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Departmental Advisory Boards

Advisory Board of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

Chair, appointed by the Strategy Committee from the external members of the Committee. Mr P. Taylor
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Regional Engagement) Professor Y. Carter
The Director of the Centre for Lifelong Learning. Dr R. Moseley
The Director of Academic Studies in the Centre for Lifelong Learning Dr D. Lamburn
The Registrar Mr J.F. Baldwin
The Director of the Language Centre Mr E. Stewart
The Director of the Institute of Education Professor A. Prout
Up to six members of the academic staff of the University appointed by the Strategy Committee Professor R. Fine
Professor P. Huddleston
To be appointed
Professor E. Peile
Up to twelve external members, drawn from the Learning and Skills Sector and Higher Education, of whom normally not more than one shall be an academic member of staff from an external institution, appointed by the Strategy Committee. 

Mr N. Briggs
Ms C. Kerr
Ms M. Plant
Ms B. Shiels

  1. The Advisory Board will normally meet no more than twice in each academic year.

  2. The Advisory Board will be serviced by the Administrator of the Centre of Lifelong Learning.

  3. Members of the Advisory Board will be appointed for renewable periods of three years.

  4. The Vice-Chaencellor will extend invitations to the proposed external members of the Advisory Board.

Terms of Reference

  1. To offer support, comment and advice to the Centre for Lifelong Learning on strategic issues relevant to the present work and future development of the Centre.

  2. To promote mutually beneficial relationships between the Centre and its local communities and partners.

  3. To maintain a broad oversight of the activities of the Centre in local, regional and national contexts.

  4. To submit a report on an annual basis, or more frequently if appropriate, for consideration by the Strategy Committee, through the Vice-Chancellor, on the Advisory Board’s view on the strategic development of the Centre for Lifelong Learning and its activities.

Advisory Board of the Warwick Business School

A Chair, normally a lay member of the Council, appointed by the Council in consultation with the Warwick Business School Ms V. Gooding CBE
Dean of the School Professor H. Thomas
The Vice-Chancellor Professor N. Thrift
Deputy Dean of the School Professor M. Terry
Chair of the Alumni Board
Mr H. Winand
Chair of the Executive Programmes Board Mr R. Wright
Chair of the Founders' Association Mr G. Percy
Up to thirty members external to the University appointed by the Strategy Committee for periods of three years Mr K. Abbott
Mr M. Akers
Mr M. Angle
Dr C. Baker
Mr K. Bedell-Pearce
Mr D. Clarke
Sir George Cox
Dr F. Craig
Ms V. Gooding CBE
Mrs A. Gunther
Ms J. Hall
Mr R. Howell
Ms M. Frantzeskakis
Mr J. Leighfield
Ms S. Manzie
Mr R. Parry-Jones CBE
Mr G. Percy
Mr D. Richards CBE
Mr J. Singh
Mr T. Temple
Mr M. Tokarz
Mr J. Ward
Mr D. Whitmore
Mr H. Winand
Mr R. Wright
Up to ten members of staff of the University appointed by the Strategy Committee for periods of three years Professor S. Bassnett
Professor R. G. Dyson
Ms J. Hocking
Professor J. McGee
Professor A. Oswald
Professor D. Storey
  1. The Advisory Board will normally meet no more than three times in each academic year.

  2. The Advisory Board will be serviced by the Director of Academic Services, or the nominee of the Dean, of the Warwick Business School.

  3. Members of the Advisory Board will be appointed for renewable periods of three years commencing on 1 October.

  4. The Vice-Chancellor will extend invitations to the proposed external members of the Advisory Board.

  1. Terms of Reference

    1. To offer support, comment, and advice to the Warwick Business School on strategic issues relevant to the present work and future development of the School, particularly those concerned with the promotion and marketing of the School, its self-funding degree programmes, executive courses, and student placement, to be forwarded, where appropriate, to the Council of the University of Warwick.

    2. To submit a report on an annual basis, or more frequently if appropriate, for consideration by the Strategy Committee, through the Vice-Chancellor, on the Advisory Board's view on the strategic development of the Warwick Business School and its activities.

  2. Membership

    1. The Dean of the Warwick Business School

    2. Up to six other members of the School appointed by the Council on the School's recommendation

    3. The Vice-Chancellor and up to three other members of the University of Warwick appointed by the Council after consultation with the School

    4. Up to sixteen other members, representative of industry, commerce, public service, the professions and the trade unions appointed by the Council after consultation with the School

    5. Up to four co-opted members

    6. The Advisory Board shall be able to invite such other persons to attend its meetings for particular items under discussion as it deems appropriate.

    7. Appointed members of the Board will serve for terms normally of three years.

  3. Officers

    1. The Advisory Board shall elect a Chair, who shall normally not be an employee of the University of Warwick, for a renewable term of three years.

    2. The Dean of the Warwick Business School shall be the Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board.

  4. Meetings

    A General Meeting of the Advisory Board shall normally be held at least twice a year.

Advisory Board of Warwick Horticulture Research International

Chair Mr D. Langslow
The Director of Warwick HRI ex officio; Professor S. Bright
Up to eight members of the academic staff of the University, including four members of Warwick HRI, appointed by the Strategy Committee on the recommendation of the Director of Warwick HRI  Professor R. Lindley
Professor B. Thomas
Dr E. Dowler
Professor S.B. Palmer
Up to fifteen external members, of whom normally not more than three shall be academic members of staff from an external institution, appointed by the Strategy Committee. The remaining members shall be drawn from business and the community and appointed by the Strategy Committee on the recommendation of the Director of Warwick HRI  Mr D. Barney
Professor W. Davies
Mr J. Godfrey
Dr D. Gray OBE
Mr D. Hand
Mr J. Hooper
Professor R. Mithen
Dr M. Parker
Mr M.R.A. Paske
  1. The Advisory Board will normally meet no more than twice in each academic year.

  2. The Advisory Board will be serviced by the Administrator of Warwick HRI.

  3. Members of the Advisory Board will be appointed for renewable periods of three years commencing on 1 October, except in the first instance when appointments will commence from 1 April 2004 until 30 September 2007.

  4. The Vice-Chancellor will extend invitations to the proposed external members of the Advisory Board.

Terms of Reference

  1. To take a view of the work of Warwick HRI within the context of the national and international profile of horticultural science and associated disciplines.

  2. To provide external support and advice to the Director of Warwick HRI on the strategic direction of the Department across the range of its activities.

  3. To promote the Department and its activities externally.

  4. To submit a report on an annual basis, or more frequently if appropriate, for consideration by the Strategy Committee, through the Vice-Chancellor, and concurrently to the Board of the Faculty of Science, on the Advisory Board’s view on the strategic development of Warwick HRI and its activities.