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Academic Staff - Faculty of Medicine

Warwick Medical School

Dean and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Regional Engagement)  Y. Carter OBE, BSc, MBBS, MD Lond, FRCGP, FMedSci
Associate Dean (Teaching) E. Peile, MB, BS Lond, EdD, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPCH, FHEA, MRCS, DCH, DRCOG
Associate Dean (Research) S. Thornton, BM, MRCOG, DM, MA
Associate Dean (External Affairs) S. Kumar, MD Manc, FRCP Lond, MRCP (UK)
School Secretary M. Glover, BSc Glas, PhD Wales, CPFA
Finance Manager S. Mason, BSc Nott, FCMA
Management Accountant To be appointed
Senior Research Manager D. Bennett, BA Sheff, PGDip Lib CNAA, MSc Coventry
Director of Marketing and Business Development E. Rivers-Fletcher, BSc Bath, MBA Aston
Director of Quality Assurance J.P. O’Hare, MBBS Lond, FRCP, MD
Head of Personnel W. Coy, Grad CIPD
Personnel Adviser S. Byrne, BA S’ton, MCIPD
Development Executive G. Maggs, MA Oxf
Research Development Manager S. Abrahamson, BA Durh
Research Funding Manager R. Millwood
Administrative Officer W. Brown, HNC
NHS Liaison Manager M. Price, BA Liv

Clinical Sciences Research Institute

Director of Division and Professor of Metabolic Biochemistry V.A. Zammit, BSc, MSc Malta, DPhil, DSc Oxf
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology D.R. Singer, BMedBiol, MBChB, MRCP, MD Aberd, FRCP
Professor of Medicine, Diabetes and Metabolism S. Kumar, MD Manc, FRCP Lond, MRCP (UK)
Professor of Medicine H. Lehnert, MD Münster, DipPsych
Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health S. Murch, BSc, MBBS, PhD Lond, FRCP, FRCPCH
Cephalon Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Epidemiology F.P. Cappuccio, MBBS, MD Naples, MSc, DLSHTM, FRCP Lond, FFPH
Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery D. Griffin, BM BCh Oxf, MA, MPhil, FRCS
Professor D. Grammatopoulos, BSc Thessaloniki, MSc, PhD Newcastle (UK), MRCPath
Professor of Molecular Neurosciences D. Spanswick, BSc E.Anglia, MSc, PhD Birm
Professor of Health Services Research A. Szczepura, BA, DPhil Oxf
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology S. Thornton, BM S’ton MRCOG Royal Coll, DM S’ton
Professor of Systems Biology P. Thornalley, BSc UMIST, DPhil Oxf
Professor  A. Ceriello, MD, Adjunt Prof Oklahoma
Professor of Experimental Medicine & Integrative Biology M. Feelisch
Honorary Professors

J. Ayres

M. Johnson

C. Nwokolo

Honorary Reader C. Imray
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturers

K. Clayton

M. Commander

P. Foguet

A. Gaffey, BSc, MB ChB Leic FRCS Lond

R. Grieve

C. Irwin

J. Macartney

M. Newbold

G. Pattison, MB BS Lond, FRCSED (Tr and Orth)

M. Walzman

Honorary Senior Lecturers

D. Banerjee, BSC, MBChB Leeds, MD Birm, MRCP

K. Clayton

S. Das

N. Jackson

S. Sandhu

Associate Professors

D.R. Collins, BSc Wales, PhD Aberd M.L. Costa, MBBChir Camb, FRCS(TR&Orth) RCSEng, PhD C. England

M.L. Costa, MBBChir Camb, FRCS(TR&Orth), RCSEng

J.E. Gullam, MBChB Leic, MRCOG

S.D. Keay, MB ChB Edin, FRCOG Royal Coll, MD Brist

K. Matyka, MBBS Lond, MRCP Royal Coll, MD Lond

M.A. Miller, BSc, PhD Lond

H. Randeva, MBChB Dund, PhD Warw, FRCP UK

P. Saravanan

A. Shmygol, MD, PhD Kiev

S. Stranges, MB BS, MD, PhD Naples

P. McTernan, BSc Keele, PhD, PGCHE Birm

M. Vatish, MB BChir Camb, MA, DPhil Oxf, MRCOG

D. Zehnder, MB ChB, MD Bern, PhD Birm

Professorial Fellows G. Hartshorne, BSc Leeds, PhD Camb, MRCPath
Honorary Associate Professors C.P. Landrigan, MD Mount Sinai NY, FAAP, MPH Harvard, BA Haverford
Assistant Clinical Professor B.K. Tan, MBBS Mahe
Assistant Professors

G.R. Ladds, BSc Birm, PhD Warw

N. Rabbani, BSc, PhD Essex

D. Mitchell, MBioChem Oxf, PhD Lond

G. Tripathi, BSc Pune, MSc Mumbai, PhD Pune

J. Zhang, BSc Huazhong, MSC Beijing, PhD Camb

Senior Research Fellows

J. Chen, BSc China, PhD Warw

N.B. Kandala, MSc Lago, PhD Munich

L. Osipenko, BA Denison, MSc Syracus, PhD Stevens Tech

S. Pelengaris, BSc, PhD Lond

Research Associates

C. Hall

R. Hardcastle

C. Ji

M. Thomas, BA W. Sussex, BSc Brunel, MCSP

Clinical Research Fellows

S. Creely, MBChB Liv, MRCP

M. Dunbar, BA, BM BCh Oxf, MRCS Edin

J. Gullam

K. Kos, MRCP (UK)

Y. Kulikov, MD Saint-Petersburg, MRCS Edin

Y. Kwong

D. Marlow

C. Modi

E. Sung, MBChB Wales, MRCP Edin

P. Upadhyah

Research Fellows

A. Antoysunil

S. Astle, BSc Sheff, PhD Lond

A. Bakewell-Kuehnisch, BSc Kingston, PGCE Coventry

A. Blanks, BSc, PhD Warw

C.L. Bean, MMath, PhD Hull

K. Borthwick, BSc Stir, PhD Glas

G. Bru-Mercier, PhD Paris VII

L. Cheung

J. Digby, BSc Buckingham, PhD Open

K. Freeman, BSc Birm

P. Giles, BSC Wales, MSC Lond, PhD Leeds

L. Godfrey, MA, MPhil Camb

P. Gould, BSc, PhD Birm

A. Gumber, BSc, MSC GND India, PhD Gujarat, Postdoc (International Health) Harvard

A.L. Harte, BSc, PhD Birm

S. Karanam, BSc, MSc, PhD Hyderabad India

C. Kuminski, PhD Warw

G. Molostvov

D. Lyons

V.H. Patel

A. Proven, RN, BSc Lond, PhD Camb

A. Punn, PhD KCL

P. Royle, BSc, PhD Nott

E. Spikings, BMedSc, PhD Birm

F. Taggart, MSc Reading, PhD S’ton

A.M. Taylor, BSc Manc, PGCE Warw

M. Van den Top, Ing Utrecht, PhD Warw

G. Ward

A. Weston, BSc, MSC Staffs, PhD St And

M.Z. Xue, BCM, MM, PhD China

J. Zhang

Z. Zhao

Honorary Research Fellow S. Karthikeyan, MBBS, D Ortho Madras, MRCS Edin
Associate Research Fellows

R. Prajapati

D. Pritlove, BSc, PhD Glas

Honorary Associate Research Fellow E. Mathews
Associate Clinical Teachers

J. Arbuthnot

M. Brewster

A. Evans

J. Gilbody

X. Griffin

K. Ho

P. Hull

R. Kundra

A. Lakdawala

C. Lewis

C. Mauffrey

D. Morgan

T. Nancoo

A. Perera

D. Powers

A. Prasthofer

A. Saithna

R. Sloan

C. Smith

J. Thomas

R. Vallamshetla

H. Whalley

C. White

J. Young

Visiting Clinical Research Fellow C. Robertson
Visiting Fellows

N.M. Al-Dagheri

J. Haukeland

CSRI Manager A. Caine
Chief Technical Manager D.J. Baber, MSc Reading

Health Sciences Research Institute

Director and Professor of Public Health S. Stewart Brown, BA, BMBCh, MA Oxf, PhD Brist, FFPHM, FRCP, FRCPCH
Professor of Cancer Trials J. Dunn, BSc Portsmouth, MSc UMIST, PhD Birm
Professor of Emergency Care M.W. Cooke, MBChB, PhD Birm, DipIMC, FRCS, FFAEM
Professor of Epidemiology M. Thorogood, BSc, PhD Lond, HonMFPHM
Professor of Health Economics C. McCabe, BA CNAA, MSc Newcastle (UK), PhD Sheff
Professor of Health Services Management P. Spurgeon
Professor of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation S. Lamb, MSc, PhD Oxf, DipPhysio
Professor of Primary Care J. Dale, MA Camb, PhD, MBBS Lond, FRCGP, DRCOG, DipChildH
Professor of Primary Care Research M. Underwood, MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP, MSc Keele, MD Manc, ILTM
Professor of Public Health in the Early Years J. Barlow, BA Warw, MSc, DPhil Oxf, Hon FPH Lond


Professor of Medical Statistics N. Stallard, BA Camb, MSc, PhD Reading
Professor of Psychiatry S. Weich, BA Camb, MBBS, MSc Lond, MRCPsych, MD
Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry S. Singh MBBS Jammu, MD PGI, MRCPsych Lond, DM Nott
Visiting Professor G. Meads, BA, MA Oxf, MSc (Tech), PhD
Associate Clinical Professors

M. Broome, BSc, MBChB Birm, MRCPsych

A. Clarke, BM BCh Oxf, DRCOG, DCH, MSc, MD Lond, MRCGP, FFPH, FHEA

R. Gadsby, BSc, MBChB Birm, FRCGP, DRCOG, DCH

F. Griffiths, MA Camb, PhD Durh, MBBS Lond, FRCGP

M. Paul, MBChB, MRCPsych, MMedSci, PhD Birm

G. Perkins, MB ChB Birm, MMEd Warw, MD Birm, MRCP Lond, FIMC, RCS Edin

J. Powell, MA, MB BChir Camb, MSc, PhD Lond, MRCPsych, MFPHM

B. Sheehan, MBBCh, BAO Dublin, MRCPsych

P. Sidebotham, MBChB Brist, MSc Bath, FRCPCH

D. Simkiss, BMedSci, MBChB Sheff, MSc Warw, DCH, DTMH, MRCP, MRCPCH

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer D. Munday, MBBS Lond, FFARCSI, MRCGP, DRCOG, DipPallMed
Honorary Senior Lecturer R. Crouch, OBE, RN, PhD Sur, FRCN, FFEN
Associate Professors

T. Friede, Dipl-Maath, PhD Heidelberg

N.T. Raymond, BA Nott, MSc Sheff

J. Sturt, BA Oxf, PhD Brun, RGN

S. Williams, BA, MPhil Wales, PhD Cardiff

A. Withnall, BA, MA Sus, PhD Keele

Assistant Professors

C. McCarthy PhD, MCSP, MMACP

W. Robertson, BSc, MPhil Lough, MSc C. England, MPH Birm, MFPH

Clinical Lecturers T. Holt, MB BS Lond, MRCP, DRCOG, FRCGP
Principal Research Fellows

A. Adams, BA Exe, MSc, PhD Sur, RGN

M. Clark, BSc Brun, MSc York, MSc Warw

S. Gates, BSc Brist, PhD Lond

C. Hawley, BA, PhD Warw

Senior Research Fellows


J. Fisher, BSc, PhD Warw

J. Williams, BA Open

Academic Clinical Fellows in Public Health

K. Janmohamed

N. Lewis

Research Fellows

R. Alam, BSc UCLAN, MMedSci Sheff

N. Armstrong, BA Warw, MSc Lond, PhD Nott

D. Baker-McLearn, MA Wales, PhD Manc

G. Begum BSc De Mont

S. Bosley BA, MA Camb, PhD Lough

A. Burton BSc Birm, MSc Leic

I. Caramlau, BA Cuza, PhD Brun

E. Gilbert, BA Warw

K. Greasley, BA Derby, PhD Sheff Hallam

L. Griffith BA Sheff, MA, MSc, PhD Sus

K. Gunn, BA Nott, MSc Open

E. Henderson, BSc Nott Trent, MSc Oxf Brookes

L. Hiller BSc, PhD Birm

Z. Islam, BA Derby, MSc Leic, PhD Coventry

R. Lall, BSc De Mont, MSc Leic, PhD Sheff

A. Lindenmeyer, MA Cologne, MA, PhD Warw

C. McConkey MSc Warw

V. Nanton, BA Birm, MSc Aston, PhD Birm

S. Pemberton BA Brighton, MA Sus

M. Petrova, BA, MA, Sofia, MA Warw

S. Purewal, BA Newman College of HE, MSc Aston

A. Schreier, Dipl-Psychol, PhD Dresden

L. Singleton, BSc, MSc Coventry

A. Waylen PhD Reading

S. Whitlock, BA Warw, MSc Oxf

Research Associate

R. Jasani, BA, MA Goa, MPhil J. Nehru U

N. Bailey, BA Wolv, MPhil Coventry

Institute Manager J. Brittain, DipMgmt, MCIPD

Institute of Clinical Education

Director of the Institute of Clinical Education (ICE) E. Peile, MB, BS, EdD, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPCH, MRCS, ILTM, DCH, DRCOG

G. Lewando Hundt, MA, MPhil Edin, PhD Warw (School of Health and Social Studies)

P.R. Stanfield, BA, PhD, ScD Camb (Department of Biological Sciences)

Professor of Anatomy P. Abrahams, MBBS, FRCS (Ed), FRCR, DO (Hon) Lond
Professor of Philosophy and Mental Health K.W.N. Fulford, MA, MD Camb, PhD Lond, DPhil Oxf, FRCP
Honorary Professors

S. Field, MBChB, MMEd, FRCGP

C. Heginbotham, BSc Birm, MSc Essex, MA Wales, MPhil Camb

Reader in Clinical Skills V. Patel, BSc, MBChB, MD, FRCP, DRCOG, MRCGP
Reader in Communication Skills/ Director of the MB ChB J. Kidd, BSc, PhD Lond
Reader in E-Learning D. Davies, BSc Birm, PhD
Associate Professor (Reader) A. Morris (Department of Biological Sciences)
Associate Clinical Professors

M. Barnett, BSc, MBBS, MD, MRCGP, DMRT


C.F. Macdougall, MBBS Newcastle (UK), MRCP (UK), FRCPCH

D. Markham, MBBS Lond, LLB S’ton, FRCS (England)

T. Pawlikowska, MSc, MBBS, MRCP, DRCOG

A.M. Slowther, MBChB Manc, MRCGP, MA Lond, DPhil Oxf

Associate Professors

C. Blackburn (School of Health and Social Studies)

R. Bland (Department of Biological Sciences)

C. Bridle, BSc, MSc, CPsychol, PhD Kent

M. Carpenter (Department of Sociology)

D. Collins (Department of Biological Sciences)

A. Dolan (School of Health and Social Studies)

M. Hodgkin (Department of Biological Sciences)

J.A. Jackson, SRN, SCM, RHB, DPSN, BA De Mont, PhD Leic

W. Markham (School of Health and Social Studies)

C. Rodgers, DCR(T), MD, FACOG, SOR

Principle Clinical Fellows

A. Bhattacharyya, MBBS, DRCOG, DFFP, MRCGP 

M. Garala, MB ChB, DRCOG, MRCGP 

R. Prince, MBChB Birm 

J. Sahota, MBChB Birm, MEd Warw, MRCGP

S. Shannon, BSc Lough, MBChB Dublin

P. Squires (Department of Biological Sciences)

I. Ward, MBChB Leeds, DRCOG

Senior Clinical Fellow C. Humpherson, BM, BCh Oxf, MA Camb, MRCGP, MScR Warw, DFFP, DRCOG
Senior Clinical Teaching Fellow J. Clegg, MB ChB Leeds
A. Rhodes
Senior Teaching Fellows M. Board, MA, DPhil Oxf
J. Purkis, RGN, RM, BA, MA Warw
Teaching Fellow L. Young, BA Brad&Ilk
Principal Research Fellow G. Grimshaw, BSc Hull, MSc Leeds, PhD Birm
Senior Research Fellow C. Davies, BA Liv, MSc CNAA
Assistant Registrar L. McCarthy, BA (QTS), MA Warw
Phase 2 Administrative Officer A. Allinson, BSc Warw
Phase 2 GP Administrative Officer E. Winborn, BA W.England
Phase 1 Administrative Officer A. Davies