Recent Changes to the University Calendar
Revisions to Ordinance 3, 4 and 5
On 18 November 2020, the Council approved amendments to the following University Ordinances, with changes taking immediate effect.
- Ordinance 3.5 (The Pro Vice-Chancellors)
Rationale: Change of Status
- Ordinance 4.1 (Nominations Committee)
Rationale: To reflect the updated Terms of Reference
- Ordinance 4.2 (Appointed Members of Council)
Rationale: Appointment of Pro Vice-Chancellor no longer needed due to change of status.
- Ordinance 4.9 (Committees of the Council)
Rationale: Updated name of Equality and Diversity Committee to Social Inclusion Committee
- Ordinance 5.3 (Committees of the Senate)
Rationale:Updated name of Equality and Diversity Committee to Social Inclusion Committee and removed the Senate Steering Committee