Bespoke Development
What is Bespoke Development?
We will work with individual leaders and managers, or departmental leadership or management teams, to identify, design, deliver, commission and evaluate development interventions that are specifically aligned to your needs.

When is Bespoke Development appropriate?
The development is solely for those in leadership or management roles.
This includes both individuals and leadership teams.
It provides leadership skill development that is aligned to the Leadership and Management Skills Map.
Our development solution is not already available through an existing programme, short-course, digital learning, coaching or mentoring solution.
What are some examples of Bespoke Development?
o Individual or group coaching.
o Individual leadership development advice.
o Individual or group 360-degree feedback and personality profiling diagnostic work.
o Departmental leadership team development, for example building trust and working relationships.
o A whole-team skill development need such as giving impactful presentations or strategic thinking.
o Employee Engagement Survey action planning and implementation which is linked to leadership and management outcomes.
o Leadership development consultancy and advice; learning needs analysis; preparation of recommendations and proposals.
o Researching and commissioning specialist external leadership development providers.
o Facilitation of developmental away-days.
Is there a cost?
There is no cost for services provided by the Leadership and Management Development team; identifying learning needs, design, internal delivery, commissioning, evaluation and associated administration of bespoke development.
Your department will need to cover the cost of additional requirements such as conference centre hire, catering, 360 degree feedback or personality profiling diagnostics and services provided by external providers.
What should I do if I require Bespoke Development for myself or a leadership team in my department?
Speak to your HR Manager in the first instance. They will liaise with the Leadership and Management Development team on your behalf.
Before you meet with your HR Manager please consider these questions and complete the scoping proforma below:
If you have any other questions please contact us at where our team will be on hand to support you.