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Examinations Committee

Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
Jump down to SecretariatSecretariat
Jump down to MeetingsMeetings

Membership 2023/24

Co-Chair of AQSC (Chair) Professor Andrew Clark
Academic Director of UG studies TBC
Academic Director of PGT studies Lee Griffin
Director of Student Administrative Services Andrew Higgins
Director of Education Policy and Quality (or nominee) Dr Lynne Bayley, Senior Policy Advisor (nominee)
Dean of Students (or nominee) Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper, Deputy Dean of Students (nominee)
Examinations Manager (or nominee) Jo Latimer
Assistant Director of Student Administrative Services (or nominee) Sharon Miles
Head of Disability Services, Wellbeing Support Service Damien Homer
Two nominees from each of the Faculty Education Committees (to be nominated by the Chairs)

Professor David Fearn (Arts)
Dr James MacDowell (Arts)
Professor David Davies (Science, Engineering and Medicine)
Dr Michael Pounds (Science, Engineering and Medicine)
Dr Chris Rogers (Social Sciences)
Dr Christopher Strelluf (Social Sciences)

Student Union Education VP sabbatical officer (or their nominee) Holly Roffe
Representative from the Academic Technology Team Natasha Nakariakova
Representative from the Timetabling Team Joey Micklewright

Co-opted member

Dr Daniel Franklin

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Terms of Reference

1. To consider and make recommendations to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on strategic matters relating to policy/regulatory development in support of assessment processes and procedures for taught courses.

2. To consider the administrative and technical implications of University policy changes and initiatives for the operation of the assessment process.

3. To consider and approve submissions from academic departments for assessment requests such as:

  • Online assessment scheduling constraints
  • Assessment requirements including reading time and open book examinations
  • Reasonable adjustments in respect of requests for a variation from the preferred model of online assessments

4. To consider, and approve as necessary, alternative assessment arrangements for individual students requested on personal grounds as approved by Faculty Education Chairs (for example, not wishing to participate in a scheduled proctored examination).

5. To define and monitor the roles of online and, where appropriate, in person assessment invigilators and to approve the University’s guidelines for invigilation.

6. To define and monitor the roles of departmental Chief Examinations Correspondents.

7. To approve rules and protocols for the administration and conduct of online assessment sessions.

8. To approve annually the schedule for the publication of online assessment timetables.

9. In relation to exceptional in person assessments, where appropriate, to determine a protocol to govern the general availability of University assessment venues and review it as necessary in the light of prevailing circumstances.

10. In relation to exceptional in person examinations, to assess annually the accommodation needs of the University’s examinations programme and make appropriate decisions and recommendations for their fulfilment.

11. To keep under review the effectiveness of the assessment process on at least an annual basis with a view to making subsequent recommendations for necessary amendments to governing policy or operational practice accordingly.

12. To make recommendations and referrals to senior managers and/or other University committees as appropriate.

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Reporting Structure

The Examinations Committee reports to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee.

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Sharon Miles, Assistant Director (Student Administrative Services)

Assistant Secretary: Nisia Pacelli, Administrative Officer, Modules Marks and Assessments, Student Administrative Services

Papers for consideration by the Examinations Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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The next Examinations Committee meeting will take place at 10 a.m. on the 3rd July 2024.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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