Constitutions of University Centres and Institutes
Centre for the Study of Women and Gender
Director: Professor N. Charles, BA, PhD
Aims of the Centre
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research on Gender, on Women’s Studies and on feminism through:
- encouraging the development of research projects, research funding and scholarship in the area of women/gender/feminist studies.
- interdisciplinary collaboration of staff in the departments of the University where relevant teaching and research is pursued.
- co-operation between researchers in these areas of study in the University and researchers in other institutions in the UK and abroad.
- the identification and promotion of interdisciplinary research programmes, in relation to ESRC selected themes and AHRB research initiatives.
- To enhance collaboration, research and the profile of such research in the University through:
- the organisation of symposia, conferences, day schools, seminar programmes and visiting lectures.
- the hosting of visiting fellows from other institutions in the UK and abroad.
- To facilitate the dissemination of research findings through:
- the encouragement of journal and book publications
- the development of conferences, symposia etc.
- To encourage graduate research in women and gender studies in the University through dissemination of student research and student participation in other Centre activities.
- To support doctoral research and degrees at MA and undergraduate level in women and gender studies.
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research on Gender, on Women’s Studies and on feminism through:
Membership shall consist of members of academic staff in the Department of Sociology and in other departments of the University who are involved in projects forming part of the Centre’s programme; research staff and such other persons as may, from time to time, be approved by the Executive Committee.Research students undertaking relevant research may be included, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- The Director shall be responsible for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre’s affairs.
- The Director shall be appointed for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.
The Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee is responsible for advising the Director on the day-to-day administration and activities of the Centre, including teaching, research, new projects and issues of funding.
- The membership shall include the Director; the Chair of the Department of Sociology and six additional University members appointed by the Centre from the University membership of the Centre.
- Other members may be co-opted by the Executive Committee, including up to two research student representatives.
- The Executive Committee will meet as necessary, chaired by the Director, to promote the work of the Centre, undertake new projects, advise the Director on the allocation of discretionary funds and maintain a broad overview of the work of the Centre.
Financial Responsibility
Formal responsibility for the financial operation of the Centre rests with the Chair of the Department of Sociology.
Consciousness and Self-Consciousness Research Centre
Director: Professor N. Eilan, BA, BPhil, DPhil
Aims of the centre
The aim of the Centre is to advance research and learning in the interdisciplinary study of consciousness and self-consciousness through the following:- to act as focus for such research and learning at an international level.
- to promote such interdisciplinary work through doctoral research and taught Masters programmes.
- to promote the production of scholarly works by members of staff and graduate schools in order to pursue research objectives of mutual interest.
- to organise symposia, conferences, seminars and workshops
- to publish and disseminate the results of the Centre's research, through academic books, journal papers and the Centre's own series of working papers.
the Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, initially on the recommendation of the Chair of the Philosophy Department and subsequently on the recommendation of the management committee.
- The appointment will be for a period of three years, renewable.
- The Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
The Centre is established within the Department of Philosophy. The members shall consist of:- Those members of the Department of Philosophy who are involved in projects forming part of the programme for the Centre
- Research students under the supervision of members of the Centre
- Other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the programme of the Centre
- Such visiting fellows and associate fellows as the University may from time to time appoint upon the nomination of the Management Committee of the Centre.
Management committee
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
- the Director of the Centre (as Chair)
- the Head of the Department of Philosophy
- up to five members of the Centre, appointed annually by and from the membership fo the Centre
- Programme Directors, where appointed
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to advise on the progress of the work of the Centre, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Centre.
- The Management Committee shall meet as necessary and at least once a term.
- There may be Programme Directors appointed annually by the Management Committee, responsible to the Director for the conduct of particular programmes within the Centre
- There will be an annual general meeting to which all members of the research centre will be invited
- The primary responsibility under the Senate for the Centre shall be that of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre consisting of:
External Review
All matters relating to the Centre's activities are subject to external review from time to time as part of the University's procedures for strategic review of the Department of Philosophy
Economic Research Institute
Director: Professor A. Muthoo
Aims of the Centre
The aims of the Centre are:- To promote directly and indirectly research in economics and interdisciplinary research that has an economic aspect.
- To facilitate the funding and organisation of collaborative research projects involving the participation of members of the Department of Economics.
- To support scholarly activities such as conferences and research networks that extend beyond the routine scholarly life of the Department of Economics.
The Economic Research Institute is an integral part of the Department of Economics. Its members include the academic and research staff and research students of the Department of Economics; visitors attached to the Department of Economics; and scholars from other institutions who are associated with programmes of research administered within the Institute.
Director and Associate Director
- The Director of the Centre is Head of the Department of Economics ex officio. If deemed appropriate by the Management Committee, the Director can appoint an Associate Director from the members of the Management Committee.
- The Director is responsible for the planning and direction of the work of the Institute and is accountable to the University Finance Director for the allocation of discretionary funds.
Management committee
- There is a Management Committee chaired by the Director and consisting of the Director, the Associate Director, the Research Directors, such other members of the Department of Economics as the Head of the Department determines from time to time and the Research Development Manager (Social Sciences).
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee are to advise on the progress of the work of the Institute, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds of the Institute and all other matters relevant to the Institute.
- The Management Committee shall meet at least once a term.
Research Directors
- The principal investigators of research programmes within the Institute are the Research Directors of the Institute.
- No decision or action of the Director or Management Committee shall interfere with the Research Directors' freedom to direct research or allocate funds within their programmes as they see fit, subject to the conditions laid down by the bodies funding their research and the financial regulations and other policies and procedures of the university.
- No decision or action of the Director or Management Committee shall inhibit any Research Director or member of the Institute from seeking approval to constitute their research programme as a formal research centre within the University.
External Review
All matters relating to the Institute's activities are subject to external review from time to time as part of the University's Quinquennial strategic review of the Department of Economics.
Financial Options Research Centre
Director: Dr N. Webber BSc, DIC, PhD
Aims of the Centre
The aims of the Centre are:- To provide a national focus for research into financial options and their applications by:
- encouraging and conducting theoretical and empirical research into financial options and related instruments, and their applications;
- supporting postgraduate and postdoctoral research programmes;
- attracting visiting and associate fellows interested in promoting the work of the Centre;
- promoting conferences, workshops and seminars on research and applications of financial options and disseminating research results as widely as possible.
- To promote the understanding and use of options instruments in the UK;
- To foster close links with financial institutions and others concerned with the development and use of options instruments;
- To collaborate in the training of managers and others concerned with the development and use of options instruments;
- To assist other organisations to benefit from the work of the Centres.
- To provide a national focus for research into financial options and their applications by:
Establishment of the Centre
The Financial Options Research Centre has been established by the Senate within the Warwick Business School.
- The Membership of the Centre shall consist of:
- the academic staff of the Centre,
- research students under their supervision,
- other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the Centre's programme,
- associate and visiting fellows,
- such other persons as may from time to time be approved by the Executive Committee of the Advisory Committee of the Centre.
- Corporate Members shall consist of organisations which are signatories of the Corporate Membership Agreement.
- The Membership of the Centre shall consist of:
The Director of the Centre
There shall be a Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the recommendation of the Dean of the Warwick Business School, initially for a period of five years, the appointment being renewable. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Committee for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
Advisory Committee
There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of:- The Chair;
- The Director of the Centre, ex officio;
- A representative of each Corporate Member of the Centre, who shall be nominated by that Corporate Member;
- Two members of the Centre's academic staff;
- Up to four members of the academic staff of the Warwick Business School, who shall be nominated by the Warwick Business School;
- Two other members of the academic staff of the University, appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
- Up to five appropriately qualified members external to the University appointed by the University on the recommendation of the Warwick Business School in consultation with the Director of the Centre for terms normally of three years, the appointments being renewable.
Terms of Reference of the Advisory Committee
- The Advisory Committee shall normally meet at least once a year. Its terms of reference are:
- to establish general guidelines for the activities and funding of the Centre;
- to advise on the research programme, operations and development of the Centre;
- to advise and assist in the securing of funding necessary to support the activities of the Centre;
- to receive an Annual Report from the Director on the activities of the Centre;
- to advise the Senate on the Annual Report from the Director on the activities of the Centre;
- to maintain a broad oversight of the work of the Centre;
- Members of the Advisory Committee will be encouraged to participate and assist in the activities of the Centre.
- The Advisory Committee shall have a quorum of six.
- The Advisory Committee shall normally meet at least once a year. Its terms of reference are:
Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of:- The Director, who shall be Chair of the Committee;
- Three members appointed by and from the Advisory Committee at least one of whom shall be a member of the University.
Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet as and when necessary, normally at least three times a year. Its terms of references are:- To review the progress of research projects undertaken by the Centre;
- To advise the Director on:
- projects to be undertaken by the Centre;
- funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Centre;
- the allocation of discretionary funds;
- the appointment of staff to the Centre in accordance with funding and with procedures approved by the Senate;
- all other matters relevant to the Centre.
The Executive Committee shall have a quorum of three.
Committee Procedure
Every matter to be determined by the Advisory Committee or by the Executive Committee shall be determined by the majority of members present and voting. In the case of equality of votes the Chair or other presiding officer shall have a casting vote.
- The Director shall supervise the funds of the Centre within the terms laid down by the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee, except that grants made to specific members of the Centre shall be the responsibility of those members, who shall keep the Director informed.
- The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre.
- The Advisory Committee shall be informed in the Director's Annual Report about the funds and accounts of the Centre.
- Nothing in this Constitution abrogates the overall responsibilities of the University Finance Officer.
Fluid Dynamics Research Centre
Director: Dr P. J. Thomas, Dip, PhD
1st Deputy Director: Professor R. M. Kerr, BSc, MSc. PhD
2nd Deputy Director: Professor S. Molokov, MSc, PhD
Aims of the Centre
- To promote and carry out interdisciplinary research in fluid dynamics and related topics.
- To maintain a balanced programme of fundamental and industrial research projects.
- To co-ordinate an integrated interdisciplinary approach to research that combines the theoretical, computational and experimental expertise in the School of Engineering, and the Departments (Mathematics and Physics) where relevant research is conducted.
Functions of the Centre
- To co-ordinate and facilitate collaborative interdisciplinary research activities involving the School of Engineering, and other participating departments.
- To promote interaction and collaboration with industry.
- To organise a programme of seminars, workshops, conferences and other meetings.
- To organise short courses, primarily for industry.
- To promote international collaboration and exchange in fluid dynamics research at the University.
The members of the Centre shall consist of academic and research staff of the University who have research interests in fluid dynamics and related areas. Academic and research staff in nearby universities and industrial and governmental research centres may be nominated for associate membership by the Director of the Centre after consultation with the Management Committee.
The Director of the Centre
- There shall be a Director and two Deputy Directors of the Centre appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science on the recommendation of the Management Committee of the Centre.
- The Director shall be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Report for the Senate.
Management Committee
- The Committee shall consist of:
- the Director;
- the Deputy Directors;
- four other members of the Centre; with different participating departments to be represented.
- the Chair of the participating departments or their nominated representatives, ex officio
- The appointments shall be for three years. The Director and the Deputy Directors of the Centre shall appoint the other members of the Management Committee after consultation with the senior academic members of the Centre.
- The terms of reference of the Committee are: to determine the policy of the Centre with regard to finances, research activities, personnel and interdisciplinary research projects. All major decisions will be made through the Management Committee. The Committee will also play a major role in promoting the research activities of the Centre.
- The Management Committee will meet as the need arises, but normally not less than once a term.
- The Committee shall consist of:
High-Field Magnet Centre
Director: Professor M. Smith, BA, PhD
(The constitution of the Centre is currently under review)
Humanities Research Centre
Director: Professor J. Labbe
Establishment of the Centre
The Centre for Research in the Humanities has been established by the Senate within the Faculty of Arts.
Aims of the Centre
The aims of the Centre are to encourage the promotion and development of research in the Arts and to:- Provide an over-arching structure for research activities in the Arts Faculty;
- Help develop strategic thinking on research in the Arts at Warwick;
- Encourage and support the Faculty's research excellence;
- Provide a focus to help raise the public profile of Arts research at Warwick within the wider scholarly community and beyond;
- Promote research activities among all staff in the Faculty, with due regard to particular needs;
- Help consolidate existing research activities in the Arts;
- Initiate new research activities and groupings;
- Encourage and support interdisciplinary research within the Faculty and between Faculties;
- Continue the European Humanities Research Centre's publication series and its financial and administrative support for conferences etc;
- Allocate personal research moneys via its Funding Sub-Committee as a branch of the Research and Teaching Innovation Fund Sub-Committee;
- Advise on and encourage the pursuit of outside funding for Arts research;
- Support and facilitate international interdisciplinary research collaboration;
- Support and promote advanced postgraduate research and postgraduate scholarly development.
The membership of the Centre shall comprise:- The Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Research Committee;
- All members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Arts;
- Such visiting and associate fellows as the University may from time to time appoint on the nomination of the Executive Committee of the Centre.
Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee of the Centre, comprising:- The Director of the Centre (Chair);
- The Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Arts;
- Up to eight members of academic staff from the Faculty of Arts appointed by the Research Committee.
- A general meeting of the Executive Committee shall normally be held at least once a term.
Humanities Research Centre Funding Committee
The Funding Sub-Committee will make awards to members of the Faculty of Arts on the basis of submission of research applications.- The composition of the Funding Sub-Committee is as follows:
- the Vice-Chancellor
- chair of Estimates and Grants Committee as Chair, ex officio
- chair of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, ex officio
- director of the Centre, ex officio
- two further members representative of Arts research excellence.
- The Funding Sub-Committee will be responsible for support in the following areas:
- pump-priming for preliminary research, including interdisciplinary projects to strengthen applications for outside funding.
- personal research projects: research travel; research assistance; secretarial support; photocopying.
- arts publications: editing; transcribing; translation; indexing; photographs etc.
- The composition of the Funding Sub-Committee is as follows:
Industrial Relations Research Unit
Director: Professor P. Marginson, BA, MA, PhD
Establishment of the Unit
The Industrial Relations Research Unit was established by the then Social Science Research Council in 1970 at the University of Warwick. In 1984 the Unit was reconstituted within the University's Business School, embracing the Council's (now the Economic and Social Research Council) Designated Research Centre in Industrial Relations Research and the research activities of Business School staff with interests in the field of industrial relations.
Focus and Aims
- The focus of IRRU is research into all aspects of industrial relations, which is defined broadly to include the whole of the relationship between employers and employees in the conduct of work, together with the social, economic and political factors which shape this relationship.
- The aims of IRRU are:
- to be an international as well as national centre which attracts researchers, research students and visiting scholars; encourage teaching and research collaboration with other leading centres throughout the world, and provides for a concentration of resources and continuity of work;
- to encourage the development and dissemination of research, in particular theoretically-informed empirical enquiry which is independent of interest groups, and to secure funding for such research from sources compatible with this aim;
- to contribute to the improvement of the quality of data and analysis available to industrial relations policy-making by government, employers and trade unions;
- to contribute to research-led teaching in industrial relations within Warwick Business School.
- Where appropriate, these aims will be pursued through the location within IRRU of any ESRC-funded research centre in the field.
- Full members are those members of Warwick Business School who are actively engaged in industrial relations research and who are not attached to other research centres or units within Warwick Business School. They shall elect members of the Advisory Board and Management Committees as described below. Membership will be approved by the Management Committee. There shall be a meeting of all staff at least twice a year.
- Other categories of membership are:
- associate fellows, who are normally scholars from other institutions of higher education involved in projects jointly with the Unit.
- visiting fellows, who are scholars or practitioners visiting the Unit in the course of their own work.
- student members, who are normally doctoral students or equivalent research students attached to the Unit.
Associate fellows and visiting fellows shall be appointed by the University on the recommendation of the Unit's Management Committee.
The Director
The Director of the IRRU shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the recommendation of the Dean of the Warwick Business School and appointment shall be typically for a period of three years and be renewable. The Director shall consult with the Advisory and Management Committees over the planning and direction of the Unit's work. Where IRRU has an ESRC-funded research centre, the Director of the Centre shall normally be the Director of IRRU.
Advisory Committee
- There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of:
- the Director of IRRU;
- the convener of the Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour (IROB) Group of Warwick Business School or, where the convener is not also a member of IRRU, a nominee who is a member of IRRU;
- the Dean of the Warwick Business School;
- two members, chosen by and from the academic staff of the Unit, of whom one will be from the staff at the level of senior lecturer or principal research fellow and above, and one from below this level. Where IRRU has an ERSC-funded centre, two further representatives shall be chosen, one from the senior and one from the junior staff;
- three senior members of the academic staff of other departments of the University;
- up to five appropriately-qualified members external to the University, of whom at least one shall normally represent an international body in the field. Appropriate qualifications may include practical as well as academic experience. Where the Unit has an ESRC-funded research centre, ESRC may exercise the right to nominate a third of the membership of the committee if it does not contain at least a third drawn from the research user community and from academics from other universities; should this right be exercised, any nominees will not be expected to represent the views of ESRC.
- one nominee from each of ACAS, the CBI, the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the TUC.
- one of the members external to the University shall be elected as Chair.
- The terms of reference shall be:
- to advise the University and Unit on the development of the research programme and academic plans of the Unit;
- to receive and comment on the Annual Report
- There shall be an Advisory Committee consisting of:
Management Committee
- There shall be a Management Committee comprising:
- the Director of IRRU;
- the convenor of the IROB Group of Warwick Business School or, where the convenor is not also a member of IRRU, a nominee who is an IRRU member;
- two members, chosen by and from the academic staff of the Unit, of whom one will be from the staff at the level of senior lecturer or principal research fellow and above, and one from below this level. Where IRRU has an ESRC-funded centre, two further representatives shall be chosen, one from the senior and one from the junior staff.
- The Management Committee will be chaired by one of its members, who will normally be the Director of IRRU.
- The terms of reference of the Management Committee shall be to:
- decide on membership;
- plan the Unit's research strategy; encourage new research initiatives; and oversee the development of the research programme.
- oversee the production of the Unit's annual report;
- decide on the allocation of discretionary funds;
- manage IRRU at an operational level, without prejudice to the rights and responsibilities of the director and research staff of any ESRC-funded research centre within IRRU.
- The Management Committee shall meet as necessary, normally at least three times a year, and shall have a quorum of four.
- There shall be a Management Committee comprising:
Institute for Employment Research
Director: Professor R. Wilson
Aims of the Institute
- The fields in which the Institute shall aim to promote advanced study and research will include the following:
- the macroeconomic, industrial and spatial aspects of employment determination and their policy implications;
- the relationship between the labour market and the rest of the economy;
- labour market behaviour and policy;
- links between the labour market and such factors as population change, educational developments and household behaviour, and the policy issues relating to them;
- international comparative research in relevant areas.
- The Institute shall seek:
- to establish close working relationships with academic staff in other departments or centres of the University who are working in related fields;
- to contribute to the teaching programme of the University;
- to attract visitors and students to the University;
- to co-operate with staff at other institutions in the UK and abroad;
- to organise conferences, workshops, etc. in order to stimulate study and research.
- The Institute shall disseminate the results of its research as widely as possible and shall maintain close links with those in government, industry, education and other bodies concerned with problems of policy and analysis which fall within the Institute's fields of study and research.
- The fields in which the Institute shall aim to promote advanced study and research will include the following:
The members of the Institute shall be its academic staff, associate fellows, visiting fellows and other persons approved by the Executive Committee of the Institute's Advisory Board.
The Director of the Institute
The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Advisory Committee on the Appointment of Chairs of Departments. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Board for the planning and direction of the work of the Institute.
Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Institute consisting of:
- the Chair;
- the Director of the Institute;
- all principal research fellows of the Institute or, in the event of there being none, one senior research fellow appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Director;
- one member appointed by and from the academic staff of the Institute;
- three members to be appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
- the Chair of the Department of Economics, ex officio;
- up to five members external to the University, to be appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years;
- up to three co-opted members.
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be:
- to advise on matters of strategic planning and development and other issues of major importance to the Institute;
- to consider and advise the Senate on the Annual Report from the Director on the work of the Institute;
- to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences about the academic plans of the Institute and the needs arising from those plans.
- The Advisory Board will normally meet at least once a year with a quorum of five.
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Institute consisting of:
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Advisory Board, consisting of:
- the Director, as Chair;
- the member of the Advisory Board appointed by and from the academic staff of the Institute;
- three members appointed by and from the Advisory Board.
- The terms of reference of the Executive Committee shall be:
- to advise on the progress of research projects, the creation of new projects and related applications for funding, the allocation of discretionary funds and all other matters relevant to the Institute;
- to recommend academic appointments in accordance with the procedures approved by the Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary, normally at least twice a year, and shall have a quorum of three.
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Advisory Board, consisting of:
Non-Academic Appointments
Non-academic appointments shall be made by the Director and reported to the Executive Committee.
Institute of Health
(NB: Constitution currently under reveiw)
Director: Professor G. Hundt, MA, MPhil, PhD and Co-Director Dr D. Nicolini
Establishment of the Institute
The Institute of Health has been established in the Faculty of Social Sciences by the Senate.
Aims of the Institute
- To promote and support interdisciplinary research across all areas of health related activity within the University and with external collaborators.
- To diversify the sources of research funding and increase the level of health related research activity over the next five years.
- To promote a broad-based university-wide programme of courses offering high quality post experience education (CPD/CPE) in medicine, health, and social care.
- To work with academic departments and external sponsors to develop a variety of new research led courses in the area of health related studies.
- To develop a dialogue with policy makers, practitioners, service providers and academics in other universities on health issues in the widest sense.
The members of the Institute shall consist of academic, administrative and clerical staff, associate fellows, visiting fellows, students and other individuals approved by the Institute’s Advisory Board.
The Director
- The Faculty Board of Social Sciences shall appoint the Director, normally for a period of three years. She/he shall be responsible to the Advisory Board of the Institute for the planning and direction of the work of the Centre.
- The Director shall prepare annually a self-assessment report for consideration by the Estimates and Grants Committee, which analyses the financial performance of the Centre and its performance against the following criteria:
- Its business plan;
- The volume of research activity as demonstrated by research grants and contracts;
- The impact on the recruitment of research students in departments connected to the Institute;
- Publications or other appropriate output by staff associated with the Institute;
- Continuing Professional Development activity.
- The Director shall attend a meeting with the Estimates and Grants Committee as part of the annual bidding round at which s/he will be invited to discuss the self-assessment of the performance of the Institute.
The Associate Directors
There shall be up to six Associate Directors appointed by, and responsible to, the Director, who shall carry out duties as assigned by the Director within the general scope of the Director’s own role.
Management Committee
There shall be a Core Management Committee of the Institute that shall normally meet at least twice per year.
The membership of the Management Committee shall consist of:- The Director, ex officio (in the chair);
- Two academic staff of the Institute of Health
- Two academic staff from outside the Institute appointed by the Advisory Board;
- One research fellow conducting health research in the Institute, elected by the members of the Institute
- Manager of the CPD Programme
- Director of RSS
Terms of Reference
The Management Committee is responsible for:- Advising the Director on:
- The day-to-day administration and activities of the Institute including the development of research programmes;
- Funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Institute;
- The appointment of staff to the Institute in accordance with funding and with the procedures approved by the Council of the University.
- Reviewing the progress of research undertaken by the Institute.
- Monitoring the allocation of discretionary funds and issues relating to the financial management of the Institute.
The Management Committee shall have a quorum of three.
- Advising the Director on:
- There will be a CPD Management Group that is a sub group of the Management Committee. This will be chaired by the CPD director and will have five representatives from main CPD providers within the university.
- There will be a Research Development Group that is a sub group of the Management Committee and will comprise the convenors of research development groups and the RSS Link Officer for the Social Sciences Faculty.
Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of:
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- Chair, School of Health and Social Sciences
- Three senior members of the academic staff of other departments of the University
- Up to eight members external to the University
- Director of the Institute
- Two members, elected by and from the academic members of the Institute
- Up to two Associate Directors of the Institute
- The terms of reference of the Advisory Board shall be:
- To advise the University and the Institute on the Institute’s strategy in pursuance of its objectives;
- To receive and comment on the Annual Report and advise the Senate as required.
- The Advisory Board will normally meet once per year.
- There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of:
- The Director shall supervise the funds of the Institute subject to the University’s Financial Regulations.
- The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Institute.
- The Advisory Board shall be informed in the Director’s Annual Report about the funds and accounts of the Institute.
- Nothing in the Constitution abrogates the overall responsibility of the University Finance Officer.