Procedure for the Appointment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(1) On the Council approving a recommendation from the Vice-Chancellor that the post of Deputy Vice-Chancellor be filled, the Council shall request that the Senate establish a Search Committee to act in an advisory capacity to the Vice-Chancellor on the person to be appointed to the post. The Vice-Chancellor shall recommend appointment of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor to the Council from a shortlist provided by the Search Committee after the Senate has been informed of the Vice-Chancellor’s choice in the matter. In the event that the Vice-Chancellor does not wish to recommend appointment of any person recommended by the Search Committee additional consultation shall be undertaken between the Vice-Chancellor and the Search Committee with a view to resolving the matter through a further process of selection.
(2) The membership of the Search Committee shall comprise a Pro-Vice-Chancellor who shall be Chair of the Committee, three other professorial members of the Senate appointed by the Senate who are not serving as Pro-Vice-Chancellors and a lay member of the Council appointed by the Council. The Registrar, or the Registrar's nominee, shall act as secretary of the Committee. The Search Committee shall determine its own procedures consistent with the University’s stated policies with regard to employment matters.