MyFiles Web - the main screen

The Main Screen
The main screen of MyFiles Web is similar to many common desktop file managers.The left-hand pane shows the available folders, and the right-hand pane shows the files and folders within the folder which is currently selected. Students will generally only see their H-Drive folder. Staff and some postgraduates also get the departmental shared folders, in the form of the M-Drive, as is available on computers running the Managed Windows 7 Desktop.
Across the top are icons representing the actions available for the currently selected object. These actions are also available as a right-click menu.
If an item has been added recently, there will be a yellow
icon next to it. Similarly, items that have been changed recently will have a blue

In the top right, you can select the interface language, and the mobile version of the page. The top right corner also holds the logout button. It is very important if you are using a public browser that you use this to log out of your session, and then close the web browser.