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Regulation 23 Section 1.1 - Examples of Misconduct

The examples below do not imply a parity of severity and include both minor cases of misconduct that will be dealt with under Regulation 27, and more serious examples which are dealt with under Regulation 23.

  • a breach of University regulations or policies e.g. smoking in prohibited areas, ignoring fire alarms, bringing a shopping trolley onto campus
  • refusal to respond to reasonable requests by University staff
  • anti-social conduct, including causing a public nuisance by drunkenness or disorderly conduct
  • minor damage to property, including but not exclusive to, as a result of fly posting to University property
  • a serious or persistent breach of University regulations or policies
  • repeated or persistent misconduct offences, or multiple concurrent misconduct
  • refusal to pay a fine or observe another sanction imposed under University regulations
  • repeated parking offences
  • significant breach of health and safety requirements, endangering the wellbeing of students, staff and visitors (including but not exclusive to inappropriately setting off or tampering fire or other safety equipment in a University building)
  • misconduct in connection with degree, diploma or certificate examinations
  • falsification or serious misuse of University records, including degree or diploma certificates
  • false pretences or impersonation of others, within or outside the University, including but not limited to in connection with academic attainments or financial awards
  • theft or fraud (including but not limited to misapplication of or gross negligence in connection with funds or property of any kind)
  • assault, affray or causing physical harm
  • threatening, offensive or indecent behaviour
  • riotous or disorderly conduct causing serious damage to or on University property or premises or seriously affecting good order within or outside the University
  • offences against the criminal law, where these offences involve other students or directly affect the interests of the University (including but not limited to possession, use or supply of illegal substances in accordance with the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971)
  • bullying, harassment, unlawful discrimination, hate crime or other breaches of the Dignity Principles
  • Racist behaviour, micro and macro-aggressions towards Black, Asian and minority ethnic students including but not limited to racist language or memes, denial of individual racism, criticism of cultural style, values or language
  • conduct which, by whatever means, puts at serious risk other members of the University community, seriously disrupts or prejudices the work of other members or employees of the University or disrupts members of the public using University premises
  • conduct which, by whatever means, interferes with the normal operation of the University’s business or which is likely to bring the University into disrepute.

Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Abuse

Allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Abuse are dealt with under the University’s Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Abuse Policy, which can be found here: