidates’ work in the first and second year and in previous tests, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to proceed to the third year of an Honours programme; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from the programme of study; or

(iv) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

(c) Exceptionally, the Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the second year tests to take further tests to be specified by the examiners in a final attempt the following year, without residence at the University. Students who satisfy the examiners in these tests will be permitted to return to the third year of the BEng programme.

(d) be required to withdraw from their programme of study if having failed their second year examinations, they fail to satisfy the examiners in tests taken the following Summer as provided in paragraph 3(c) above.

THIRD YEAR (90 credits at FHEQ Level 6)

(4) (a) In the summer, the Progress Board will consider the academic progress of candidates during that year on the basis of such assessments as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work in that and previous years, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to continue to the final year of the BEng Honours programme; or

(ii) be permitted to take further assessments, as specified by the Board of Examiners . Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a Pass degree; or

(iii) Exceptionally, the Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the third year tests to take further tests to be specified by the examiners in a final attempt the following year, without residence at the University. Students who satisfy the examiners in these tests will be permitted to return to the final year of the BEng programme only. Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a Pass degree; or

(iv) be required to withdraw from their programme of study if having failed their third year assessments, they fail to satisfy the Board of Examiners in further assessments as provided in paragraph 4(iii) above; or

(v) where candidates meet the requirements for an approved course of study, they will be recommended to the Senate for an award of an alternative qualification.

FINAL YEAR (90 credits at FHEQ Level 6)


(i) The final examination for candidates for the degree of BSc in Applied Engineering/Engineering will be held in the fourth year and will consist of such assessments as may be approved by the Senate. The Senate shall award the degree in accordance with decisions made by the Board of Examiners. The Senate may refer any decision of the Board of Examiners back to that Board for further consideration. In determining the category and class of degree to be awarded, the Board of Examiners will take into account the quality of a candidate’s work throughout the degree programme.

(ii) Candidates who have not passed their fourth and final year after the first sit of examinations, may be permitted by the Board of Examiners to take further tests to be specified by the examiners in a final attempt in September. Where a module which contributes to the degree classification has been failed but passed on resit, the pass mark (40%) will be used in the calculation of the degree class or the award of a pass degree.

(6) (a) The degree of BEng with Honours will be awarded in three classes, the second class being in two divisions.

(b) A Pass degree is unclassified.

(7) (a) To be eligible for the BEng Honours classification, a candidate must, except as provided in paragraphs 2(c), 3(c), 4(a)(iii) and 5(ii) above or by special permission of the Senate, have completed the requirements for the degree in normally not more than four academic years from the date of admission to the first year of the programme.

(b) The Board of Examiners may decide that a final year candidate who has taken resits in the final Honours examination for the degree of BEng should be awarded a Pass degree, subject to the requirements for the award of a Pass degree having been met.

(c) Boards of Examiners may recommend the award of a qualification other than that for which the student is registered, if the student has met the requirements for the award of an approved course of study.

(8) The Board of Examiners may award Aegrotat passes, degrees or diplomas under the conditions laid down in the Regulations Governing the Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Absence for Medical Reasons from a University Examination.

(9) Permission for students to transfer from one degree course to another may be given only by the Academic Registrar on the recommendation of the Head(s) of Department(s) of the course on which the student is enrolled and to which the student is transferring. Transfer will not normally be permitted to take place between the beginning of the third week of the Spring term and the end of the Summer term. Heads of Departments may recommend that a student transfer degree course during this period where that transfer is to take place at the start of the next academic session.

8.14 Regulations for the Degree of BSc (with Foundation Year)

(1) All candidates for the degree of BSc (with Foundation Year) will be admitted to the BSc Management (with Foundation Year) or the BSc Accounting and Finance (with Foundation Year) Honours course following successful completion of the Foundation Year. The degree may, however, be conferred either as a degree with Honours or as a Pass degree.

(2) Candidates for the degree must have followed an approved course of full-time study in the University, extending normally over not fewer than four academic years (including the Foundation Year).

(3) (a) In the Summer term, Boards of Examiners will consider the progress of candidates during the foundation year on the basis of such tests as may be approved by the Senate, together with candidates’ work in the year and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to progress to the first year of an Honours course; or

(ii) be permitted to take further tests in the Summer vacation; or

(iii) be recommended to withdraw from their course of study.

Candidates in category (iii) above may, if they wish, take further tests in the Summer vacation.

(b) Boards of Examiners will consider the results of the tests held in the Summer vacation together with candidates’ work in the first and in previous tests, and candidates will either:

(i) be permitted to progress to the first year of an Honours course; or

(ii) be required to withdraw from their course of study.

(c) Exceptionally, a Board of Examiners may permit a candidate who has not passed the foundation year tests to take further tests in a final attempt the following year without residence at the University; when considering the results of these further examinations the Board of Examiners may take either of the decisions open to it under paragraph (b) above.

(4) For the examination of courses taken during the first year of the Honours degree and those contributing to final degree classification, Regulation 8.1 (3 – 10) applies.