News and Information
Revision to the 'Leadership and Management of Health and Safety at the University of Warwick' document
The University of Warwick's guidance on the health and safety responsibilities of Senior Officers, Heads of Departments, Managers, Supervisers, Principal Investigators and Academic staff and other staff and students, entitled 'Leadership and Management of Health and Safety', has been revised and approved. It can be found with the latest revision of the Health and Policy statement on the University of Warwick's Health and Safety Policy webpageLink opens in a new window.
Revision to 'Departmental Health and Safety Policy' document
In reviewing the requirements for ISO45001, the University has reviewed and revised the Departmental Health and Safety Policy document (template)Link opens in a new window that Department's/School's can adapt as their own. This includes statements around striving for continual improvement in health and safety and a commitment to consult and engage workers and worker's representatives in changes that could impact on their health, safety or wellbeing. It also looks to strengthen the ties between departmental health and safety committees and the senior management team, such that health and safety objectives, performance and significant issues are brought to the attention of the senior management team in a more formal manner.
LEV Code of Practice, LEV Training and Logbooks
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems are an engineering control that can provide a very effective means of inhalation exposure control. If relying on these types of systems to protect you, then you need to know how to check that they work effectively. LEV Training is now available via MoodleLink opens in a new window, This is currently aimed at those working across the Science, Engineering and Medical Faculty, but can be completed by anyone, by self-enrolment. In addition, there is a Code of Practice and Logbook templates that can be used to record user checks, maintenance and issues found with your LEV system. These are all available to download from our LEV webpagesLink opens in a new window. The latest that has been added are videosLink opens in a new window showing how an anemometer can be used to carry out the monthly checks required if following a quantitative approach. The alternative is to use a smoke generator or smoke pen for a qualitative check that the LEV system is working effectively. Whichever method is used, results must be recorded in the associated Logbook. A LEV newsletter is available to remind LEV users about the basic requirements.
Revision to the Asbestos Management arrangements
The Asbestos Management Arrangements have been revised. The latest version can be found from the Asbestos Management webpagesLink opens in a new window.
Guidance for home working
When working from home, whether using a desktop PC, laptop or with paper-based activities, then the work is generally ‘low-risk’, but there are simple measure that staff can take to reduce risk further.
A checklistLink opens in a new window has been developed to provide information on what measures you should try and put into place, as far as you reasonably can, to minimise any potential for problems when working from home during this exceptional period.
Information on social distancing is available from Public Health England.
There is also further information and resources for the public available from the World Health Organisation.
Chemical Safety - please see the Chemical Safety bulletin for information on good Chemical Safety management
Risk assessment eLearning module for staff and students
Risk assessment is a vital tool for ensuring that activities across the University are carried out safely and with minimal risk to the health and wellbeing of staff, students and visitors. We carry out risk assessments to ensure we’re identifying any existing or potential hazards – and with that knowledge, we develop measures to eliminate, reduce or control the risks. These risks might be to people, property, the environment or our business – whatever the focus, the aim is to produce safer and healthier conditions in which we all work, study, live and play.
The 25-minute interactive eLearning module is designed to help staff and students to understand risk assessment. It is now available to complete online. If you require a comprehensive knowledge of what a risk assessment is and how to write a risk assessment in accordance with the University’s policy, guidance and UK Health & Safety laws, you can self-enrol, access and complete the course on Moodle.Link opens in a new window
If a fire is detected on campus, the University’s goal is to ensure that all colleagues evacuate buildings in a prompt and safe manner. This relies on a number of factors, such as:
• sounders operating correctly in all areas
• escape routes being clear
• final exit doors releasing/opening properly
• colleagues behaving appropriately in response to an alarm activation.
The only way to test that the fire arrangements in all buildings are robust and working is through planned fire evacuation drills. As a result, fire evacuation drills will be carried out across all buildings throughout the academic year 2017-18.
How to familiarise yourself with your local fire arrangements:
• Locate and read your nearest ‘Fire action’ notice, which is a blue sign next to fire exits and on the back of doors in accommodation blocks.
• Make sure you understand the action to take in the event of a fire – familiarise yourself with your escape route(s) and emergency gathering point.
What to do in the event of an emergency:
• If you detect a fire, raise the alarm using the means available and evacuate immediately.
• If you hear a fire alarm, evacuate immediately. It could be a real fire – do not assume that it is a drill.
• Do not re-enter the building until you have been given permission to do so by a member of the emergency response team.
What to do if you notice a problem:
• If you notice any problems with any fire safety measures (such as detectors, alarm points, signage, escape routes or extinguishers) report them immediately to your manager/supervisor/academic tutor or through the Health and Safety or the Estates helpdesks (available via the respective websites).
Click here to see what you should do in the event of an emergency.
If you bring contractors into the University to conduct work on the University's behalf, then the revised contractor pages contain relevant health and safety information to help you discharge your health and safety responsibilities. The pages also include a link to the SSiP portal, the health and safety questionnaire, the University of Warwick Contractor Code of Conduct (that contractors must sign up to work to) and the contractor Health and Safety Induction video that should be used to induct all contractors coming onto the University to carry out work.
The Estates Department have developed a Code of Practice outlining the general requirements and options available within departments for the Inspection and Testing of Portable Electical Appliances. Heads of Department, Senior Administrators, Technical staff and Managers with responsibilty for 'PAT' testing should read the document available here and take actions as necessary.
If you are responsible for research please click the link to the latest safety bulletin where you will find links to The Responsible Research document. This provides advice and guidance as well as case studies demonstrating how you can conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments to manage the risks involved. This bulletin outlines the recent prosecution of a university where they failed to do this.
Evacuation procedures have been established for the Gibbet Hill campus which include the implementation of the Evacuation Tag System, and the creation of a Local Incident Response Team.
West Midlands Police has become the first force in the UK to specifically target drivers who ‘close pass’ cyclists, using officers on camera-equipped bikes to film any driver operating without due car and attention. Drivers are expected to adhere to a 1.5m safety zone when passing cyclists, and WM Police have said that repeat offenders will be prosecuted. Read more from the BBC
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