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Portfolio Delivery

About Portfolio Delivery

Portfolio Delivery define and operate best practice standards for delivering change.

We deliver University projects and products in a consistent and meaningful way, using robust methodology and governance models, and utilising continuous improvement to ensure the University sees the tangible benefits of the change initiative and investment.

Kim Dalziel, Portfolio Delivery Director

We prioritise value and work closely with real users and experts to understand their needs. We strive to deliver high quality outputs using a data driven approach to enable University decision makers to have all the information they need to make effective decisions.

Our teams manage various projects focused on key areas such as Student Lifecycle, Teaching & Learning, Research, Professional Services, Digital Communication Channels, and Enabling Platforms, following the Higher Education Reference Model as developed by UCISA, CAUDIT, and EDUCAUSE as a framework for Higher Education functions, guiding our approach to projects and products. We view our products as University services or experiences, like Student Recruitment or HR, and our teams support these services with continuous improvement efforts. Projects have specific goals and outcomes and may transition to product teams once completed. Each product has a roadmap aligned with University strategy and feedback, aiming for proactive improvements.

Kim Dalziel, Portfolio Delivery Director
