Seminar Overview
Date, venue and booking
The Focus of the Session:
Bayesian approaches to statistics recognise that, despite the investigators'
intention to be completely objective, their prior knowledge will inevitably affect
the analysis. So Bayesian approaches explicitly include such knowledge so that
its effect may be examined through sensitivity analysis. Perhaps more
importantly in practical terms Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods enable
one to analyse data using a much wider range of distributions to model the data
generation process: one is not tied to normality or any of the other
analytically tractable distributions used in other approaches. The session will
cover a little of the theory, but mainly focus on two applications which
demonstrate the power of the approach.
Who is it for?
This series is open to Research Assistants/Post Docs/Research Fellows, etc (ie. all staff doing research: this does not include research students).
Thursday 25th April
Wolfson Research Exchange
(3rd floor, library)
Book a place
Catering provided
Tea/coffee/water on arrival, plus a bag lunch for your convenience: complete the lunch details on the booking form.
Any questions?
Contact Lisa Lavender
Learning and Development Centre