Regulations Governing Higher Degrees
(1) General
(a) The MSc and Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Business Management and the MSc and Postgraduate Diploma in Manufacturing Systems Engineering may be awarded jointly by Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Warwick. The joint programmes shall be managed by a Programme Committee which shall include representatives from both Universities.
(b) During their period of study, candidates shall be registered students of both Universities. They shall have the same rights and responsibilities as other students of each University except where special provision is made within these regulations.
(c) A candidate for the MSc or Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Business Management or Manufacturing Systems Engineering awarded jointly by Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Warwick shall be required to follow an approved programme of study in accordance with the Course Regulations for these degrees.
(d) Should there be any doubt concerning the regulations which apply in particular circumstances, the Programme Committee, in consultation with the Academic Secretary of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Registrar of the University of Warwick shall decide which regulations should apply.
(2) Progression and Award of the MSc and Postgraduate Diploma
(a) The Board of Examiners for the joint awards shall be appointed and conduct its business in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 16.2 of the University of Warwick. The Board shall include representatives from both Universities. The external examiners for the joint awards shall be those appointed by the University of Warwick for the degrees of MSc in Engineering Business Management and in Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
(b) The recommendations of the Board of Examiners for the joint awards shall be subject to the approval of the Senate of the University of Warwick and the Senate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
(3) Appeals
A candidate for one of the joint awards shall have the right of appeal against the decisions of the Board of Examiners in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 16.4 of the University of Warwick except that the appeals committee shall be chaired on an alternate basis by the Chair of the Graduate Appeals Committee of the University of Warwick and a member of the Academic Appeals Committee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University so as to give equal representation from both Universities on the Appeals Committee.
(4) Termination of Registration
(a) The Academic Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Warwick and the Director of Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for the joint awards may jointly or singly recommend that a candidate registered for one of the joint awards be required to withdraw. The recommendation shall be considered by an Associate Vice-President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Science at Warwick who may make further enquiries before deciding to require the student to withdraw. Should the Associate Vice-President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Chair be unable to agree, the view of one of the external examiners for the awards shall be sought and his/her view shall normally be expected to prevail.
(b) A candidate may appeal against the decision requiring him/her to withdraw. Such an appeal must be lodged within 10 days of the decision having been communicated to the candidate in writing. The appeal will be considered by the Appeals Committee for the awards and the membership of the Committee will be as prescribed under paragraph 3 above.
(c) The appellant shall normally recieve at least 10 days notice of the date set for the meeting of the Appeals Committee. The appellant may, if he/she chooses, appear in person before the Appeals Committee and may be accompanied by any one other person. The name and status of this person must be notified to the Chair of the Appeals Committee in advance of the hearing. The Appeals Committee will take evidence from the Academic Directors of Studies of both institutions and such other persons as it deems appropriate.
(d) The Appeals Committee may either:
(i) reject the appeal and confirm the decision requiring the student to withdraw; or
(ii) uphold the appeal and permit the student to continue with his/her registration on the degree.
(e) The decision of the Appeals Committee is final.
(5) Disciplinary Matters
(a) Disciplinary matters will be considered under the relevant regulations and procedures of either Hong Kong Polytechnic University or the University of Warwick by mutual agreement between the two institutions depending on the location and parties involved in the issue concerned; students shall not have a choice of which procedures shall be adopted. Where the Universities consider it appropriate, the procedure may involve consideration of the case by staff from both institutions.
(b) This paragraph (5) shall apply to matters such as car parking, damage to property, library regulations, regulations governing the use of computing facilities, safety regulations, use or sale of drugs, assault or serious threatening behaviour, abusive or unreasonable behaviour, freedom of speech, breaches of codes of practice relevant to the programme. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
(6) Cheating and Plagiarism
(a) Cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism found in an assessment for one of the joint awards will be investigated in accordance with the general procedures laid down in Regulation 11 of the University of Warwick except that the Academic Directors of Graduate Studies for the joint awards at each University will act together in the capacity of Head of Department for application of this Regulation for candidates registered for the joint awards and any Investigating Committee shall have the constitution set out in paragraph (6)(c) below.
(b) The Academic Directors of Studies may ask members of staff of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to assist with the investigation of cases which are not referred to an Investigating Committee in the first instance.
(c) In cases where either the student or the Academic Directors of Studies request that an Investigating Committee be convened, the request shall be made in writing to the Academic Registrar of the University of Warwick and the Academic Secretary of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The Investigating Committee shall be chaired on an alternate basis by a Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick and the Chair of the Student Discipline Committee of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and shall include the Chair of one of the Faculty Boards of the University of Warwick (or his/her nominee) and an Associate Vice-President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (or his/her nominee).
(d) Should the student wish to exercise his/her right of appeal against the decision of the Investigating Committee or the penalty, the student should write to the Academic Registrar of the University of Warwick and the Academic Secretary of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The ad hoc committee appointed to consider the appeal shall be approved by the Senate of both Universities and shall be composed of an equal number of the senior members of each University with the committee chair selected on an alternate basis from the staff of the University of Warwick and from the staff of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
(7) Complaints
(a) Candidates who wish to lodge a formal complaint regarding any aspect of the programme may do so in accordance with the procedures laid down for complaints in the Student Handbook of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The complainant may lodge their complaint with the Academic Director of Studies of either University, the Dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick, the Dean of Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick or the President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
(b) The investigation of the complaint will be conducted in accordance with the general procedures set down in the Student Handbook of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University but the personnel to be involved in the investigation will be determined on a case by case basis by agreement between the two Universities depending on the nature of the complaint and the parties involved. The candidate shall be informed of the names and posts of the individuals to be involved in the investigation.
14.3 Regulations for the award of the MA and Postgraduate Diploma in Italian Studies: Culture and Communication jointly with the University of Birmingham
(1) General
(a) The MA and Postgraduate Diploma in Italian Studies: Culture and Communication is awarded jointly by the University of Birmingham and the University of Warwick. The joint programmes are managed by a Programme Management Committee which shall include representatives from both Universities.
(b) During their period of study, candidates shall be registered students of both Universities. They shall have the same rights and responsibilities as other students of each University except where special provision is made within these regulations.
(c) A candidate for the MA or Postgraduate Diploma in Italian Studies: Culture and Communication awarded jointly by the University of Birmingham and the University of Warwick shall be required to follow an approved programme of study in accordance with the Course Regulations for the joint awards.
(d) Should there be any doubt concerning the regulations which apply in particular circumstances the Programme Management Committee, in consultation with the Director of Student Services and Admissions (Birmingham) and the Secretary to the Graduate School (Warwick) shall decide which regulations should apply.
(2) Progression and Award of the MA and Postgraduate Diploma
(a) The Board of Examiners for the joint awards shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) to (5) of Regulation 16.2 of the University of Warwick and the relevant Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University of Birmingham. The Board shall include representatives from both Universities and the appointment of external examiners for the joint awards will be subject to the normal approval procedures of both Universities.
(b) The recommendations of the Board of Examiners for the joint awards shall be subject to the approval of the Senate of the University of Warwick and the Academic Board of the University of Birmingham.
(3) Appeals
A candidate for one of the joint awards shall have the right of appeal against the decisions of the Board of Examiners in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 16.4 of the University of Warwick, except that the Appeals Committee shall be chaired on an alternate basis by the Chair of the Graduate Appeals Committee of the University of Warwick and the Chair of the Academic Board of the University of Birmingham. The Committee shall include a further three members drawn from the academic staff of each University so as to give equal representation from both Universities on the Appeals Committee.
(4) Termination of Registration
(a) The Chair of the Department of Italian at the University of Warwick and Head of the School of Humanities at the University of Birmingham may jointly or singly recommend that a candidate registered for one of the joint awards be required to withdraw. The recommendation shall be considered by a member of academic staff from the panel appointed by the Academic Board of the University of Birmingham, and the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Arts at Warwick who may make further enquiries before deciding to require the student to withdraw. Should the appointed member of academic staff at the University of Birmingham and Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Warwick be unable to agree, the view of the external examiner for the awards shall be sought and his/her view shall normally be expected to prevail.
(b) A candidate may appeal against the decision requiring him/her to withdraw. Such an appeal must be lodged within 10 days of the decision having been communicated to the candidate in writing. The appeal will be considered by the Appeals Committee and the membership of the Committee will be as prescribed under paragraph 3 above.
(c) The appellant shall normally receive at least 10 days notice of the date set for the meeting of the Appeals Committee. The appellant may, if he/she chooses, appear in person before the Appeals Committee and may be accompanied by any one other person. The name and status of this person must be notified to the Chair of the Appeals Committee in advance of the hearing. The Appeals Committee will take evidence from the representatives of both institutions and such other persons as it deems appropriate.
(d) The Appeals Committee may either:
(i) reject the appeal and confirm the decision requiring the student to withdraw; or
(ii) uphold the appeal and permit the student to continue with his/her registration on the joint award.
(e) The decision of the Appeals Committee is final.
(5) Disciplinary Matters
(a) Disciplinary matters will be considered under the relevant regulations and procedures of either the University of Birmingham or the University of Warwick by mutual agreement between the two institutions, depending on the location and parties involved in the events concerned. Students shall not have a choise of which procedures shall be adopted. Where the Universities consider it appropriate, the procedure may involve consideration of the case by staff from both institutions.
(b) This paragraph (5) shall apply to matters such car parking, damage to property, library regulations, regulations governing the use of computing facilities, safety regulations, use or sale of drugs, assault or serious threatening behaviour, abusive or unreasonable behaviour, freedom of speech, breaches of codes of practice relevant to the programme. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
(6) Cheating and Plagiarism
(a) Cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism found in an assessment for one of the joint awards will be investigated in accordance with the general procedures laid down in Regulation 11 of the University of Warwick except that the Head of the Department of Italian at the University of Warwick and Head of the School of Humanities at the University of Birmingham will act jointly in the capacity of Head of Department and any Investigating Committee established shall have the constitution set out in paragraph (6)(b) below.
(b) In cases where either the student or the Head of the Department of Italian at the University of Warwick and Head of the School of Humanities at the University of Birmingham request that an Investigating Committee be convened, the request shall be made in writing to the Academic Registrars of both the Universities. The investigating Committee shall be chaired on an alternate basis by a Pro-Vice Chancellor of the each University and shall include the Chair of one of the Faculty Boards of the University of Warwick (or his/her nominee) and the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Birmingham (or his/her nominee).
(c) Should the student wish to exercise his/her right of appeal against the decision of the Investigating Committee or the penalty, the student should write to the Academic Registrars of both Universities. The ad hoc committee appointed to consider the appeal shall be approved by the Senate of both Universities and shall be composed of an equal number of the senior members of each University with the committee chair selected on an alternate basis from the staff of the University of Warwick and from the staff of the University of Birmingham.
(7) Complaints
Complaints will be considered under the relevant regulations and procedures of either the University of Birmingham or the University of Warwick by mutual agreement between the two institutions depending on the location and parties involved in the issue concerned; students shall not have a choice of which procedures shall be adopted. Where the Universities consider it appropriate, the procedure may involve consideration of the case by staff from both institutions.