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Requesting coaching for a member of your team

This can occur in one of two formats depending on the extent to which you as the line manager wish to be involved in setting the focus of the coaching.

coach 1

2-Way Coaching Principles

Principle 1:

The Coaching conversation is confidential between the coachee and the coachee.

Principle 2:

The coachee sets the agenda for the coaching conversation

coach 2

3 -Way Coaching Principles

Principle 1:

A line manager would like the coachee to receive coaching to address a particular development need.

Principle 2:

The line manager is legitimately setting part of the agenda for the coaching.

Principle 3:

The line manager will attend meetings at the start, midpoint and end of the 3-way coaching relationship.

Principle 4:

The ways of working including confidentiality are agreed and are transparent between all parties throughout the 3-way contracting relationship.

Ways of Working

Coming soon...

Booking Form