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Procedure for the Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors

Ordinance on the Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors (See Statute 8(2))

(1) The period of office of a Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall extend over two years and shall normally begin on 1 August in any year and continue to 31 July two years later.

(2) Notice of an impending vacancy in the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be reported to the Senate and the Council at their last ordinary meetings of the Autumn Term.

(3) The Senate, at its first ordinary meeting in the Autumn Term, shall appoint a Committee to act in an advisory capacity to the Vice-Chancellor on the appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors. The membership of the Advisory Committee shall comprise a professorial member of staff, normally a member of the Senate, who shall be the Chair of the Committee, and three other professorial members of the Senate who are not serving as Pro-Vice-Chancellors. Appointees will include those with some direct knowledge and experience of the role and responsibilities of Pro-Vice-Chancellors or other senior management responsibilities within the University. The Registrar, or the Registrar's nominee, shall act as secretary of the Committee. The Advisory Committee shall determine its own procedures.

(4) In the Spring Term prior to an impending vacancy the Advisory Committee appointed by the Senate shall consult widely in order to bring forward one recommendation for appointment for each vacant Pro-Vice-Chancellorship for consideration by the Vice Chancellor.

(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall consider the name of those persons recommended for appointment by the Advisory Committee to the position of Pro-Vice Chancellor and may either:

(i) recommend appointment to the Council, through the Senate;


(ii) refer a recommendation back to the Committee for further consideration.

(6) In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor for any reason before the end of the two year term of office notice of the vacancy shall be reported to the Senate and the Council at their next ordinary meetings. The vacancy shall remain unfilled until the October following the vacancy arising. The procedure for appointment to be followed shall be as in (4) and (5) above and shall take place in term time as soon as possible after the vacancy arises.