Corruption Risk Indicators
The following external sites provide information, together with a number of indicators that can be used for due diligence and when assessing the potential corruption risks of any new proposed academic or business partnership, overseas activity, collaboration or joint venture.
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index: Ranks countries and territories based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be. It is a composite index, a combination of polls, drawing on corruption-related data collected by a variety of reputable institutions. The CPI reflects the views of observers from around the world.
Worldwide Governance Indicators: These are based on a long-standing research program of the World Bank and capture six dimensions of governance.
The Risk & Compliance Portal (formerly The Business Anti-Corruption Portal): The “one-stop shop” for global anti-corruption compliance. The Portal is a referenced tool in the Bribery Act 2010: Quick Start Guide and is cited by the UN, the OECD, the World Bank, the IFC and Transparency International. It is funded and produced by GAN, a global software and consulting services company shaping how industry leaders manage regulatory compliance risks. The portal provides country profiles.
GOV.UK has also published a series of documents with information on how UK companies can control risks when doing business in certain countries.
Please note: the above sites are external to the University of Warwick.