Constitutions of University Centres and Institutes
Legal Research Institute
Director: Professor J. Hodgson, LLB, PhD
Aims of the Institute
The aims and objects of the Legal Research Institute shall be:- To provide a centre for the research activities of the School of Law;
- To promote directly and indirectly the production of scholarly works on or about law;
- To promote research conferences, symposia and summer schools;
- To assist the training and further education of graduate students;
- To provide facilities for visiting scholars;
- To co-operate with outside bodies in the advancement of learning and the practical application of legal scholarship;
- To bridge the gap between the study and the practice of law and the academic and practising branches of the legal profession.
The Legal Research Institute shall form an integral part of the School of Law. It shall consist of all full-time members of the staff of the School of Law, any staff, appointed to the Institute, and any visitors for the time being attached to the Institute.
Local Government Centre
Director: Mr M. Davis (Acting Director)
Establishment of the Centre
The Local Government Centre has been established by the Senate within the Warwick Business School
Aims of the Centre
- To carry out applied research in key areas of local government strategy, policy making and management.
- To develop better theoretical understanding of the public sector and of the roles and functioning of the regional and local state.
- To contribute to the development of good practice in regional and local government policy making and corporate management.
- In pursuit of the above aims, the principal functions and activities of the Local Government Centre are:
- to generate a series of research and development projects concerned primarily with regional and local economic and social strategies.
- to undertake research contracts, consultancies and commissions on issues which confront regional and local government at the level of corporate interdepartmental (and inter-agency) policy making, rather than internal departmental management.
- to establish fruitful working relationships and collaborative projects with staff in other departments and research centres, to contribute to the standing of the University as a centre of excellence in public sector policy studies and management development.
- to carry out this work with a comparative, cross-national perspective, building links with relevant academics and policy makers, particularly in Europe and America.
- to publish and disseminate the results of this work, not only in academic books and journals, but also through conferences, seminars and publications for policy makers, and more widely in the media.
The members of the Local Government Centre shall consist of its academic staff, associate fellows, visiting fellows and other people approved by the Executive Committee of the Centre.
The Director of the Centre
- There shall be a Director of the Local Government Centre who shall be appointed on the recommendation of the Dean of the Warwick Business School. The appointment shall be for three years initially, with an annual review and rolling forward of the contract.
- The Director shall be responsible to the Dean of the Warwick Business School for the planning, direction and implementation of the Centre's strategy and programme.
Mathematics Research Centre (MRC)
Director: Professor M. Reid, BA, PhD, FRS
Aims of the MRC
The aims of the MRC are to promote research in mathematics, to attract visitors to the Centre and to create conditions for fruitful scientific interaction between these visitors, the members of the Department of Mathematics, and the wider mathematical community in Britain and overseas.
Function of the MRC
The MRC is an integral part of the Department of Mathematics. Its functions are: to plan, co-ordinate and organise a programme of research symposia, workshops and other visit-based research activities in the mathematical sciences; to help provide the funds, resources and administrative facilities which these activities require; and to look after the needs of the visitors during their stay in Warwick.
Officers of the MRC
The officers of the MRC are the Director and the Deputy Director who are elected by the Department of Mathematics for a period of five years; each appointment is renewable. The Director has overall responsibility for the affairs of the MRC, and the Deputy Director shall assist the Director in running the MRC and deputise for the Director in his absence.
MRC Steering Committee
The members of the Steering Committee are as follows:- The Director of the MRC in the Chair.
- The Deputy Director of the MRC.
- The Chair of the Department of Mathematics.
- Three members of the Department of Mathematics, one elected each year for a period of three years.
One member of the University not in the Department of Mathematics, appointed by the Department of Mathematics for a period of three years. - Three or members external advisors, one appointed each year by the Senate on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics for a period of three years.
- A representative of the London Mathematical Society, nominated by the EPSRC and appointed by the Steering Committee for a period of three years.
- To advise the Director on all aspects of MRC affairs, and to approve the MRC programme.
- To receive from the Director an annual report on the activities of the MRC, and to evaluate their success.
- To receive from the Director an annual financial statement covering all funds administered by the MRC, to advise the Director on the allocation of these funds, and to consider plans for future funding.
- To receive the Minutes and the annual Budget of the Houses Subcommittee, and to approve its recommendations.
- To co-ordinate the activities of the MRC with those of similar institutions in Britain and elsewhere.
- To advise the Director on the long term development of the centre and to consider its scientific programme in the broad context of developments in the mathematical sciences, and the needs of the scientific community.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in December in the first week after the end of the University term unless, on receipt of future programmes, annual report, financial statement and papers from the Houses Sub-committee, the members agree that a meeting is not required. However such a meeting must be held at least once every four years. Other meetings may be called by the Director when necessary. Seven members shall constitute a quorum. The minutes of the Steering Committee meetings shall be circulated to members of the Department of Mathematics.
Houses Sub-Committee
This is a sub-committee of the MRC Steering Committee. Its members are as follows: - The Director of the MRC in the Chair.
- The Deputy Director of the MRC.
- The Business Manager of the MRC.
- A representative of the Estates Office.
- A representative of the Finance Office.
- The Registrar’s nominee.
- To receive from the Director the annual budget for the MRC houses and flats, and to recommend the sum which should be made available from its surplus for the scientific activities of the MRC.
- To oversee and advise on the repairs and renewals programme for the MRC houses and flats.
- To recommend the current rents for the MRC houses and flats.
The Houses Sub-Committee shall meet annually in September and shall report to the MRC Steering Committee. Its recommendations must be approved by the MRC Steering Committee; approval may be given by action from the Chair, or by a meeting of the Steering Committee.
Administration of the MRC
The Director shall be responsible for all aspects of the administration of the MRC, and for the planning and the direction of its work. The Director will control the use of all MRC funds within the terms laid down by the Steering Committee. The Director shall submit an annual report, including financial statements for all funds administered by the MRC, to the MRC Steering Committee. The annual report will be circulated to all members of the Department of Mathematics, as will the minutes of the meetings of the Steering Committee.
All proposals for scientific activities and all plans for future developments must have the approval of the Department of Mathematics. This may be given by action from the Chair or by a full departmental meeting.
Modern Records Centre
Director: Ms A. Bell, BA, MA
The Modern Records Centre was established in 1973 with substantial help from the Leverhulme Trust. It is located within the Library under the direction of the Librarian. The aims and objectives of the Centre are to search out and make available for research purposes, and for posterity, the primary sources for British political, social and economic history, with particular reference to labour history, industrial relations and industrial politics.
The Director of the Centre
The Director of the Centre shall be the Librarian, who shall be responsible to the Senate and the Council for the direction of the work of the Centre, and for its administration and financial management. The Director shall be advised by an Academic Committee and an Advisory Board in accordance with their terms of reference as set out below.
Academic Committee
- There shall be an Academic Committee of the Centre with the following terms of reference:
- to maintain a broad oversight of the work of the Centre and to advise the Director on its development;
- to advise the Director on the resource requirements of the Centre;
- to receive an Annual Report from the Director and to forward it with such comments as may be appropriate to the Advisory Board, the Library Committee, the Senate and the Council.
- The membership of the Academic Committee shall be as follows:
- the Chair (the Librarian);
- the Archivist, ex officio;
- up to six members of the academic staff of the University who are involved in the work of the Centre appointed by the Senate, for a period of three years, from 1st October in any given year, which shall be renewable.
The Academic Committee shall meet as required but normally not less than twice a year.
- There shall be an Academic Committee of the Centre with the following terms of reference:
Advisory Board
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre with the following terms of reference:
- to advise on co-operation between the Centre and other bodies and on the promotion of its work by the acquisition of finance and in such other ways as may be appropriate;
- to advise on the collection, location, preservation and scholarly exploitation of relevant primary sources;
- to receive and comment upon the Director's Annual Report.
- The membership of the Advisory Board shall be as follows:
- the Chair;
- the Librarian, ex officio;
- the Archivist, ex officio;
- the six academic members of the Academic Committee;
- up to six members external to the University appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Academic Committee;
- one representative of the TUC and one representative of the CBI nominated by their respective organisations;
- up to four members co-opted by the Board.
- Members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed for a period of three years from 1st October in any given year, and appointments shall be renewable. No appointed member may serve for a period of more than nine consecutive years without a break in service of at least one year.
- The Advisory Board shall normally meet at least once a year.
- There shall be an Advisory Board of the Centre with the following terms of reference:
Risk Initiative and Statistical Consultancy Unit
Director: Dr J. Fenlon, BSc, MSc
Aims of the Centre
The aims of the Centre are:- To provide a national focus for research and consultancy in the areas of risk and statistics and the interface between the two by:
- encouraging and conducting theoretical and empirical research and consultancy in this area;
- supporting postgraduate and post doctoral research programmes;
- attracting visiting and associate fellows interested in promoting the work of the Centre;
- promoting conferences, workshops and seminars in research and applications of risk and statistics and disseminating research results as widely as possible.
- To promote the understanding and use of statistics and risk in the UK;
- To foster close links with companies and other organisations concerned with the development and use of risk and statistics;
- To assist other organisations to benefit from the work of the Centre.
- To provide a national focus for research and consultancy in the areas of risk and statistics and the interface between the two by:
Establishment of the Centre
The Risk Initiative has been established by the Senate within the Department of Statistics.
- The Membership of the Centre shall consist of
- the academic staff of the Centre,
- research students under their supervision,
- other academic staff of the University who are engaged in research forming part of the Centre's programme,
- associate and visiting fellows,
- such other persons as may from time to time be approved by the Executive Committee of the Centre.
- Corporate Members shall consist of organisations which are signatories of the Corporate Membership Agreement.
- The Membership of the Centre shall consist of
The Director
There shall be a Director of the Centre who shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Statistics. The Director shall be responsible to the Advisory Committee for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of:- The Director, who shall be Chair of the Committee;
- The Chair of the Department of Statistics, ex officio;
- A member of the staff of Research Support Services;
- Up to three additional members at least one of whom shall be a member of the University.
Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet as and when necessary, normally at least three times a year. Its terms of reference are:- To review the progress of research projects undertaken by the Centre;
- To advise the Director on:
- projects to be undertaken by the Centre;
- funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Centre;
- the allocation of discretionary funds;
- the appointment of staff to the Centre in accordance with funding and with procedures approved by the Senate;
- all other matters relevant to the Centre.
The Executive Committee shall have a quorum of three.
Committee Procedure
Every matter to be determined by the Executive Committee shall be determined by the majority of members present and voting. In the case of equality of votes the Chair or other presiding officer shall have a casting vote.
- The Director shall supervise the funds of the Centre within the terms laid down by the Executive Committee, except that grants made to specific members of the Centre shall be the responsibility of those members, who shall keep the Director informed.
- The Director shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre.
- The Executive Committee shall be informed in the Director's Annual Report about the funds and accounts of the Centre.
- Nothing in this Constitution abrogates the overall responsibilities of the University Finance Officer.
Social Theory Centre
Directors: Dr R. Rogowski, Dr.IUR, Ass.IUR, LLM and Dr C. Turner, BA, PhD
Aims of the Centre
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research in social theory through:
- encouraging the development of research projects and research funding in the area of social theory;
- interdisciplinary collaboration of staff in the departments of the University where teaching and research in social theory is pursued;
- co-operation between researchers in social theory in the University and researchers in other institutions in the UK and abroad.
- the identification and promotion of interdisciplinary research programmes, particularly in relation to ESRC selected themes.
- To enhance collaboration, research and the profile of social theory in the University through:
- the organisation of symposia, conferences, day schools, seminar programmes and visiting lectures to stimulate as well as disseminate study and research;
- the hosting of visiting fellows from other institutions in the UK and abroad.
- To facilitate the dissemination of research findings through:
- the production and distribution of Warwick Papers in Social Theory;
- the encouragement of journal and book publications;
- the development of an edited book series.
- To encourage the development of graduate research in social theory in the University through publication of student research and student participation in other Centre activities.
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research in social theory through:
The members of the Centre shall include academic and research staff from the University teaching or researching in the area of social theory; visiting fellows and other visiting scholars working in this area of social theory; and other individuals who may from time to time be approved by the Executive Committee. Membership will be based on self-selection.
The Directors
- The Directors shall be appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- The Directors shall be responsible for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
- The Directors shall be appointed for a period of three years, the appointments being renewable.
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Centre consisting of the Director of the Centre and up to eight other appointees of the Centre.
- Other members may be co-opted by the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee will meet as necessary, chaired by the Director, to promote the work of the Centre, undertake new projects, advise the Director on the allocation of discretionary funds and maintain a broad overview of the work of the Centre.
- The members of the Programme Committee will be appointed for a period of up to three years renewable. Student members will be appointed for a period of one year renewable.
Advisory Committee
- There will be an Advisory Committee of the Centre whose terms of reference are:
- to advise on and assist in the overall work and running of the Centre;
- to validate the work of the Centre both in the University and in the outside world;
- to consider the Annual Reports of the Directors of the Centre;
- to advise the Senate through the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences about the activities and plans of the Centre;
- to meet at least once every three years to review the work of the Centre.
- Members of the Advisory Committee will be:
- three academics who are not members of the University, one of whom will be elected by the Committee as Chair of the Committee;
- the Directors of the Centre;
- two members of the Executive Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee.
- two other representatives appointed by the Executive Committee who are not members of the Executive committee.
- Members of the Advisory Committee will be appointed for a period of up to three years renewable.
- There will be an Advisory Committee of the Centre whose terms of reference are:
Warwick Centre for Memory Studies
Acting Director: Dr A.D. Hoskins, BA(Hons), PhD
Deputy Director: Dr K. Wade, BSc, PhD
Aims of the Centre
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research in the field of memory studies through the following:
- the identification of viable research projects and the subsequent development and coordination of intra- and inter-institution bids for external funding;
- Interdisciplinary collaboration of staff in the departments of the University where teaching and research in memory studies is pursued;
- The encouragement and establishment of collaboration with non-academic user communities;
- To enhance collaboration, research and the profile of the study of memory in the University through:
- Interdisciplinary collaboration of staff in the departments of the University where teaching and research in memory occurs;
- The organisation of symposia, conferences, seminar programmes and visiting lectures to stimulate as well as disseminate study and research;
- The hosting of visiting fellows from other institutions in the UK and abroad;
- Engagement with University initiatives and organizations as appropriate (i.e. The Institute for Advanced Study).
- The encouragement of the development of graduate research in the interdisciplinary study of memory in the University through publication of student research and student participation in Centre activities.
- To facilitate the dissemination of research findings through:
- Interdisciplinary collaboration of staff in the departments of the University where teaching and research in memory occurs;
- The encouragement of journal and book publications;
- The development of an edited book series.
- To attract ESRC Research Centre Funding.
- To provide a focus for interdisciplinary research in the field of memory studies through the following:
Hosting and Membership
The Centre will be principally hosted by the Department of Sociology. Members will include: academic and research staff and postgraduate students drawn from across the University teaching or researching in the area of memory studies, and visiting fellows and other visiting scholars working in this area of memory studies. In addition, associate members (academic and research students and staff and postgraduate students external to the university) will be encouraged to join to establish the national and international network of the Centre. Membership and Associate membership will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
The Director
- The Director shall be appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Social Studies and nominated by the Chair of the Department of Sociology.
- The Director shall be responsible for the planning, direction and execution of the Centre's affairs.
- The Director shall be appointed for a period of three years, the appointments being renewable.
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Centre consisting of the Director of the Centre, the Deputy Director of the Centre, and up to eight other members of the Centre appointed by the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee will meet as necessary, chaired by the Director, to promote the work of the Centre, undertake new projects, advise the Director on the allocation of discretionary funds and maintain a broad overview of the work of the Centre.
- The members of the Executive Committee will be appointed for a period of up to three years renewable.
Warwick Systems Biology Centre
Director: Professor D. Rand, BSc, PhD
Aims of the centre
- To enhance life sciences research at Warwick by the development of multidisciplinary research programmes.
- To collaborate with Warwick's other life science departments to build a cross-departmental life sciences research programme.
- To build multidisciplinary capacity using exemplar projects and a wide range of approaches to training, outreach and team building.
- To attract and retain high quality researchers, from all areas relating to Systems Biology
- To develop Systems Biology as a central approach in biological and biomedical research and to produce a new breed of broader researcher who spans disciplinary divides.
- To raise the external profile of the University in the field of Systems Biology, and thereby in science in general.
- To obtain substantial grant funding for research and to strengthen the University's position when applying for large-scale funding and to ensure that such opportunities are successfully exploited.
- All staff of WSB shall be included in its membership. Staff will be appointed either to the Centre or jointly to the Centre and to a participating department, including, but not exclusively, the Departments of Mathematics, Life Sciences, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and the Warwick Medical School. Staff may be seconded from other departments in which case they will be full members of the Centre. Any appointment or secondment wholly or partly to the Centre entails a commitment to the ongoing work of the Centre. For those appointments made jointly with other departments, administative and reporting and monitoring arrangements should be agreed between all relevant departments prior to the commencement of the contract.
- Any member of staff of the University involved in, or associated with, the work of WSB can be appointed to membership of WSB by the Management Committee.
- Students may be members of the Centre and may also be registered with a department working jointly with the Centre as appointed by the Management Committee.
The Director of the Centre
- The Director shall be appointed by the Committee on the Appointment of Heads of Department for a period of three years, the appointment being renewable.
- The Director shall be responsible for the implementation of the strategy of the Centre, for achieving the aims of the Centre and for guiding its development.
- All members of the department shall be responsible to the Director through whatever decision-making and management structures the Director from time-to-time approves.
- The Director shall supervise and manage the funds of the Centre subject to the University's financial regulations and is accountable to the Academic Resourcing Committee for the management of the Centre's budget and its planning.
- The Director shall be the Chair of the Management Committee of the Centre.
- The Director shall prepare annually a self-assessment report for consideration by the Research Committee and the Academic Resourcing Committee, which analyses the performance of the Centre.
- The Director shall attend meetings as required with the Academic Resourcing Committee as part of the annual planning round at which he/she may be invited to discuss their assessment of the performance of the Centre.
- The Director shall lead the Centre's engagement with the University's strategic periodic review process, noting that WSB is reviewed independently.
- The Director may appoint a Deputy Director in consultation with the Centre's Management Committee.
Management Committee
There shall be a Management Committee of the Centre which shall normally meet a least once per term.- Membership
The membership of the Committee shall consist of:
- the Director, ex officio (in the chair)
- the Deputy Director as and when appointed
- the heads of the School of Life Sciences and the Dapartment of Mathematics or their nominees
- the Dean of the Warwick Medical School or the Dean's nominee
- the Chair of the Faculty of Science
- up to two other members of WSB appointed by the Management Committee.
- Membership
The Management Committee is responsible for:
- advising the Director on the day-to-day administration and activities of the Centre including:
- the development of the research programme;
- funding initiatives to be undertaken by the Centre;
- the appointment of staff to the Centre in accordance with funding and with the procedures approved by the Senate and the Council;
- issues relating to staff with joint appointments;
- reviewing the progress of research projects undertaken by the Centre:
- supporting the Director in monitoring the allocation of discretionary funds and issues relating to the financial management of the Centre.
- advising the Director on the day-to-day administration and activities of the Centre including:
- Membership
- The Director shall supervise the funds of the Centre subject to the University's Financial Regulations.
- The Director of the Centre shall authorise expenditure from funds allocated to the Centre, and is responsible to the Academic Resourcing Committee to ensure that expenditure is within the funds allocated to the Centre.
- Nothing in this constitution abrogates the overall responsibility of the University Finance Director.