Regulations Governing the Continuation of Registration
(1) Each Department shall publish on its notice board, not later than at the beginning of the academic year, a statement of the prescribed classes and coursework in respect of each unit of study for which it is responsible. The Department shall also publish a warning that failure to attend prescribed classes or to complete prescribed coursework may result in a student being required to submit additional assessed work, or to sit an additional written examination, or in the student being required to withdraw from his/her course of study. Publication on the notice board of the Department responsible for the unit of study shall be deemed to be sufficient publication.
(2) Any student who fails to attend prescribed classes or to submit prescribed coursework or to make satisfactory progress in regard to his/her research may be required to withdraw from his/her course of study in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Procedure for the Continuation of Registration (Regulation 13.2).
(3) In any unit of study, a student who fails to attend prescribed classes or to complete prescribed coursework may be required either:
(a) to submit additional assessed work; or
(b) to sit an additional written examination.
Such written examination may be:
(c) an additional paper specially set for the student concerned; or
(d) an appropriate paper which the student would not otherwise have taken or would have taken only in part; or
(e) an extended version of such a paper.
(4) A decision that a student is required to submit additional assessed work or to sit an examination in place of prescribed coursework or through failure to attend prescribed classes shall be taken by the Head of the Department responsible for the unit of study concerned. Prior to taking the decision the Head shall consult the teacher(s) responsible for the relevant unit of study and the personal tutor of the student concerned. The student shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make representations in relation to the proposed decision. The decision of the Head of the Department is final and shall be communicated to the student in writing. Any additional assessed work or examination required under (1) or (3) above shall count towards the student’s mark in that unit of study, the precise mechanism for this to be determined by the Chair of the Department in consultation with the teacher(s) responsible for the relevant unit of study.
13.2 Regulations Governing the Procedure for the Continuation of Registration
(A) In the Case of Recommendations made in Accordance with paragraph (2) of the Regulations Governing Attendance at Classes, Submission of Coursework and Progress with Research (Regulation 13.1), paragraph 2(b) of the Regulations Governing the Admission to Courses of Study (Regulation 6.3), and paragraph 5(d) of the Regulation for the Determination of Fitness to Practise (Regulation 34)
(1) For recommendations that a student be required to withdraw from a course of study on the basis of paragraph (2) of the Regulations Governing Attendance at Classes, Submission of Coursework and Progress with Research:
(a) For undergraduate students, a recommendation that a student be required to withdraw shall be made not later than the penultimate week of the second term in any year except in those cases where a student is not in attendance at the University during the first term or where a student’s course is not examined in the third term of the year.
(b) For students registered on postgraduate or post-experience courses, a recommendation that a student be required to withdraw may be made at any time.
(c) The recommendation shall be made by the appropriate departmental Head to the Continuation of Registration Committee of the Senate. Before any such recommendation is made, the student concerned shall have been informed by the Chair of his/her intention to submit the recommendation, and shall have been given an opportunity to make representations either in person or in writing to the Chair.
(2) For recommendations that a student be required to withdraw on the basis of paragraph (3)d of the Regulations Governing Admission to Courses of Study (Regulation 6.3):
(a) The recommendation shall be made by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee to the Chair of the Committee on Admission to Courses of Study following receipt of evidence which was not available for consideration at the point of the student's admission to the University.
(b) Before any such recommendation to the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study is made, the student concerned shall have been informed by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee of his/her intention to submit the case of the student for consideration, and shall have been given the opportunity to make representations in writing to the Academic Registrar.
(3) For recommendations that a student be required to withdraw on the basis of the Regulations Governing Temporary Withdrawal from the University (Regulation 33):
(a) The recommendation shall be made by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee to the Continuation of Registration Committee following receipt of evidence which was not available for consideration at the point of their temporary withdrawal, except in the case of students registered on the MA Social Work, MB ChB, PGCE and the Diploma in Person Centred (Rogerian) Counselling and Psychotherarpy where they shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practise Committee in the first instance and their decision shall be recommended to Continuation of Registration Committee. Should the evidence relate to a period during which the student was fully registered at the University, the regulations as set out in Regulation 23 Disciplinary Regulations would apply.
(b) Before any such recommendation to the Continuation of Registration Committee is made, the student concerned shall have been informed by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee of his/her intention to submit the case of the student for consideration, and shall have been given the opportunity to make representations in writing to the Academic Registrar.
(4) Where a recommendation is made under 2(a) above, the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study shall afford the student the opportunity to access and comment on the full evidence being considered by the Chair of the Committee regarding his/her case before a decision is made, unless the Chair decides that any such evidence should not be disclosed, for example on the grounds of confidentiality or prejudice to the applicant or any third party. . The student may, if he/she chooses, appear in person before the Chair of the Committee and may invite any one other person to attend the hearing. The name and status of any person accompanying the student must be notified to the Chair of the Committee in advance of the meeting. In such cases the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Course of Study may either (a) uphold the recommendation requiring the student to withdraw or
(b) reject the recommendation and permit the student to continue with his/her registration, provided that, before reaching such a decision in the case of a student registered on the MA Social Work, MB ChB and PGCE, the mater shall be referred to the relevant Fitness to Practice Committee for further consideration under Regulation 34.
(5) In cases where a Fitness to Practise Committee has, under Regulation 34 5(f), recommended to a Continuation of Registration Committee that the registration of a candidate be terminated on the grounds that s/he is unfit to practise, the Continuation of Registration Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study (or nominee), one member of the relevant Continuation of Registration Committee Panel and two practitioners from a relevant field drawn from the panel appointed under Regulation 34 (2(a)).(6) In all other cases, the Continuation of Registration Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members (none of whom shall be in the student’s Department) appointed on each occasion by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel appointed by the Senate and shall include the Chair of the Committee on Admission of Students to Courses of Study for cases referred under paragraph 13.2(2)(c) above. The panel shall include the Chair of the Sub-Faculty of Science and the Chairs of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Studies for undergraduate students and the Chairs of the Board of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties of Science, Medicine, Arts and Social Studies for postgraduate students, and up to 10 other members of academic staff.
(7) The Head of the student's Department or his/her nominee shall be in attendance at the meeting of the Continuation of Registration Committee, and a written statement shall be obtained from each of the student’s module tutors for the period under consideration or from the student's supervisor in the case of students registered for a research degree. The Personal Tutor or Supervisor will normally be expected to attend the meeting. The student may, if he/she chooses, appear in person before the Committee and may invite any one other person to attend the hearing. The name and status of any person accompanying the student must be notified to the Chair of the Committee in advance of the meeting. Students shall have the opportunity to access and comment on the full evidence being considered by the Committee regarding his/her case before a decision is made, unless the Committee decides that any such evidence should not be disclosed, for example on the grounds of confidentiality or prejudice to the applicant or any third party. Any written comments provided by the student will be made available to the departmental representatives for their comment.
(8) The Continuation of Registration Committee may either:
(a) uphold the recommendation requiring the student to withdraw or
(b) reject the recommendation and permit the student to continue with his/her registration.
(c) If the Committee is considering a case referred by a Fitness to Practise Committee and rejects the recommendation to require a student to withdraw, the Committee should also determine whether or not the student is fit to practise.(9)
(a) A student may appeal against the decision of the Chair of the Committee on Admission to Courses of Study or the Continuation of Registration Committee requiring the student to withdraw to an Appeal Committee which shall consist of not fewer than three members appointed on each occasion by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel appointed by the Senate under Regulations 8.12(5) for undergraduate students and 16.3(5) for postgraduate students. In cases originally referred to a Continuation of Registration Committee by a Fitness to Practice Committee, the panel shall include two practitioners in the relevant field drawn from the panel appointed under Regulation 34 (2) (a) and two members of the appropriate appeals panel appointed by the Senate. No teacher of any module studied by the appellant or any member of staff involved in the supervision of the appellant shall be a member of the Appeal Committee. The Appeal Committee shall not include any member of the appellant’s department.
Dates of meetings of the Appeal Committee shall be published by the University.
Appellants shall receive not less than ten days formal notice of the meeting at which their appeal will be considered.
(b) Any appeal must be submitted in writing to the Academic Registrar within ten days of the notification of the Continuation of Registration Committee’s decision to the student.
(c) The appeal committee will consider appeals from students made on the following grounds:
(i) that there was a material irregularity or failure in procedure or unfair discrimination in the conduct of the original hearing before the Continuation of Registration Committee; or
(ii) that relevant evidence has come to light which the appellant was unable to present to the Continuation of Registration Committee at the original hearing.
(d) Appeals shall be considered initially by a Preliminary Review Panel comprising the Chair of the Appeal Committee together with one other member of the Committee to establish that a prima facie case for appeal exists. The Preliminary Review Panel may decide to refer the appeal to the Appeals Committee or to reject the appeal if the Preliminary Review Panel concludes that the evidence provided does not constitute grounds from appeal as set out in (c) (i)-(ii) above. If the appeal is rejected, the appellant shall be notified of the reasons for the decision.
(e) If he/she wishes, the appellant shall have the right to appear before the appeal committee, and he/she may invite any one other person to attend the committee. The name and status of any person accompanying the appellant must be notified to the Chair of the appeal committee in advance of the meeting.
(f) The Head of the Department of the appellant (or his/her authorised deputy) shall be in attendance at the appeal committee and shall be invited to present a response to the appeal. The appeal committee shall also take evidence from such other persons as it deems appropriate.
(g) The appeal committee may either:
(i) reject the appeal and confirm the decision terminating the student’s registration; or
(ii) uphold the appeal and permit the student to continue with his/her registration as a student, subject to any conditions which the committee may deem appropriate.
(h) In cases orginally referred by a Fitness to Practice Committee, if the appeal committee upholds the appeal, the committee should also determine whether or not the student is fit to practise.
(i) The decision of the appeal committee shall be final.
(B) In the Case of Unexplained Absence of a Student from the University
(8) A student shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the University if:
(a) the student has been absent without leave from prescribed classes for a period of at least five weeks; and
(b) all reasonable attempts by the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee to contact the student have failed.
If a student has been absent as set out in (a) above the Head of Department will contact the Academic Registrar or his/her nominee who will then attempt to contact the student.
(9) A student may appeal against a decision to deem him/her to be permanently withdrawn made under the terms of (7) above on the grounds that:
(a) that there was a material irregularity or failure in procedure or unfair discrimination in the process by which the decision to deem him/her to be withdrawn was reached; or
(b) that relevant evidence has come to light which the student was unable to present to his/her Department previously.
Any such appeal must be submitted in writing to the Academic Registrar within ten days of the notification of the decision to deem the student permanently withdrawn. Thereafter the procedure for consideration of the appeal shall be as under the terms of A (6) above.
(C) Leicester Warwick Medical Schools
Regulations governing attendance and termination of registration of students who register for the Phase 1 Semester 3 of the MB ChB in September 2006 on the degrees of MB ChB are detailed under the regulation for the degrees of MB ChB (see Regulation 8.10).
* A unit of study is defined as that part of a student work load, in a given year, which is allocated an approved separate examination weighting by the appropriate body.