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Academic Strategy Committee

Jump down to Reporting StructureMembership
Jump down to Reporting StructureTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to Reporting StructureSecretariat
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Membership 2023/24

Provost (Chair)

Professor Emma Flynn

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)

Professor Michael Scott

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Caroline Meyer

Group Finance Director or nominee

Sam McClenaghan (Deputy Finance Director)


Professor Rachel Moseley (Arts)

Professor Mike Ward (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Professor James Hayton (Social Sciences)

Academic Registrar

Adam Child
In Attendance:

Finance Director

Faculty Directors of Administration:

Diana Stonefield (Arts)

Ruth Cooper (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Jackie Clarke (Social Sciences)

Terms of Reference


To provide strategic oversight of the University’s academic strategy on behalf of UEB including the development, review, implementation and impact of the Education and Research strategies, ensuring financial sustainability and ability to respond to new opportunities and challenges.

1. To provide strategic co-ordination and leadership on behalf of UEB ensuring the University delivers excellence in education, research and impact.

2. To consider recommendations to and from ARC on resourcing academic activity within and across departments.

3. To provide oversight for development and response to key sectoral evaluation requirements e.g. REF, TEF, NSS, international and national rankings and league tables, making recommendations or institutional action to improve the University position, regularly reviewing the impact of any changes.

4. To have oversight of Faculty Risk Registers and academic-related risks within the University’s Strategic Risk Registers, and to develop and monitor mitigations where required.

5. To ensure that the impact of academic resourcing decisions on other areas such as capital space and planning, professional and support services, commercial services and core academic infrastructure are considered and referred to other bodies as appropriate.

6. To consider, at an early stage, proposed new opportunities for research and education partnerships.

7. To monitor wider social, political and economic factors within the UK and globally impacting upon ability to deliver excellence in education and research and develop appropriate responses.

8. To ensure other strategic objectives detailed in the University strategy appropriately inform the development of research and education.

9. To provide oversight and governance as appropriate for major and strategic academic investments.

10. To receive reports from / recommendation as required:

  • Academic Resourcing Committee
  • Student Recruitment Strategy Group
  • Education Committee
  • Research Committee
  • International Committee (reports into ASC)
  • Education Executive
  • Research Executive

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Reporting Structure

The Academic Strategy Committee reports to the University Executive Board.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Gemma Richardson (Senior Assistant Registrar, Strategic Planning)

Assistant Secretary: Claire Wightman (Planning Coordinator, Strategic Planning)


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Dates of meetings of the Academic Strategy Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

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